◆ 会议时间:2021年8月19日至22日
◆ 会议地点:VIRTUAL-虚拟会议
◆ 会议简介:
2021年亚太消化疾病周(APDW 2021)将于2021年8月19日至22日 举行,本次会议由亚太消化周联盟(APDWF)组织,马来西亚胃肠病与肝病学会(MSGH)主办,上届APDW(2019)有3800余名代表参会。
亚太消化病周(APDW) 是亚太地区消化系统疾病领域最具影响力的国际学术盛会,会议主题涵盖胃肠病学、肝病学、内镜学及消化外科学等领域,届时将有来自世界各地的数千名专业与会者代表,包括胃肠病学家、肝病学家、内镜医师、外科医生、科学家和护士等,共同探讨、分享和交流胃肠病与肝病学研究与临床实践的前沿技术与知识,包括临床研究、内镜操作、外科手术和各大消化系统疾病的防治等等。
The Asian Pacific Digestive Disease Week (APDW) is the premier annual scientific meeting in Asia Pacific region for digestive diseases.
The last date of abstract submission is 10 MAY 2021You will be notified about the decision of acceptance (or non acceptance) by 5 JUNE 2021.
Welcome Message from the President of Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2021
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The world is in a race to contain the Covid-19 pandemic as cases surge sporadically in different parts of the world, in particular, in recent months in Malaysia. As a result, increased precautionary measures and restrictions on all activities have been implemented in order to stem the tide to protect our communities and our loved ones.
In alignment with this effort, the Local Organising Committee has made the difficult but necessary decision to transform the APDW 2021, with the theme of ‘Vision of Excellence in Digestive Disorders & Sciences’ to a virtual conference, scheduled on 19 -22 August 2021. We are committed to maintain the high standards of the meeting while safeguarding the health and safety of all our participants.
APDW has always served as a critical forum for education, promoting knowledge exchange, clinical expertise, research innovation, while serving as a platform for networking and forming genuine connections. We will continue to serve these purposes as we offer a virtual postgraduate course, pre-congress workshops, live endoscopy streaming, scientific lectures that showcase the up-to-date information with the latest innovations in the field of gastroenterology, hepatology, gastrointestinal surgery, endoscopy, career advancement symposia with many lectures including special symposia on Covid-19 led by distinguished key opinion leaders from all over the world. Despite the uncertain times we all find ourselves in, we will continue to deliver world-class education to sustain clinical and research efforts that may very well lead to significant scientific discoveries in the near future.
Allow me to also take this opportunity to extend my deepest personal appreciation for your continued support, as it is you, our most valued participants, that will bring everything Virtual APDW 2021 aspires to be, into reality. My sincere thanks, also, to the gifted scientific chairs and committee members who are giving their all to continuously deliver excellence.
I look forward to welcoming you virtually in August 2021.
Raja Affendi Raja Ali
President, Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW 2021) |
APDW 2021 Registration Fee/注册费:
Category |
Early Bird Rate
By 10 June 2021 |
Regular Rate
11 June 2021 - 11 August 2021 |
19 - 22 August 2021 |
Delegate |
USD 250 |
USD 400 |
USD 550 |
Delegate + PG Course |
USD 350 |
USD 500 |
USD 650 |
Trainee / Fellow / Nurse / GI Assistant / Allied Health Professional |
USD 150 |
USD 200 |
USD 250 |
BMI Personnel |
USD 600 |
USD 750 |
USD 900 |
Delegate's Entitlements
- Admission to the Scientific Sessions.
- Admission to the Trade Exhibition.
- e-Conference Bag & Online Materials.
- Certificate of Attendance.
Cancellation Policy
- All cancellation requests will be handled on a discretionary basis.
- Cancellation on and before 15 June 2021: 50% refund
- Cancellation after 15 June 2021: No refund
- All refunds will be made after the conference.
- All bank services charges/ convenience fee/ administration fees/ Taxes will be deducted from all conference registration refunds.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。