◆ 会议时间:2021年7月10日至12日 【线上+线下】
◆ 会议地点:波兰-克拉科夫/Krakow (Poland)
◆ 会议简介:
2021年欧洲变态反应与临床免疫学会(EAACI)大会/年会(线上线下混合会议)将于2021年7月10日至12日波兰克拉科夫(线下)举行。欧洲过敏与临床免疫学会大会(EAACI年会)是世界上最大和最具影响力的过敏、哮喘和临床免疫学会议,每年的EACCI大会都会吸引来自世界各地的近8000名专业人士与会(2019年会议与会人数8733人)。EACCI年会主题涵盖过敏性疾病和哮喘领域的各个方面,为过敏学家、肺病学家、 耳鼻喉科医师、皮肤科医生、内科医生、儿科医生、胃肠病学家、临床免疫学家和初级保健医师提供了一个了解最新的发现、互相交流学习及建立社交网络的多学科论坛。
The EAACI Annual Congress is the flagship meeting of the academy and the world’s largest congress specialising in the field of allergy and clinical immunology. A wide range of sessions, including interactive formats, provide optimal learning for all tastes. Attracting in the region of 7000-8000 participants and experts from across the globe, the congress is a key annual event to interact with peers, leading scientists and practitioners over five days,lingyuint. The Scientific Programme will present the best in science and educational sessions from distinguished researchers from across the globe. Covering key topics in allergic diseases and asthma the EAACI Annual Congress provides a multidisciplinary forum for allergists, pulmonologists, ENTs, dermatologists, internists, pediatricians, gastroenterologists, clinical immunologists and primary care physicians.
Regular abstract submission deadline:
Monday 1 February 2021 at 23:59 CET
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
EAACI does not charge any fee for regular abstract submission. Abstracts can only be submitted in the online platform on the EAACI website. Abstracts submitted via email, post or fax will not be accepted.
The presenting author of an abstract must register for the congress (digital congress or hybrid congress). Until 31 March 2021 the presenting author is offered a special extended “early fee”. The registration fee may be refunded if the abstract is rejected. Please note that some countries require a visa to visit Poland.
Notification of acceptance:
All abstract submitters will be notified by the end of March 2021 about whether their abstract has been accepted.
Registration of abstract presenting author:
The presenting author of an abstract must register for the congress by May 31st 2021. Until this date the presenting author is offered a prolonged “early fee”. All presenting authors must be registered before this date in order to publish their abstract in the online congress programme, on the congress website and in the mobile App. The registration fee may be refunded if the abstract is rejected.
Hybrid Package
- Full access to EAACI Hybrid Congress 2021 in Krakow
- Full live EAACI Hybrid Congress 2021 Virtual (3 days)
- Full access to EAACI Hybrid Congress Virtual On Demand until December 31, 2021
Full Congress Fees (excluding 23%VAT) |
Early Fee
until 2 March |
Standard Fee
until 18 May |
Late Fee
until 30 June |
Onsite Fee |
EAACI Members1 |
EUR 480 |
EUR 560 |
EUR 610 |
EUR 635 |
Non-Members |
EUR 650 |
EUR 720 |
EUR 790 |
EUR 805 |
EAACI Junior Members1 |
EUR 285 |
EUR 330 |
EUR 350 |
EUR 370 |
Special Rates (Students, Nurses, Dieticians, Laboratory Technicians)2 |
EUR 310 |
EUR 365 |
EUR 385 |
EUR 410 |
Digital Package
- Full live EAACI Hybrid Congress 2021 Virtual (3 days)
- Full access to EAACI Hybrid Congress Virtual On Demand until December 31, 2021
- Hybrid registration upgrade flexibility (upon seat availability)
Digital Congress Fees (excluding 23%VAT) |
Early Fees until 14 June |
Late Fees from 15 June |
EAACI Members1 |
EUR 105 |
EUR 125 |
Non-Members |
EUR 185 |
EUR 205 |
EAACI Junior Members1 |
EUR 30 |
EUR 30 |
Special Rates (Students, Nurses, Dieticians, Laboratory Technicians)2 |
EUR 80 |
EUR 100 |
1 To benefit from the EAACI Member discount, please note that an active and fully paid membership is required at the time of registration to get a reduced registration fee. If you are not an EAACI member or have not yet paid your membership fee, please visit the MY EAACI Portal prior to completing our registration.
2 Nurse, dietician, laboratory technician statuses must be certified by a Head of Hospital/ Department and must be submitted with registration. Pre-registration is required. PhD students, MD students or fellows in training are eligible for the student fee until the age of 35. Student status must be proven by a student ID or certified by a Head of Department and a copy of an ID card or passport must be submitted with the registration.
Should you encounter any issues, please contact our membership team at member@eaaci.org
Please note, any changes made by the EAACI Registrations Team will be handled with a 75 EUR Category change fee.
The registration fees are exclusive of 23% Polish VAT.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。