◆ 会议时间:2021年11月3日至6日
◆ 会议地点:法国 巴黎Paris
◆ 会议简介:
2021年全球脊柱大会(GSC2021-虚拟与现场会议混合形式)将于2021年11月3日至6日在法国巴黎举行,会议由AOSpine主办。全球脊柱大会(GSC-Global Spine Congress)是脊柱外科领域规模最大国际会议之一,是该领域唯一真正的国际性大会,每届都有来自世界各地的数千名脊柱外科医生和行业专业人士参会。GSC为与会者提供了一个交流思想、与脊柱专业人士建立联系,并了解脊柱外科领域最新的研究、技术和方法的平台。GSC将提供一个令人兴奋和独特的科学计划,包括三天的并行会议,涵盖广泛的脊柱相关主题。大会向所有外科医生、脊柱医生、相关专业人士和研究人员开放,预计有2000余名代表参会。
AO起源于由四位瑞士外科医生于1958年联合发起创立的一个研究小组(Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen 或译为内固定研究学会-ASIF),AO基金会于1984年12月成立,是一个医学指导的非营利组织,是世界领先的专业致力于创伤和肌肉骨骼疾病外科治疗的教育、创新和研究机构。AO的创新从实验室到临床,包括基础研究、产品开发、临床验证和价值评估宣。AO是骨骨折和疾病外科治疗的首屈一指的创新者。长期“AO理论”在全世界的临床实践中获得了巨大的成功,作为学术研究和教育机构,AO历来重视教育工作,在全世界范围内致力于骨科医生的培训和普及AO理念,极大提高和改善了创伤骨科患者的救治效果。AO旨在培养和扩展其在教育、研究、开发和临床研究方面的医疗专业人员网络,以在全球范围内实现更有效的患者护理。如今AO已成为一个拥有超过215,000名医疗保健专业人士的全球网络,AO每年在全球范围内提供830多场教育活动,有将近9,000名教职员工提供支持,并有58,000多名参与者参加。AO有近20000名外科医生在创伤、脊柱、颅颌面、兽医和重建外科领域工作。
AO Spine(AO国际脊柱学会)是全球领先的致力于脊柱护理方面创新教育和研究的学术团体,致力于创造、传播和交流知识,以促进卓越的患者护理和成果。AO Spine是脊柱外科领域首屈一指的知识提供者,处于教育和研究的前沿。AO Spine成立2003年,原为AO在2000年成立了脊柱外科专业委员会,负责AO在全世界范围内的脊柱创伤、畸形、退变、重建等疾病的和治疗的研究、发展、及教育工作,并旨在通过其理论、操作的培训,使全世界脊柱和创伤骨科医生接受并使用先进的治疗概念和理论,不断改善肌肉骨骼系统疾患治疗的临床效果。AO Spine接受AO基金会的指导并遵循其方针原则。(未经本站许可,禁止复制摘录镜像本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网)。
The only international Spine Congress of its kind.
The Global Spine Congress (GSC) is one of the largest gatherings of thousands of spine surgeons from around the world.
GSC 2021 Now a Hybrid Event
Now a hybrid event, GSC 2021 will deliver the same high-quality scientific program and offer opportunities for networking and professional development whether you decide to attend in-person at our venue in Paris or online.
As one of the biggest gatherings for thousands of spine surgeons from all over the world, this congress provides an outstanding forum to exchange ideas, network with fellow spine professionals, and learn about the latest research and technologies in spine surgery.
JULY 28, 2020
Abstract submission Opens
SEPTEMBER 15, 2020:
Abstract submission closes. Any abstracts submitted after this date will not be accepted.
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Notification of acceptance
Notifications of acceptance or rejection of the abstracts will be sent to the corresponding author (the presenter) of the abstract by this date at the latest.
DECEMBER 21, 2020
Registration & Early-Bird deadline
All abstract presenters will be asked to reconfirm their attendance after receiving the notification. If you don't reconfirm your abstract presentation, register and pay the registration fee before this date, your abstract will be cancelled.
APRIL, 2021
Accepted abstracts published in GSJ
GSC 2021 TAKES PLACE November 3–6, 2021

1.AO Spine members receive a discount on registration fees - see pricing in the table above. To benefit from the discount, you will need to become an AO Spine member before registering. Membership status will be verified by AO Spine. Be aware if your membership is not updated at the time of your application, the "non-member fee" will be applied.
2. Applications for the medical/research student fellows/residents registration fee should be certified by a letter from the head of the department to be uploaded directly to the online registration platform (in PDF format), stating that the applicant is a medical/research student fellow/resident at the time of registration.
3. World Bank classification 2020. Please click here to access the list of eligible countries.
4. Industry representatives: Non-clinical professionals, with interests in the spine field, but are not treating patients.
5. The accompanying person registration fee includes a badge valid for the Exhibition Opening only.
6. Only congress-registered participants can sign-up for the pre-courses. Pre-course registration will open in early 2021.
- All individual and group modifications, and replacement requests must be officially submitted by email to the Registration Office OIC E-mail:registrationGSC2021@oic.it
- For cancellations received by October 3, 2021 the paid amount will be refunded minus 70% that will be invoiced as a penalty fee.
- No refund will be granted for cancellations received after October 3, 2021.
- An administrative fee of 50 euros will be applicable for name changes. For the replacement of a delegate, written permission from the originally registered participant will be required, along with full contact details of the substitution.
- Anyone unable to attend the congress after paying, and/or unable to transfer the registration fee to another person, must cancel his/her registration. The registration fee will be refunded if the request is received prior the above cancellation deadline dates.
- If you are unable to attend the Congress because you were denied a Visa to enter the country, you will be granted a refund only if you submit a copy of your visa rejection letter. The refund will be issued less the cancellation fee above stated.
- Please note that no refunds will be issued for additional fees paid for express shipping of invitation letters.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。