◆ 会议时间:2021年6月20-23日 推迟至2022年
◆ 会议地点:韩国 仁川/Incheon, Korea
◆ 会议简介:
世界立体定向和功能神经外科学会(WSSFN)诚挚地邀请您参加将于2021年6月20-23日在韩国 仁川举行的WSSFN两年一次的会议。WSSFN会议已经从四年制改为两年一次,本次会议预计有1000名来自世界各地的与会者,包括神经外科医生,神经学家,神经科学家,神经放射学家和精神病专家等。——领域国际医学会议网翻译整理,未经本站允许,禁止复制、转载本站任何内容。
Welcome Message from the WSSFN President
Dear friends and members of the WSSFN community,
It is truly an honor and privilege to address you as the new president of the World Society for Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery. In the past few years we have witnessed remarkable advancements in the field of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery, and accordingly our society has grown into the vibrant community we see today. This would not have been possible without the excellent leadership we have had over the years, and I am particularly grateful to former presidents Michael Schulder, Joachim Krauss, Takaomi Taira and Andres Lozano for their unwavering passion and devotion to ensuring solidarity within our society as well as promoting the remarkable advancement of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery.
During my tenure of two years, I hope to vitalize our society so that we may keep up with the rapidly changing academic situation. Exciting new technologies, such as MRgFUS, LITT and AI, are enabling us to conduct new innovative procedures which were previously thought to be nearly impossible. It is my sincere hope that the ever-broadening scope of knowledge in the field of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery will continue to benefit patients and medical practitioners all across the globe.
As president, I hope to build upon the legacy of past presidents to ensure that WSSFN remains the forerunner in the field of medical science and not only in neurosurgery. My sincere hope is that, by continuing to foster the goodwill and amity which we have garnered over the past, WSSFN will become a society which its members will proudly claim to be a part of.
Another main area I would like to focus on during my tenure is facilitating wider participation from the global community. In order to further our goal of fostering the study and teaching of better treatment in neurosurgery, we should aim to build an inclusive society which reaches out to all parts of the world. This would require active participation in the society from members who have an active practice in divergent areas of the world, especially from the traditionally underrepresented areas such as Asia, Latin America and Africa. I plan to achieve this goal not only by the biennial congress meeting but also by utilizing methods of communication which have a more frequent interval, such as newsletters, journals, and other forms of communication. The 2020 Dubai interim meeting we have planned is another example of the effort of our society to reach a larger audience.
We also plan to ensure the continuous growth of our society by further developing scientific programs with exciting new content. The surgical guideline of the psychiatric disorders will be published soon to reflect the advancements in technology. And we also hope to create more detailed and expanded practical guidance material to facilitate the adoption of various surgical techniques such as MRgFUS and LITT which have been developed in recent years. Furthermore, we will attempt to develop new and effective ways to provide material assistance as well as disseminating the required knowledge for Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery to less developed areas around the world.
In closing, I would like to once again express my sincere gratitude to our recent leadership for their exemplary work. Our society is so much more than a platform for conferences, and we should aim to achieve our mission of fostering the study and teaching of better treatment of patients to the best of our abilities.
This cannot be done without your contribution and help, and I want to thank every member of our society for your sincere support. Together, we can continue to build a global forum for all who are interested in the fascinating world of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery!
Jin Woo Chang
President, WSSFN
◆ 参会对象:
政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。 |