2019年世界睡眠大会(World Sleep 2019) |
◆ 会议时间:2019年9月20-25日
◆ 会议地点:加拿大 温哥华
◆ 下届会议:2021年世界睡眠大会(World Sleep 2021)
◆ 会议简介:
世界睡眠联合会(WSF)是一个于1988年成立的国际组织,由七个创始成员组成,包括美国睡眠医学学院,亚洲睡眠研究协会,澳大利亚睡眠协会,加拿大睡眠协会,欧洲睡眠研究协会,拉丁美洲睡眠协会联合会和睡眠研究学会,代表53个睡眠协会和组织及其12,000余名个人。 WSF每四年举办一次教育大会,最近一次会议于2015年在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行。
世界睡眠医学协会(WASM)是一个国际组织。WASM的根本任务是促进全球的睡眠健康。WASM代表40多个国家的600多名个人成员和13个学会成员。 WASM每两年在世界各地举行教育大会,最近一次会议在2015年韩国首尔举行(领域国际医学会议网翻译整理,未经许可,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容)。
World Sleep 2019 is a full scientific congress on sleep medicine and research taking place from September 20-25, 2019 in Vancouver, Canada. Our sleep congresses bring sleep professionals from more than 75 countries together to advance sleep health worldwide. The World Sleep Congress will provide participants from around the world with unmatched opportunities to exchange scientific ideas and experiences in sleep medicine. Join us to learn about recent advances in sleep medicine including up-to-date clinical and basic research techniques. World Sleep 2019 is organized by World Sleep Society (founded by World Association of Sleep Medicine and World Sleep Federation) and hosted by the Canadian Sleep Society.
重要日期/ Important dates are as follows:
DECEMBER 1, 2018: Oral & poster abstract submission begins
DECEMBER 1, 2018: Young or New Investigator application opens
FEBRUARY 15, 2019: Early acceptance abstract deadline
APRIL 30, 2019: Early registration rates end
JUNE 15, 2019: Oral and Young Investigator abstract deadline
AUGUST 1, 2019: Poster abstract deadline
AUGUST 15, 2019: Standard registration rates end
SEPTEMBER 20-25, 2019: World Sleep 2019 in Vancouver, Canada
What Does Registration Cover? Registration includes Sunday evening’s Opening Ceremony through Wednesday’s closing ceremony (September 22-25, 2019). Scientific sessions include keynotes, symposia and abstracts. Registration also covers entrance to exhibit hall and select networking events. Technologist registration includes the above as well as all-day Sunday technologist program plus access to the main scientific content. Pre-congress courses (September 21-22, 2019) are an additional fee.
NEW! All-Inclusive Registration: Pay one price for the All-Inclusive package to receive:
• Ground transportation (round trip between airport and hotel)
• Full congress registration badge
• Skip the registration line*
• 2019 World Sleep Society membership ($55 value)
• CME ($25 value)
• Breakfast and lunch vouchers, valid 9/23 to 9/25 ($90 value)
• Free companion pass for patient day and Opening Ceremony
• 1 Gala Dinner ticket with preferred seating ($95 value)
• 1 Half or full day course on Saturday or Sunday ($175 value)
注册费/World Sleep 2019 Congress Registration Cost (in US dollars)
(US dollars) |
(US dollars) |
(US dollars) |
Type: |
SEP 1, 2018 – APR 30, 2019 |
MAY 1, 2019 – AUG 15, 2019 |
AUG 16, 2019 – SEP 25, 2019 |
Delegate (Member) |
$350 |
$395 |
$500 |
Delegate (Nonmember) |
$475 |
$520 |
$650 |
Delegate (All-Inclusive) |
$775 |
$875 |
Unavailable |
Fellow / Resident / Young Investigator (Member) |
$300 |
$350 |
$425 |
Fellow / Resident / Young Investigator (Nonmember) |
$425 |
$475 |
$575 |
Technologist (Member) |
$190 |
$250 |
$350 |
Technologist (Nonmember) |
$315 |
$375 |
$475 |
Student (Member) |
$170 |
$200 |
$300 |
Student (Nonmember) |
$295 |
$325 |
$425 |
(US dollars) |
(US dollars) |
(US dollars) |
Course (Full Day Delegate) |
$165 |
$175 |
$200 |
Course (Half Day Delegate) |
$110 |
$125 |
$150 |
Course (Full Day Technologist / Student) |
$110 |
$125 |
$140 |
Course (Half Day Technologist / Student) |
$80 |
$90 |
$115 |
CME Fee |
$25 |
$25 |
$25 |
Gala Dinner (Individual Ticket) |
$75 |
$75 |
$95 |
Gala Dinner (Table of 8) |
$750 |
$750 |
$950 |
Affiliate Meetings May Change Additional Registration Fees |
$ |
$ |
$ |
◆ 参会对象:
政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。 |
会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);
咨询报名: |
李老师 |
400-089-1003(微信扫描右侧二维码咨询) |
领域国际医学会议网——专注专业的国际医学会议服务商,专业服务医学相关群体! |