◆ 会议时间:2019年5月1-4日
◆ 会议地点:美国 新奥尔良
◆ 下届会议:2020年第33届美国儿科血液学肿瘤学会年会(ASPHO2020)
◆ 会议简介:
More than 1,100 pediatric hematology/oncology professionals from around the world attend the ASPHO Conference. A flagship meeting for the field, the ASPHO Conference allows attendees to receive high-quality educational content, network with their colleagues, and discover innovative advancements in pediatric hematology/oncology.
Attendees receive superior educational programming from internationally known experts in the field of pediatric hematology/oncology. The educational programming includes a dynamic variety of symposia, workshops, plenary sessions, and poster sessions
2019 Call for Papers and Posters : November 1, 2018-January 8, 2019
Member Registration Rates
Regular Member $565
Allied Member $325
Trainee Member $265
Emeritus Member $265
International Registration Rates
International (Lower Middle/Low Income Economy*) $220
International (Upper Middle/High Income Economy*) $565
*As defined by the World Bank
Nonmember Registration Rates
Nonmember $775
Allied Nonmember $425
Trainee Nonmember $345
Medical Student/Resident $75*
*Only available by phone, fax, or mail. Verification will be made before registration is processed.
Optional Events
Conference Recording before/after the conference: $99/$149
*PBMTC (Physicians and Allied Professionals): $140
*PBMTC (Trainee): $60
Clinical Conundrums (Wed./Sat.): $25
5K Fun Run: $25/$35 onsite
MOC Session: $50
Online MOC Post-Test: $50
Early Career Round Table Luncheon: $30
Division Directors Dinner Meeting: $100
Program Directors Dinner: $85
*When purchased as part of your ASPHO registration.
◆ 参会对象:
政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等 |