◆ 会议时间:2020年9月12日至16日 会议取消
◆ 会议地点:美国 迈阿密/Miami, Florida
◆ 下期会议:2021年美国神经外科医师年会(CNS2021)
◆ 会议简介:
2020年第70届神经外科医师年会(CNS 2020)将于2020年9月12日至16日在美国佛罗里达州迈阿密举行。神经外科医师学会年会(CNS年会)是目前世界神经外科领域规模最大、学术水平最高的专业会议之一,有近3000名来自世界各地的专业人士与会。
神经外科医师学会(CNS)成立于1951年,是全球首屈一指的神经外科教育组织,致力于通过激励和促进科学发现及其向临床实践的转化,推动全球神经外科实践的发展,目前CNS在全球拥有超过9000名神经外科医师会员,CNS既代表机构名称(Congress of Neurological Surgeons-CNS),同时也是中枢神经系统(Central Nervous System-CNS)的首字母。CNS愿景是培养一流的神经外科医师,通过促进神经外科的教育和科学交流来增强健康和改善生活质量(未经本站许可,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网)。
2020 CNS Annual Meeting Cancellation and 2021 CNS Annual Meeting Announcement
Bringing the CNS 2020 and 2021 Annual Meetings Together for One Unforgettable Event!
The health and safety of our members and the patients you serve are extremely important. As we continue to monitor the current situation surrounding COVID-19 and anticipate what is to come, we have weighed the options for our upcoming meeting and have decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida.
Looking forward into the future, we are pleased to announce that the 2021 CNS Annual Meeting, put together by our 2021 committee and hosted in Austin, Texas, will be an unforgettable event containing highly anticipated educational and key industry-related components.
The 2021 meeting will retain our 2020 theme "Vision for the Future," because there is no better time to look forward with a focus on leadership, innovation, excellence, and resilience. At the 2021 CNS Annual Meeting, you can expect more of the data-driven science, first-rate speakers, and interactive learning opportunities for which the CNS is known.
Next October, you'll benefit from two presidential addresses from 2020 President Steven N. Kalkanis and 2021 President Brian L. Hoh, as well as Honored Guest presentations from 2020 Honored Guests Bob S. Carter and Mark L. Rosenblum, and 2021 Honored Guest William A. Friedman.
We will still be conducting the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, and CNS members will be invited to participate via digital format. More details are forthcoming. Refunds and housing cancellations will be processed. Registrants will receive separate communication on those topics.
The CNS community thrives on connections. The synergy that's created when thousands of leading neurosurgical professionals from across the globe come together at the CNS Annual Meeting is unparalleled. That's why we're providing you with an amazing opportunity to attend the CNS Annual Meeting, by combining the science and contributions of 2020 and 2021 together into one excellent meeting. We look forward to you joining us in Austin, because it's always bigger in Texas! |
Why Attend?
Once a year, thousands of neurosurgeons, physicians, and affiliates from around the globe come together to attend the CNS Annual Meeting. For 67 years, it has been the neurosurgery meeting doctors can’t miss! In fact, 92%* of previous attendees said they would attend the meeting again.
For the latest advancements in neurosurgery, you won't find a better ROI than the 2020 CNS Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida, on September 12–16!
Meeting Highlights:
Honored Guests Bob S. Carter and Mark L. Rosenblum
Expert, engaging speakers (details coming soon!)
More than 100 educational sessions including symposia, guidelines, and section sessions
Oral presentations in subspecialty Section Sessions
Late-breaking abstracts
Interactive Multimedia Research presentation session
Exhibit Hall and Booth Demos
Lunch and dinner seminars
Paper-of-the-Year awards from CNS journal Neurosurgery
Opportunity to earn substantial CME
Xperience Lounge Highlights:
Live surgeries via telemedicine
Device Innovation Showcase
Wellness Afternoon
Voices of Neurosurgery: The Unforgettable Moments
Innovator-of-the-Year presentations
Full-service coffee bar
Important Dates-重要日期
March 25 : Abstract Submission Deadline
March 31 : Early Bird Exhibitor Application Deadline
August 12 : Advance Registration Deadline
September 12–16 : 2020 CNS Annual Meeting
CNS 2020 注册费:
Registration Type |
Received on or Before
August 12, 2020 |
Received After
August 12, 2020 |
Active (Domestic) |
$750 |
$950 |
International |
$750 |
$950 |
Associate |
$750 |
$950 |
Active Duty Military |
$0 |
$0 |
Armed Forces (Guard/Reserve/Retiree) |
$475 |
$675 |
Transitional |
$750 |
$950 |
Resident (Domestic) |
$150 |
$250 |
International Vista Resident |
$150 |
$250 |
Fellow (Domestic & Int'l.) |
$200 |
$300 |
Senior |
$450 |
$650 |
Medical Student |
$0 |
$200 |
Affiliate |
$350 |
$550 |
Spouse |
$0 |
$150 |
Registration Type |
Received on or Before
August 12, 2020 |
Received After
August 12, 2020 |
Neurosurgeon |
$1,000 |
$1,200 |
Physician (MD, DO, etc.) |
$1,000 |
$1,200 |
Non-physician (Clinical Researcher/Scientist)* |
$1,000 |
$1,200 |
Neurosurgeon (Faculty) |
$850 |
$1,050 |
Resident |
$400 |
$500 |
Fellow |
$450 |
$550 |
Medical Student |
$250 |
$450 |
PA/Physician Extender |
$600 |
$800 |
Nurse |
$600 |
$800 |
Nurse Practitioner |
$600 |
$800 |
Corporate Representative † |
$1,250 |
$1,450 |
Non-member Graduate Student/Post-doctoral Scholar |
$150 |
$250 |
ANSPA Member †† |
$575 |
$675 |
Developing Nation Rate |
$150 |
$250 |
Program Coordinators |
$0 |
$0 |
Spouse |
$0 |
$150 |
*Non-member/Non-physician category is limited to scientists, engineers, etc. involved in neurosurgical research and/or product development not affiliated with an exhibiting company.
†Corporate representatives attend for education only. They must not conduct sales activities in the meeting space, nor influence content in any way. Solicitation of medical attendees is strictly prohibited.
††Includes one year of CNS Affiliate membership in 2020 for ANSPA Members only.
Your registration fee includes:
- General Scientific Sessions, Sunday through Wednesday
- Scientific Program including Section Sessions, Oral Abstract Presentations, Sunrise Science/Late-breaking Abstract Sessions, Guidelines Sessions, Operative Technique and Case-based Discussion Sessions, International Sessions, Poster Session, and Digital Posters
- CNS Xperience Lounge
- Product demonstrations
- Live Surgeries via telemedicine
- Exhibit Hall, Monday through Wednesday
- Opening Reception on Sunday, September 13, 2020
Registration Change/Cancellation Information
Annual Meeting registrations are only processed with a valid credit card or check. Once your registration is submitted, payment is processed immediately.
Full registration refunds, less a $100 processing fee, will be granted if written requests for cancellation are received by 5:00 pm CST on August 19, 2020. Symposia and seminar tickets will be refunded in full until August 19, 2020. No refunds of any kind will be given after this date, regardless of cause. Refunds will not be given for no-shows.
◆ 参会对象:神经外科医师、神经外科护士、医师助理、骨科医师、初级保健医师、老年科医师、放射科医师、肿瘤科医师、神经科医师、儿科医师、精神病医师和感染病科医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。