
◆ 会议时间:2020年10月14-17日 推迟至:2021年3月10-13日
◆ 会议地点:虚拟会议


◆ 会议简介:

第20届WPA世界精神病学大会(WCP2020)-虚拟会议将于2021年3月10-13日举行,本次会议由泰国皇家精神病医师学会支持,世界精神病学协会(WPA)、泰国精神病学协会联合举办。大会旨在汇集全球科学专家,一起研究与讨论精神病学和精神卫生领域的所有关键问题,促进和推动有关精神病学的科学知识,介绍最新的研究成果,促进和加强全球的科学合作。上届会议(WPA 2019)有来自世界各地的近4000名代表出席。

世界精神病学协会(WPA)成立于1950年,是一个旨在增加精神卫生领域工作所需知识和技能以照料精神病患者的全球性精神病学专业组织;WPA目前拥有来自120个国家的140个团体成员,代表着全球25万名精神病学家/医师。凭借72个科学部门,旨在传播信息并促进精神病学特定领域的协作工作。WPA制定了精神病实践的道德准则,包括“马德里宣言”(1996年),以及有关精神病实践相关主题和精神病医生角色的立场声明。WPA与其成员合作主办一年一度的WPA世界精神病学大会以及区域和专题会议,吸引全球精神卫生领导者并为共享经验和合作提供平台。WPA的官方期刊World Psychiatry在精神病学期刊排名第一,社会科学引文索引排名第一。——未经本站允许,禁止复制转载摘录镜像本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网。

20th WPA Virtual Congress of Psychiatry is going virtual!

Dear friends,

As you know the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the format of many of our congresses and meetings. With continuous restrictions & limitations regarding travels, hosting of events and congresses by governments and health authorities, are now going to be virtual.

World Psychiatric Association (WPA) has also decided to transform the 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, ‘Psychiatry in a troubled world’ to a virtual congress to be held from 10-13 March 2021. This decision is mainly taken to prevent spreading the virus and for the sake of event participants health and safety.

With the changing format of our World Congress to a virtual one, we are reviewing & revising the programme but we are trying to keep the same programme in its format & contents as much as possible.

Many professional organisations have already changed their meetings / congresses to virtual congresses with a great success. We are also confident that with enough time and experience on our hands we will manage to give you the excellent programme at this virtual meeting. Our scientific Committee is working to prepare the programme that will not only give you a chance for live interaction but will also be available on-demand up to 3 months after the congress.

With the new Executive Committee and Board in place for the next triennium (2020-23), I would like to welcome you all at this congress. I am thankful to Prof. Helen Herrman for her continuous guidance and especially with a leading role for this virtual congress.

I am confident that this will be an important scientific meeting adding a lot to the psychiatric and mental health knowledge.


WPA looks forward to seeing you online!

Dr Afzal Javed
President World Psychiatric Association





New Congress Dates: 10-13 March 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 20 Oct 2020
Abstract Notifications: 26 November 2020
Early registration deadline: 14 Dec 2020

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>




Together with our valued member partners, the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, and supported by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Thailand, WPA looks forward to welcoming you to the 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, ‘Psychiatry in a troubled world’ in Bangkok, Thailand, 10-13 March 2021.

This Congress not only marks the 20th Anniversary of the first World Congress held in 1950, it also celebrates the evolution and growth of the WPA over the last 70 years.

We are particularly excited to be hosting such a significant event in Asia.  The diversity of the region encourages diversity in the program, with opportunities to explore how we work in scarce resource versus high income settings, and how we can share best practice across settings of all kinds across the world.  We will review the 2017-2020 Action Plan and delve into its themes of collaboration, reaching those living with adversity, and the rich and varying ways in which the role of psychiatrist can be legitimately expressed.  We will investigate how the time-honoured approaches and the newest techniques in psychiatry – including those in psychotherapies, neuromodulation, pharmacology, digital technologies and social therapies – can be used practically to support people affected by mental ill-health, their families and friends and community groups. These groups will join researchers and mental health professionals to consider advocacy, planning and policymaking across sectors to promote the advancement of psychiatry and mental health in all countries.

Bustling Bangkok couldn’t provide a better backdrop for this milestone event.  A city of contrasts, diversity abounds, from humble street stalls to luxury malls, from historic tuk-tuks to the modern Skytrain, and from sacred temples to its vibrant nightlife – Bangkok is the most visited city in the world for good reason.  Join colleagues and thought leaders from across the globe for learning, sharing and networking.

We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok!

Helen Herrman, Australia
WPA President
Kiattibhoom Vongrachit
Director General, Department of Mental Health, Thailand
Chawanun Charnsil
President of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand


WPA 2020 注册费:

Full Participants Group A country*
Full Participants Group B country*
Full Participants Group C country*
Full Participants Group D country*
Full Participants – Locals****
Residents***, specialist trainees, other Mental Health Professionals/Health Professionals eg, Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational therapists**
Residents***, specialist trainees, Other Mental Health Professionals/Health Professionals eg, Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational therapists**- Local**** 
Service users & Family carers

* The country group is based upon the official classification of the World Bank and refers to your work and correspondence address. Please visit our country classification page: https://wcp-congress.com/country-classification/
** Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Ph.D. Students, Psychological Psychotherapists in training - In order to benefit from the special fee, a submission of your status confirmation must be uploaded during the online registration process.
*** Students/ Residents - Can take advantage of a reduced fee. Residents, trainees, and students in full-time training under 40 years of age (on the first day of the congress) are asked to provide a copy of their student ID and a certificate from the supervisor or head of the department together with the registration. Does not apply to trainees with a professional degree or completed professional training.
****Special rate offered exclusively to Thai participants including participants based in Thailand

Fees for Participants include:

  • Access all presentations and session recordings.
  • Network with colleagues.
  • Earn CME credits.
  • Access all the e-posters.
  • Join the debate.
  • Visit the virtual exhibition hall.

Cancellations received until and including November 2, 2020 – full refund
Cancellations received between November 3, 2020, until February 24, 2021 – 50% will be refunded
From February 25, 2021 – no refund will be made
Note, in case of cancellation at any stage, the Bank transfer handling fee (30 USD) will not be refunded – applicable to Bank Transfer payments only.


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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