◆ 会议时间:2021年6月2日至5日
◆ 会议地点:虚拟会议
◆ 会议简介:
Since its introduction in 2000, the annual EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology has become the primary platform for exchange of scientific and clinical information in Europe. It is also a renowned forum for interaction between medical doctors, scientists, people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.
The scientific programme at the congress covers a wide range of topics on clinical innovations, clinical, translational and basic science. Meetings set up by associations of people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals and the health care industry complement the programme. The poster sessions, offering lively interaction between presenters and participants, are regarded by many as the heart of the congress.
Over the years, the EULAR Congress has gained a reputation of being a most innovative platform for the practicing physician particularly with respect to the acquisition of information on novel clinical research. The congress attracts more than 18,000 delegates from more than 130 countries.
The aim of the EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology is to provide a forum of the highest standard for scientific, both clinical and basic, educational and social exchange between professionals involved in rheumatology, liaising with patient organisations, in order to achieve progress in the clinical care of people with rheumatic diseases.
Deadline: 31 January 2021, 23:59 CET
Late-breaking Abstract Submission
Opening 13 April 2021*
Deadline 29 April 2021*
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
EULAR 2021 Welcome message from the EULAR President
Dear Friends,
We live in the most interesting of times. Just as we long for the familiarity of prior years, so we are increasingly industrious, as we create our 'new reality' in the world of rheumatology. In so doing, we require remarkable flexibility and ingenuity as a discipline as we continue to combat the rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, and to care for those afflicted to the utmost of our ability.
The EULAR family is similarly changing rapidly, not least as we adapt to life with COVID-19. 2021 will bring our new structure into reality optimized for the 21st century. This will better equip us to deliver on our major objectives, enshrined in the EULAR 2023 Strategy . As we deliver on those objectives, we seek to deliver world class education, to provide penetrating and effective advocacy to our political classes, to offer empathetic and comprehensive support to patients and to sustain the discovery research efforts that will ultimately lead to cures for people with RMDs. In particular, in the last few months EULAR, working together with our valued international partners, has responded vigorously to the crisis in the creation of the EULAR-COVID-19 Database, the elaboration of timely patient information and the publication of our provisional 'COVID-19 management' recommendations - representing a living document to ensure their relevance in this fast changing pandemic environment.
A new congress approach for June 2021?
The EULAR Congress has always been at the centre of our activities - it provides a critical forum for education, knowledge exchange, research innovation, networking and especially fostering friendships! We were obliged to meet in the virtual world in 2020, forsaking our highly anticipated visit to Frankfurt. Similarly, we plan to offer a ‘virtual congress’ in June 2021 though we hope to bring in twists of new experience. At its core, we will offer a virtual scientific and PARE programme that is outstanding – it will contain educational content that is contemporary, accessible and definitive. It will deliver research findings in the clinical, translational and basic domains that is world leading. It will provide online and in-person opportunities for networking, debate, engagement and feedback. Our faculty will represent the very best of global rheumatology. I offer one addendum to the above. Our format will provide for predominantly virtual attendance.
Regardless, our planning has been extensive already and conducted in close liaison with the relevant international and French authorities. I record here my personal appreciation of the extraordinary work ongoing on the part of the EULAR Secretariat as they bring imagination, energy and industry to the preparation of our Congress 2021. Similarly, my thanks in advance to the gifted scientific chairs and Congress committee members who are working so hard to deliver excellence.
I look forward to welcoming you to EULAR 2021, virtually, in June to celebrate all that is good in rheumatology!
Wishing you safe times.
Yours truly,
Iain B. McInnes
EULAR President
1 NOVEMBER 2020 |
Full Delegates 11 |
250 € |
Full Delegates 22 |
250 € |
HPR Delegates 13 |
100 € |
HPR Delegates 24 |
100 € |
Trainees 15 |
100 € |
Trainees 26 |
100 € |
PARE delegates7 |
100 € |
Patients8 |
35 € |
Students9 |
Free € |
Company representatives 110 |
250 € |
Company representatives 211 |
250 € |
- Access to the virtual platform and scientific content from the EULAR 2021 Congress Programme until 5 July 2021
- Access to all satellite / industry content. (Only applicable categories: Full Delegates 1 and Trainees 1)
- Access to abstracts / posters online.
- One-year access to our online journal, the ARD (Annals of Rheumatic Diseases). (Only applicable categories)
Registration categories
- Full Delegates 1 are members of the medical, dental or pharmacy professions who, in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product.
- Full Delegates 2 are medical or scientific professionals, M.D's, PhD's, who are not allowed to prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product.
- HPR Delegates 1 are members of the HPR Delegates, e.g. nursing professions, who, in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product. A letter of confirmation showing the status coming from the Head of Unit or Institute must be provided when registering as HPR-Delegate 1.
- HPR Delegates 2 are health professionals who are not allowed to prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product, such as nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc. A letter of confirmation showing the status coming from the Head of Unit or Institute must be provided when registering as HPR-Delegate 2.
- Trainees 1 are persons under 40 years of age that are Clinicians in training who, in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product. A letter of confirmation showing the status coming from the Head of Unit or Institute must be provided when registering as Trainee 1. EULAR will also request a confirmation on the right to prescribe pharmaceutical products during registration process.
- Trainees 2 are persons under 40 years of age that are Non-Tenured Scientists, i.e. scientists not being professor or associate professor, who are not allowed to prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product. A letter of confirmation showing the status coming from the Head of Unit or Institute must be provided when registering as Trainee.
- PARE Delegates are representative and / or staff members of patient organisations.
- Patients are persons suffering from rheumatic or musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) or their family members. A doctor's certificate must be submitted with the registration form.
- Students are medical students, nurse students or in training, HPR students or in training under 25 years of age. A letter of confirmation showing the status must be provided when registering as Student. Proof of Age must be submitted with the registration form.
- Company representatives 1 are staff and representative of pharma-, medtech- and software companies or other companies that are also members of the medical, dental, pharmacy or nursing professions who, in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical products. EULAR will request a confirmation on the right to prescribe pharmaceutical products during registration process.
- Company representatives 2 are staff and representatives of pharma-, medtech- and software companies or other companies, who are not allowed to prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, sell or administer a pharmaceutical product.
◆ 参会对象:医师、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。