◆ 会议时间:2021年10月8-12日
◆ 会议地点:美国 圣迭戈/San Diego, CA
◆ 会议简介:
2021年美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)年会(ANESTHESIOLOGY 2021)将于2021年10月8-12日在美国圣迭戈举行。美国麻醉年会(ASA年会)是全球首屈一指的麻醉学盛会,是世界上最大、最为全面的与麻醉学相关的教育活动和展览会,每年举办一次,ASA年会汇集了在麻醉学、疼痛医学和危重病医学领域最具影响力和知名的专业人士,每年都有超过14000名来自世界各地相关领域的代表出席会议(中国大陆有数百名代表参会)。
ANESTHESIOLOGY is the largest annual anesthesiology educational event in the world, with more than 14,000 attendees from 80 countries.
General Guidelines:
Submission Deadline: Monday, April 5, 2021
The presenting author for all abstract submissions will complete a conflict of disclosure form for all co-authors. The submission will not be considered final until all disclosure information is complete. April 5, 2021 is the deadline date to enter all co-author(s) disclosure.
提交费:ASA Members submit for free. The ASA Nonmember submission fee is $25 USD.
All abstracts will be presented electronically in 2021, except for the Featured Abstracts which will be presented in a paper/cloth poster format. All Abstract Group Discussion or eAbstract presenters must upload their electronic presentation by early October (instructions will be sent out in late August with information on how to upload your presentation).
ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2021 annual meeting scientific abstract embargo policy:
It is the policy of the ASA that all scientific abstracts accepted for presentation are embargoed (may not be published or publicized) until the date and time of presentation. Sharing accepted information with the media before then should be done only with permission of ASA’s Public Relations Department and after acceptance of the restriction that abstracts will not be published or publicized until the date and time of presentation.
Medically Challenging Case and Quality Improvement Project Submissions
DEADLINE: May 24, 2021 (11:59 pm US Central Time)
Submit your medically challenging case or quality improvement project for an e-Poster presentation. Submission is free for ASA members. Nonmembers may submit an abstract for $25.
View the Scientific Submission Guidelines here (PDF)
2021美国麻醉年会-注册费-Registration Rates
Member Registration Categories |
Early-Bird Rate
(Thru Aug 14) |
Advanced Rate
(Aug 15-Oct 7) |
Onsite Rate
(Oct 8-12) |
Member (Active/Affiliate/Educational) |
$450 |
$575 |
$675 |
Member Retired |
$40 |
$60 |
$80 |
Member ASA House of Delegates |
$305 |
$305 |
$305 |
Member Resident, Fellow, and Student |
$55 |
$55 |
$55 |
Member One-Day Educational Pass |
$200 |
$350 |
$450 |
Member Active Military |
$225 |
$225 |
$225 |
Nonmember Registration Categories |
Early Bird Rate
(Thru Aug 14) |
Advanced Rate
(Aug 15-Oct 7) |
Onsite Rate
(Oct 8-12) |
Nonmember |
$1125 |
$1440 |
$1690 |
Nonmember Resident, Fellow and Student |
$225 |
$225 |
$225 |
Nonmember One-Day Educational Pass |
$425 |
$650 |
$875 |
Nonmember Active Military |
$560 |
$560 |
$560 |
Virtual Track Only
Registration Categories |
Early-Bird Rate
(Thru Aug 14) |
Advanced Rate
(Aug 15-Oct 7) |
Onsite Rate
(Oct 8-12) |
Member |
$299 |
$299 |
$299 |
Nonmember |
$749 |
$749 |
$749 |
Guest Registration
Does not include medical education credit |
Early-Bird Rate
(Thru Aug 14) |
Advanced Rate
(Aug 15-Oct 7) |
Onsite Rate
(Oct 8-12) |
Guest |
$35 |
$35 |
$60 |
Speaker, Moderator, and Presenter Rate
These are discounted rates, not specific categories. These rates will apply to the categories listed above. |
Early-Bird Rate
(Thru Aug 14) |
Advanced Rate
(Aug 15-Oct 7) |
On-Site Rate
(Oct 8-12) |
Speaker/Presenter/Moderator (member and nonmember) |
$115 |
$115 |
$115 |
ancellation Information
The deadline for cancellation requests for paid registrations has expired. Further requests cannot be processed. No refunds will be given for no-shows or cancellations related to refusal to adhere to meeting guidelines.
NOTE: Any registered attendee who is facing travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, can convert their in-person registration to the Virtual Track.
Non-Transferable: Registration or ticketed sessions cannot be transferred to another attendee.
Changes due to travel restrictions must be received in writing to ASA@maritz.com
ANESTHESIOLOGY 2022 October 22 – 26 | New Orleans, LA
October 14 - 18 | San Francisco, CA
◆ 参会对象:麻醉、围手术期医学、重症监护/危重病医学、急诊医学和疼痛治疗领域的医学专家、医师、助理、护士、药剂师、科研人员、管理者以及其他相关卫生保健专业人士。