
◆ 会议时间:2022年4月2-4日
◆ 会议地点:美国 华盛顿/Washington, DC - Walter E. Washington Convention Center


◆ 会议简介:



American College of Cardiology 71st Annual Scientific Session & Expo(ACC2022)
April 2 – April 4, 2022 
The Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Key Dates & Deadlines

Young Investigator Award Submissions
Monday, Aug. 2 – Monday, Sept. 13, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET

Abstract & Case Submissions
Tuesday, Aug. 24 – Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET

Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Submissions
Tuesday, Oct. 19 – Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

提交说明>>>Submission Instruction (PDF)


The fee is $49 for all general submission categories, including Abstracts, Complex Clinical Cases, and Interventional Challenging Cases. This fee cannot be waived.



ACC 2022 注册费-Registration Rates

ACC.22 In-Person GOLD Package(线下面对面会议注册费-黄金套餐)

Register for the ACC.22 In-Person GOLD Package to get maximum flexibility! Participate live, virtually, and on demand through March 1, 2023.

The ACC.22 In-Person Gold Package includes:

  • In-Person Experience in Washington, DC
    • ALL 300+ Sessions
    • Expo & Learning Destinations
    • Posters, Moderated Posters, and eAbstracts
  • ACC.22 Virtual: 80+ sessions live-streamed across 6 channels available until April 10, 2022
  • ACC Anywhere: A digital library of 300+ sessions from ACC.22 with on demand access through March 1, 2023 — SAVE up to $200 off the list price with the Gold Package
Early Bird
Until Dec. 16
Dec. 17 – March 9
March 10 – Onsite
ACC Member Rate
ACC Reduced Member Rate
Nonmember Rate


ACC.22 Virtual GOLD Package (线上虚拟会议注册费-黄金套餐)

Can't join us in-person? Register for ACC.22 Virtual GOLD Package to participate virtually and on demand through March 1, 2023

The ACC.22 Virtual GOLD Package includes:

  • Virtual access to 80+ sessions live-streamed across 6 channels available until April 10, 2022
  • eAbstracts
  • ACC Anywhere: A digital library of 300+ sessions with on demand access to through March 1, 2023 — SAVE up to $200 off the list price when you buy today
Early Bird
Until Dec. 16
Dec. 17 – March 9
March 10 – Onsite
ACC Member Rate
ACC Reduced Member Rate
Nonmember Rate
Low- & Middle-Income Country Rate
Click here to view a list of countries


ACC.22 In-Person Package(线下面对面会议注册费-套餐)

Register for ACC.22 In-Person to join us in Washington, DC for an in-person experience.

The ACC.22 In-Person Package includes:

  • In-person Experience in Washington, DC
    • ALL 300+ Sessions
    • Expo & Learning Destinations
    • Posters, Moderated Posters, and eAbstracts
  • ACC.22 Virtual: 80+ sessions live-streamed across 6 channels available until April 10, 2022
Early Bird
Until Dec. 16
Dec. 17 – March 9
March 10 – Onsite
ACC Member Rate
ACC Reduced Member Rate
Nonmember Rate


ACC.22 Virtual Package(线上虚拟会议注册费-套餐)

Can't join us in-person? Register for ACC.22 Virtual for access to our innovative digital platform.

The ACC.22 Virtual Package includes:

  • Virtual access to 80+ sessions live-streamed across 6 channels available until April 10, 2022
  • eAbstracts
Early Bird
Until Dec. 16
Dec. 17 – March 9
March 10 – Onsite
ACC Member Rate
ACC Reduced Member Rate
Nonmember Rate
Low- & Middle-Income Country Rate
Click here to view a list of countries


Registration Categories-注册类别说明

  • ACC Member Physician: Fellows, Associate Fellows, Masters, MD, DO, PhD or Other Medical Degree
  • ACC International Associate: International Associate members of the ACC
  • ACC Affiliate Member: ACC members who are Geriatrician, Cardiovascular Veterinarian, Non-Cardiovascular Physician, Training Program Administrators, Data Managers or IT Specialists
  • ACC Cardiovascular Team Member: ACC members who belong to one of the following categories — Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Physician Assistant, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pharmacist, Sonographer, Electrophysiology Specialist, Invasive Specialist, Vascular Specialist, Genetic Counselor, Exercise Physiologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Social Worker, or Registered Dietician
  • ACC Cardiovascular Administrator Member: Hospital or Practice Administrators who are members of the ACC
  • ACC Fellow in Training Member: Physicians who are members of the ACC through their enrollment in an accredited cardiovascular training program (FITs)
  • ACC Student and Medical Resident Member: Cardiovascular Team Member in Training, including Nursing, Physician Assistant; Clinical Pharmacy Students; Medical Student or Medical Residents who are members of the ACC
  • ACC Emeritus Member: ACC Member with Master Emeritus, Fellow Emeritus or Associate Fellow Emeritus membership status
  • Nonmember Physician: Physicians who are nonmembers of the ACC
  • Nonmember Nonphysician: Nonmember registration category includes the following groups: nurse practitioner, registered nurse, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, pharmacist, sonographer, electrophysiology specialist, invasive specialist, vascular specialist, genetic counselor, exercise physiologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, registered dietitian or any other nonphysician health care professional who deals with direct patient care
  • Nonmember Cardiovascular Administrator: Nonmember practice or hospital administrators (No CME Credit)
  • Nonmember Trainee/Resident: Physician enrolled in an accredited training program but not a member of the ACC
  • Nonmember Medical Student: Students who are currently enrolled in medical school but are nonmembers of the ACC (No CME Credit)
  • Nonmedical: Health care consultants, pharma industry professionals or medical device industry professionals who are not ACC members (No CME Credit)



Changes and Cancellations

Registration Changes and Cancellations for In-Person Packages

In-person attendees may change their registration to the ACC.22 virtual package at any time by contacting ACC@Maritz.com. There will be no fee charged to make this change.

Until March 9, 2022, requests for cancellations will be honored and processed minus a $99 administrative fee. Cancellations must be sent in writing to ACC@Maritz.com. After March 9, 2022 registration fees are non-refundable.

Registrations are non-transferable except in the case of an emergency.

Special requests for refunds due to emergency cancellations after March 9, 2022 must be received no later than June 30, 2022. ACC retains the right to determine what constitutes an emergency situation, if additional supporting documentation is required, and if a refund will be given, and ACC's decision will be final.

The ACC will not refund due to travel carrier cancellations or other unforeseen incidents beyond attendees control. All attendees are urged to purchase personal travel insurance.

Registration Changes and Cancellations for Virtual Packages

Virtual Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.


ACC年会-美国心脏病协会年会-ACC 2022-美国心脏病学年会-2022美国心脏病年会

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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