◆ 会议时间:2021年9月2日至5日
◆ 会议地点:虚拟会议
◆ 会议简介:
2021年第15届国际肝癌协会(ILCA)年会-虚拟会议将于2021年9月2日至5日举行,会议由国际肝癌协会(ILCA)主办,预计有来自40多个国家的800余名代表注册参会。ILCA 2021将是肝癌相关学科领域临床、转化和基础研究人员、医师以及相关专业人士的首要论坛,以分享最佳实践和发现,推进肝癌发病机制、预防和治疗方面的研究。
The ILCA Annual Conference is the leading scientific forum in the liver cancer field connecting hundreds of international participants from all related disciplines to exchange their knowledge and best practices in general sessions, symposia, workshops and networking sessions.
Deadline: 6 April, 2021
Notification on the outcome of the abstract submission will be sent by email to the submitting author by mid-May 2021.
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
e-Posters and Paper posters
All accepted ILCA 2021 abstracts will be published online on the ILCA Book of Abstracts and presented at the virtual conference as oral presentations or e-posters.
Top scored posters will be selected and presented during the ILCA 2021 Annual Conference.
Oral Communications
Abstracts will be selected to be presented as oral communication in the following sessions:
Young Investigator session
General sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4
Abstracts should address aspects of liver cancer focusing on all aspects of this disease with a clear emphasis on maximizing focus, exchange, and results.
All entries should fall under one of the below categories:
1. Molecular Pathogenesis, Cell Biology and Translational Research
2. Epidemiology, Staging and Prognosis
3. Diagnosis, Imaging and Biomarkers
4. Therapy & Miscellaneous
5. Clinical Trials in progress
Invitation To ILCA 2021
Our 2020 annual conference, ILCA Virtual 2020, was an incredible success, with over 4.4/5 of attendees ready to recommend the meeting. We’re back in September 2021 with a new week of learning to support the global liver cancer community.
Thanks once again to everyone who joined us in September 2020. Over 700 people came together to debate key topics in HCC and to learn from the best researchers and opinion leaders.
During the next ILCA Annual Conference, we’ll show you how to apply the latest insights and learnings for greatest impact. From Research to Application.
ILCA 2021 will be live on 2-5 September 2021 and is for everyone in the liver cancer community.
At ILCA 2021, you can expect a week of cutting-edge ideas and upskilling opportunities to drive patient care and to impact careers. You can expect practical insights, workshops, big idea presentations and, of course, exciting formats to encourage knowledge sharing and networking between physicians, researchers, and partners from all over the world.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are planning ILCA 2021 to be our second virtual conference. Where circumstances allow, we would like to hold a physical extension to the virtual meeting at the same time and make the 2021 conference a hybrid event.
Whichever format (virtual / hybrid), it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the conference and to make together ILCA 2021 an overwhelming success!
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。