◆ 会议时间:2020年10月1-4日 会议推迟至2021年
◆ 会议地点:印度 海德拉巴
◆ 会议简介:
2020年第17届世界宫颈病理与阴道镜检查大会(IFCPC 2020)将于2020年10月1-4日在印度海德拉巴举行,会议由国际宫颈病理与阴道镜联盟(IFCPC)和印度阴道镜与宫颈病理学会(ISSCP)联合举办。
国际宫颈病理与阴道镜联盟(IFCPC)是一个非营利组织,是阴道镜和宫颈病理学国家学会组成的联盟。 它的重点是支持阴道镜和宫颈病理学的研究和培训,并努力减少全球宫颈癌的发病率。 目前,它特别强调低收入和中等收入国家的培训。 IFCPC每三年举行一次世界大会。—领域国际医学会议网翻译整理,未经本站允许,禁止复制、转载本站任何内容。
Welcome Message
Invitation from the Congress Chairperson
Namaste! We welcome you to India, a country steeped in history; with diverse religions, cultures & traditions, living in close harmony. The 29 states that make up India, are treasure troves of history, culture & varied delectable cuisines.
A burgeoning economy in South-East Asia, India wants it’s young, productive population to stay healthy; efforts are on by the government to reduce the large number of cervical cancer deaths. A Call for Action by International bodies, formulating protocols and guidelines for this region will be the highlights of this congress.
A plethora of workshops are planned with a 3600 view of cervical cancer, from “Molecule to Man”. There is something for everyone at IFCPC2020.
Learn, unwind, explore……. don’t miss the experience!
Saritha Shamsunder MD, FRCOG
Chair, IFCPC 2020
注册费-Registration Fees:
International Delegates: Delegates residing in Upper, Middle and High Income Countries
(Payment in USD only)
Category |
Early bird
Up to Feb 28, 2020 |
Mar 1 – Sept 25, 2020 |
Late/ On-Spot
Sept 26, 2020 onwards |
Full Registration |
$600 |
$700 |
$800 |
Trainees/ Post Graduated Students |
$300 |
$350 |
$400 |
Nurses/ MBBS Students |
$300 |
$350 |
$400 |
Accompanying Person |
$150 |
$175 |
$200 |
Gala Dinner |
$75 |
$100 |
$150 |
◆ 参会对象: