
◆ 会议时间:2022年5月25日至28日
◆ 会议地点:瑞士 日内瓦(Geneva, Switzerland)


◆ 会议简介:



AEPC 2022 - 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology
25-28 May 2022
Geneva, Switzerland



Dear friends and colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the AEPC 2022 - 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology to be held in Geneva, Switzerland between May 25-28, 2022 and hosted by the Local Organizing Committee from the "Centre Universitaire de Cardiologie et Chirurgie Cardiaque Pédiatrique" a collaboration between the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and Vaudois University Hospital Center (CHUV) in Lausanne to be the strong entity for Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology and Surgery.

We are dedicated to offer you an exciting Annual Meeting. The Organizing Committee, consisting of local and national members, are working closely with the AEPC Scientific Committee and Working Groups to build a strong scientific program. Particular emphasis will be placed on the latest advances and innovations while not forgetting fundamentals and educational opportunities, especially for junior specialists, students, trainees, and nurses.

Hosting many international entities such as United Nations, Red Cross, etc., Geneva is a multinational city located centrally within Europe with a very easy accessible international airport. Being a walkable and human-sized city, Geneva offers a real traveller experience with free public transport offered by the city authorities. There are a lot of close-by sites for our participants to visit at their free times after meeting hours. Day trip to Monc Blanc, a lake tour, visiting the United Nations building or CERN, walking along the lake side and at the streets of the old city are only some of the options available.

As the Annual Meeting is being organized and hosted by the Local Organizing Committee of both university hospitals of Western Switzerland we encourage you to also hop on a daily tour to Lausanne which is considered as the world wide capital of sports administration and home to the famous Olympic Museum or to join the optional post-meeting tour.

The AEPC 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in CICG, the International Conference Centre Geneva which is located very centrally in the city and accessible easily with various public transport options.

AEPC 2022 will be the perfect place to gather again after a long period of virtual events and to learn, explain, discuss about the scientific advances in our specialty in-person.

After a two years of break because of the pandemic, we would be delighted to welcome you in Geneva next year!

Join us for the Swiss touch and let’s meet in real life again!

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
Annual Meeting Chairs

Prof. Maurice Beghetti
Prof. Rene Prêtre
Prof. Nicole Sekarski
Dr. Tornike Sologashvili




Registration Categories & Fees

Category / Fee

Early Registration
(until and on February 14)

Regular Registration
(between February 15-May 20)

Late/Onsite Registration
(between May 21-28)

AEPC Member* Delegate

€ 400

€ 500

€ 600

AEPC Junior** Member*

€ 225

€ 275

€ 325

AEPC Member* - Nurse

€ 225

€ 275

€ 325

AEPC Member* - Allied Health Professional

€ 225

€ 275

€ 325

Non-Member - Delegate

€ 600

€ 700

€ 800

Non-Member - Nurse

€ 325

€ 375

€ 425

Non-Member - Allied Health Professional

€ 325

€ 375

€ 425

Non-Member - Junior

€ 325

€ 375

€ 425

All prices are inclusive of VAT taxes.

* All AEPC Members need to be in good standing with the society (i.e. need to have paid their annual membership fee) to be entitled to pay the reduced members fee, and are required to submit their membership ID during the registration process. 

** AEPC Junior Members under the age of 38, and in training need to be in good standing with the society (i.e. need to have paid their annual membership fee) to be entitled to pay the reduced junior members fee.  AEPC Junior Members are required to send a proof of age to nutugen@kenes.com  proving this status.

*** AEPC Honorary Members: please kindly contact us at nutugen@kenes.com to assist you with your registration.


The registration fee for all the registration categories of the Annual Meeting includes:

  • Access to all scientific sessions
  • Access to the posters’ area
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Meeting materials (Name badge, final program book, etc...)
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME Accreditation (number of CME credits to be announced prior to the Annual Meeting)
  • Coffee breaks & lunchs as per the Meeting programme (depending on the pandemic measures of the Meeting venue)
  • Welcome Reception (depending on the pandemic measures of the Meeting venue)
  • For Jr. Members: access to the Jr’s Party (limited capacity on a first reserved first accepted base - depending on the pandemic measures of the Meeting venue)
  • For Nurses & Allied Health Professional: access to the Reception (limited capacity on a first reserved first accepted base - depending on the pandemic measures of the Meeting venue)
  • Access to the Annual Meeting Supplement of the CitY (Cardiology in the Young) Journal which will include Annual Meeting abstracts.

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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