
◆ 会议时间:2021年3月23-28日
◆ 会议地点:虚拟线上会议


◆ 会议简介:

欧洲医院药剂师协会(EAHP)诚挚地邀请您参加将于2021年3月23-28日召开的第25届EAHP年会(虚拟线上会议)。今年的EAHP大会主题是“"Hospital Pharmacy 5.0 – the future of patient care"”。EAHP大会是欧洲最大的医院药学大会,为与者会提供了一个最佳的交流和教育平台,同时也是与来自欧洲和世界各地的同行会面,分享经验和想法以及相互学习的机会,预计有超过4000名来自世界各地的医院药学专业人士前来参会。

欧洲医院药剂师协会(EAHP) 是一个非营利性组织,成立于1972年,是唯一代表欧洲和国际各级医院药剂师的国家组织协会,代表着35个欧洲国家的22000多名医院药剂师。EAHP的目标是发展医院药学专业,确保患者最佳、最安全地使用药品和医疗设备;为医院药剂师的教育培训和持续专业发展(CPD)提供平台(未经许可,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网)。

Tuesday, 15 October 2020 Deadline for abstract submissions
Wednesday, 10 November 2020 Authors will be advised of their abstract status after the first review
Thursday, 19 November 2020 Modifications due from abstract authors who were requested to make changes
Tuesday, 03 December 2020 Authors will be advised of their abstract status after review of modifications



Dear colleagues and friends,

The 25th Anniversary Congress of the EAHP is just behind the door! The EAHP team and I have been planning an extraordinary event; I must admit that we just never thought how special it would really be with the event now going virtual. Nevertheless, the 25th anniversary is an excellent opportunity to try something completely new and yes, that's right, the EAHP Congress is going virtual! While we have been looking forward to meeting all of you in person, my dear colleagues and friends, we also believe that this new format brings new opportunities and possibilities. The virtual Congress and the adjusted schedule will allow all of us to attend more sessions and a larger portion of the programme than would have been possible in person; especially during this challenging time which is so demanding and intensive for all healthcare professionals. The new format will also allow more colleagues to attend while still fulfilling our duties in patient care and without sacrificing opportunities to discuss and network.

As every spring revives the nature, I believe that EAHP's Congress will bring us, my dear colleagues, a lot of modern scientific and practical knowledge that will help us further develop our services for patients in Europe and internationally. We hope that during the Congress, the world will be much closer to implementing solutions that will counter the horrible COVID-19 pandemic that has cost so many innocent lives and has been influencing our work so much. I sincerely hope that we will be able to share our quickly and sometimes painfully acquired knowledge and research and build on this sad and strong experience to shape our practice to be even stronger and more patient-oriented.

And indeed, at the time of writing this message, it seems the future will not be the same as we thought just a few months ago. When we planned the programme for the Congress, we could not know that many themes would become even more important than ever before. Now we see the possibilities of 3D printing for manufacturing medical devices and protective equipment, we see modern ways of compounding, possibly, saving us from the impact of medicines shortages and so on. Artificial intelligence, mHealth, 3D printing, personalised medicine, all of these will influence our work towards the optimal outcomes for our patients and have the potential to change our workflows profoundly.

The Congress will also cover the ongoing challenges in our work, like tackling antimicrobial resistance, delivering seamless care, raising the quality of hospital pharmacy compounding, moving forward advances in clinical pharmacy, increasing the role of hospital pharmacists in the multidisciplinary teams in hospitals and on the interface with community or outpatient settings, to name a few of them. We know that you expect high-quality scientific content from the EAHP Congress, and EAHP works hard on delivering the programme that will meet your expectations and needs.
Furthermore, the EAHP Congress is also an ideal time and place to exchange our experience and find new professional connections and friends. Don't miss this opportunity.

I am very much looking forward to meeting you at the virtual EAHP Congress! 

PharmDr. Petr Horák, EAHP President



EAHP2021 注册费
Registration fees VAT EXCLUDED – 21% Belgian VAT will be added except for companies with a valid VAT number.


Full Registration fee
(Thursday 23 - Sunday 28)
1 Day Registration fee


€ 695 € 200


€ 150 N/A

Young professionals**

€ 350 € 100


Only for undergraduate students of pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences under 35 years old. As proof of this, the participant must provide an official document signed and stamped by his/her university certifying that he/she is a full-time undergraduate student studying to complete a bachelor/master degree to become a pharmacist or a bachelor/master of pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences. The letter shall also include the month/year that the participant started your courses.

The application for a student fee is not valid until approved by the EAHP Secretariat.

Hospital residents are not entitled to the student rate and shall register under the young professional rate.


The young professional rate applies to a person who finished within the past 2 years his/her master of pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences education. As proof of this, the participant must provide a copy of his/her diploma signed and stamped by his/her university and indicating the month/year of graduation. The application for the young professional fee is not valid until approved by the EAHP Secretariat.


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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