2018年第21届国际超声内镜研讨会(EUS 2018) |
◆ 会议时间:2018年12月1-2日
◆ 会议地点:泰国 曼谷
◆ 会议简介:
第二十一届国际超声内镜波研讨会(EUS 2018)将于2018年12月1日至2日在泰国曼谷举行。为期两天的EUS 2018将由以下几个部分组成,包括:前沿的讲座、实用的教程和圆桌会议;EUS操作程序现场演示;顶尖的专家将展示他们在该领域最具争议话题方面的发现见解;视频演示和现场直播。
Since the 1st EUS symposium was held in 1982 in Stockholm, EUS technology has increasingly become a ‘must have’, both for diagnostic and interventional purposes. Against this backdrop, we have designed an innovative program for EUS 2018 in which all the key topics in EUS will be shared by faculty using platforms & tools that are matched to the desired teaching outcomes. Our intent is to ensure that we achieve the most effective knowledge and skill transfer possible over these very important two days.
To ensure that the symposium is truly learner-centric, EUS 2018 will encourage discussion among participants, actively engaging all attendees with the goal of building a consensus. Highlights include the live demonstrations that will be streamed from King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital to showcase the new imaging technologies, EUS-FNA/FNB and EUS interventional treatments. At the end of each demonstration, 2-3 issues will be selected for audience voting and discussion.
Participants will also be given the opportunity to participate in voting and discussion on other challenging cases like the management of pancreatic mass, chronic pancreatitis, cystic lesion, biliary and pseudocyst drainage procedures. We will have a session on evidence-based practice on Day 2, and another on what the experts from the East and West wish to have.
From now until the meeting, we will be working hard to ensure that EUS 2018 meets the current and future needs of EUS practitioners from around the world. We look forward to welcoming your active participation in what we believe will be an exciting symposium here in the fabulous city of Bangkok.
◆ 参会对象:
政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。 |
会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);
咨询报名: |
李老师 |
400-089-1003(微信扫描右侧二维码咨询) |
领域国际医学会议网——专注专业的国际医学会议服务商,专业服务医学相关群体! |