◆ 会议时间:2021年10月19日至23日 【推迟至2022年】
◆ 会议地点:美国 迈阿密/Miami, Florida
◆ 会议简介:
国际肥胖与代谢病外科联盟(IFSO)是由63个官方国家肥胖外科医师协会和个人成员组成的联盟。IFSO的使命是统一全球的科学、外科和综合卫生团体,以传播知识、合作和建立以治疗基于肥胖症的慢性病患者的通用护理标准。IFSO的主要目标是联合外科医生和相关医护人员以优化重度肥胖患者的治疗,IFSO致力于建立一个全球性的肥胖治疗中心和外科医师认证体系(未经本站许可,禁止复制摘录镜像本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网) 。
IFSO2021 - International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
Date: October 19-23, 2021
Venue: Miami, Florida
01 July 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline
01 July 2021
Scholarship Application Deadline
30 August 2021 (UPDATED)
Early Bird Deadline
15 October 2021
Preconference Registration Closes
18 October 2021
On-site Registration Opens
Dear IFSO Members and Colleagues,
First of all, we would like to THANK YOU all very much for your continuous support and active participation in IFSO's online activities throughout 2020.
It's been a very tough year for all of us. 12 months have gone by since the pandemic spread in any corner of the world. We have all been experiencing an unprecedented global crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our lives in each and every aspect.
Our hearts go out to all the victims of the virus and their loved ones. To all those who lost a relative, a colleague, a friend. To those who are still fighting the virus, we send our thoughts and best wishes.
But now we have a new weapon to fight this enemy. A weapon provided to us by the tireless efforts of researchers and scientists. The vaccine is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel.
As you know, last year in May we were forced to postpone the XXV IFSO World Congress to August 2021, with the hope that by then the vaccination would have enabled us to go back to our normal lives and thus travel and attend meetings. This hope has become a reality more slowly than anticipated. Many countries in the world have already started their vaccination campaigns, so we are on the right track. In order to give more people a chance to attend, the meeting will now take place in October.
We, at IFSO, can't wait to meet each other again face-to-face in Miami on October 19-23, 2021, but, at the same time, our responsibility is to take all possible measures to provide the safest possible environment to our members and our delegates, so we are leaving nothing unplanned. We are getting ready for any possible contingency. The most desired one is an in-person meeting, setting COVID-19 lower capacity limits on all conference rooms, ensuring social distancing, and any other safety measure. If this won't be possible for all our delegates, we will set up a hybrid version of the meeting, to enable those who won't be able to attend in person due to travel restrictions, to actively participate in the meeting remotely. This will be a combination of in-person and streaming. All the sessions will be broadcasted from Miami straight to the rest of the world to reach out to all of you.
The IFSO Congress this year will be held in conjunction with the IFSO Latin American Chapter, the ACOCIB Annual Meeting, and the First World Consensus in Endoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Interventions.
As you know, IFSO is the greatest worldwide bariatric meeting, attended by international surgeons, multidisciplinary support staff, researchers, physicians, and healthcare professionals involved with the primary mission of IFSO: unite and educate against adiposity and metabolic disorders.
Academic activities will include amazing and innovative Post Graduate courses that have a great emphasis on Integrated Health activities which will have a presence throughout the whole meeting.
Symposia will include so many interesting and new topics like ICG, Percutaneous Approaches, Women Bariatric Surgeons, Medications, and other therapies for Metabolic problems, video theater.
The scientific program (CME accredited) will be very comprehensive and focused on updating, investigating, and better understanding the most comprehensive array of topics in the field of the growing adiposity-based chronic diseases, through Post Graduate courses, symposia, expert talks, discussion panels, hands-on skill labs, video sessions, free papers, and poster presentations, emerging, endoscopic and new technology sessions.
We are preparing great surprises with diverse and innovative sessions for you.
ABSTRACTS submission is already open and will close on July 1st, 2021, so please submit your most interesting studies on www.ifso2021.com
Besides all this....we will be at the iconic Fontainebleau, one of the best Hotels on Miami Beach, so we are going to have amazing social opportunities too for you to network and enjoy the beach and the Latino hospitality.
So let's stay STRONG and SAFE ....and let's keep our fingers crossed and hope we will be able to meet again soon!
Best wishes to all of you!
Natan Zundel,
Congress President |
Raul Rosenthal,
Congress Co-President |
Lilian Kow
IFSO President |
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。