
◆ 会议时间:2022年9月19日至23日
◆ 会议地点:瑞典 斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm, Sweden) - Stockholmsmässan


◆ 会议简介:



EASD 2022 - 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Dates: 19 September 2022 - 23 September 2022
Venue: Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden and online

Scientific Programme
Tuesday, 20 September - Friday, 23 September 2022

Industry Symposia
Monday, 19 September - Friday, 23 September 2022


The EASD Annual Meeting 2022 will be a hybrid congress, providing the option to join us in person or virtual.

We believe a hybrid congress experience ensures that the global diabetes community can benefit from the latest research and innovations in the field of diabetes and offers various options for exchange and interaction, independent of the ongoing uncertainties regarding meeting and travel regulations across the globe.

We hope to meet you in person in Stockholm in September 2022 and - to those who might not be able to travel - we look forward to welcoming you virtual.


摘要征集-Abstract Submission:

征稿截止日期: 1 April 2022 at 18:00hrs CEST.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Communications must be delivered in English. There is no simultaneous translation.

It is not permitted to take photographs and/or film during any of the sessions.

Receipt of Abstract

Abstracts can only be submitted online and MUST be submitted BEFORE 1 APRIL 2022 18:00hrs CEST. THIS DEADLINE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED, as will be the regulations given below. The EASD office will notify the presenting (= first named) author when the abstracts with the status "complete" are forwarded for anonymous review.

Submission of Abstracts

The following is a brief overview of the abstract submission process. Please read carefully the: 提交指南/DETAILED ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES before you begin the abstract submission process.

It is not permitted to submit work that has been published and/or is likely to be published before the EASD Abstract submission deadline (1 April 2022, 18:00hrs. CEST). The Programme Committee has the right to remove an abstract if this contains data that has already been published. However, EASD accepts the submission of abstracts that have been presented in recent months at local or national diabetes meetings (e.g. ADA, DDG). An author submitting or presenting work that has been published in a journal before the EASD Abstract submission deadline (1 April 2022, 18:00hrs CEST) will be banned from presenting data at the EASD Meetings for three years.

Abstracts submitted on Human Studies:

The box must be marked stating that the study has been reviewed by the Local Ethics Committee and that it has therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the Helsinki Declaration (see World Medical Association: www.wma.net).

Abstracts submitted on Animal Studies:

The box must be marked stating that the study has been carried out along the “Principles of laboratory animal care” (NIH Publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and according to the national law, if applicable.

Selection of abstracts for the Scientific Programme is made anonymously. THE ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED as follows:

Each author can be listed ONLY ONCE as the PRESENTING author (presenting author is always the first named author in the author block) on ONE (1) abstract. Each additional abstract will be removed from the system and will not be forwarded to the Review Committee. Additional abstracts will not be reviewed. Presenting authors may be co-authors of other abstracts. It is mandatory that the presenting author of any abstract accepted for presentation or discussion attends the 58th EASD Annual Meeting 2022 in Stockholm to present and/or discuss his/her paper. Failure to do so, without prior or adequate explanation sent to the EASD Office by e-mail, may result in the author or the institution being banned from presenting abstracts for the next three years.

Abstracts are welcome from non-members of EASD. Please refer to the Registration section of this General Information, regarding the date by which authors must become members of EASD in order to qualify for preferential registration fees. These regulations will be strictly enforced.

The abstract must be submitted in English. New authors should create an MyEASD account using their email address and a password. With this information they can revise the submission as often as required, make changes, additions, amendments, change/add/delete authors, copy special characters easily into the text, re-write the abstract or copy and paste the text in the corresponding boxes. All this is possible until the Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 April 2022 18:00hrs CEST. After this date the submission site will be closed. IMPORTANT!: Always double check that the “complete” status of your submitted abstract has NOT been affected after having edited it.


Your abstract submission must adhere the following structure:

  • The maximum number of characters is 3,200 (excl. spaces) including the title and the author block. The title should be short (maximum 150 characters).
  • Please enter your name and the names of co-authors as given in the example below. Start each name with a capital letter and continue in lower case, do not enter names/affiliations all in capital letters.
    First Name: John
    2nd Initial:  J
    3rd Initial:   R
    Last Name: Macleod
  • The abstract must be structured. Enter each section into the corresponding text field with the provided sub-headings in bold (Background and aims:, Materials and methods:, Results: and Conclusion:). The abstract structuring words are fixed for each abstract text box. One or two sentences should describe the methods, and any aspects of methodology (e.g. use of control groups, randomisation, patient selection, assay variation). The sentences stating the results must include hard data, including statistical analysis. The abstract requires solid data, i.e. n, p-values and confidence intervals if appropriate.
  • It is allowed to include only one table OR one graph to your abstract, but 400 characters will be deducted from the maximum number of characters allowed. Tables must be uploaded as an image; so you must create your table and convert it into an image in order to include it in your abstract. You can edit your table or graph and then replace it, or delete it until the submission deadline of 1 April 2022, 18:00hrs CEST. Do not enter both (a table and a graph) in the same image file; also, do not create and upload multi panel images (a maximum of two panels is allowed). When creating a table, do not exceed a number of 10 columns and 12 rows with a maximum of 1 line per row! 
  • References are not allowed.
  • For drugs exclusively generic names should be used (no trademarks).
  • A list of approved abbreviations and units of expression for use without definition appears in Diabetologia.
  • Grant/Support information must be entered into its designated field.
  • Where applicable, the Clinical Trial Registration Number must be entered into its designated field; not in the abstract body.
  • Only one keyword can be selected.
  • Abstracts CANNOT be submitted as an e-mail attachment.

Once all submission steps have been successfully completed and the abstract deadline has passed, the presenting author will receive a notification confirming the final version of the abstract submission. In case of questions, or if you have not received a notification confirming the final version of the abstract submission by 19 April 2022, please contact the EASD office: abstracts@easd.org


One keyword from the list below must be selected for the submission:

GROUP 1: Diabetes genetics, biomarkers and epidemiology

01 Epidemiology
02 Genetics of type 1 diabetes
03 Genetics of type 2 diabetes
04 Monogenic forms of diabetes
05 Environmental factors (viruses, nutrients, toxins)
06 Diabetes epigenetics
07 Prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes
08 Prediction of type 2 diabetes
09 Prevention of type 2 diabetes
10 Risk of diabetes in immigrant populations

GROUP 2: Clinical and preclinical pancreas immunology and islet function

11 Islet stem cells and beta cell generation
12 Transcriptional regulation and protein synthesis in the pancreas
13 Insulin secretion in vitro and exocytosis
14 Beta cell signal transduction
15 Beta cell damage, degeneration and apoptosis
16 Experimental immunology and animal models of type 1 diabetes
17 Clinical immunology
18 Pancreas and islet transplantation

GROUP 3: Peripheral hormone action in health and disease

19 Insulin action
20 Insulin sensitivity and resistance
21 Insulin secretion in vivo
22 Peripheral non-insulin hormones
23 Omics in muscle
24 Glucose transport
25 Carbohydrate metabolism
26 Protein metabolism
27 Exercise physiology
28 Pregnancy
29 Diabetes in childhood

GROUP 4: Diabetes mechanisms in obesity and more

30 Adipocyte biology and fat cell models
31 Animal models of obesity and type 2 diabetes
32 Lipid metabolism in vivo
33 Adipose tissue function and hormones
34 Inflammation in obesity and type 2 diabetes
35 Omics in obesity or adipose tissue
36 Human weight regulation and obesity
37 Central nervous function in relation to obesity and type 2 diabetes
38 Senescence and obesity/diabetes

GROUP 5: Non-insulin based diabetes therapies

39 Nutrition and diet
40 Oral therapies: metformin, sensitizers and other non-secretagogues
41 SGLT inhibitors
42 Incretin-based therapies
43 Novel agents

GROUP 6: Diabetes technology and societal impact

44 Insulin therapy
45 Devices
46 Hypoglycaemia
47 Health care delivery
48 Education
49 Psychological aspects
50 Socio-economic aspects
51 Digital diabetes health

GROUP 7: Microvascular complication of diabetes

52 Neuropathy: somatic
53 Neuropathy: autonomic, incl. erectile dysfunction
54 Diabetic foot and skin disorders
55 Retinopathy
56 Nephropathy
57 Hypertension

GROUP 8: Diabetes macrovascular complications and beyond

58 Cardiac complications
59 Macrovascular disease
60 Pathogenic mechanisms/ complications
61 Dyslipidaemia, lipoproteins
62 Endothelium
63 Animal models of complications
64 Other complications
65 Cancer
66 Cognitive dysfunction and Alzheimer Disease
67 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) including liver omics

Programme Committee

Preference for oral presentation or short oral discussion is not possible. The Programme Committee allocates the accepted abstracts to either an oral presentation or a short oral discussion session. The Programme Committee Members will meet in May 2022 and have the absolute right to accept or reject abstracts. Their decision is final. Only accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Volume. The Programme Committee’s decision will be communicated via email in the last week of May 2022 ONLY to the presenting (= first named) author’s contact e-mail entered in the online abstract submission tool.

Short Oral Discussions

Short oral discussions rank equally with oral presentations at the EASD Annual Meeting. A short PowerPoint presentation without audio must be uploaded to the EASD presentation management platform by the indicated deadline prior to the start of the Annual Meeting. Detailed instructions will be sent to the presenting author on notification of acceptance (ONLY to the presenting (= first named) author’s contact e-mail entered in the online abstract submission tool) online abstract submission tool).

Oral Presentations

PowerPoint presentation will be available for Oral Presentations. Instructions on presentation will be sent to the presenting authors on notification of acceptance (ONLY to the presenting (= first named) author’s contact e-mail entered in the online abstract submission tool). Only single projection is provided.

Oral Presentations during the EASD Annual Meeting will be delivered live; they will also be made available as webcasts via the EASD Virtual Meeting.

Publication of Abstracts

Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Volume, a supplement issue of Diabetologia, the journal of the EASD. Furthermore abstracts accepted for presentation and discussion will be published on the Association’s website www.easd.org from 1 July 2022.



EASD2022 注册费:

EASD does not charge VAT.

All rates are indicated in Euro. The term "Paid-up Member" refers to a person who is recorded at the EASD Office as a paid-up member before starting the registration process and the membership has to be valid during the Hybrid EASD Annual Meeting.

All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in this and other conference documents, refer to the Central European Summer Time zone (CEST).


亲自出席注册费/Registration fees for in person attendance

Registration fees for the in person meeting which will take place in Stockholm, Sweden are as follows:

In Person Attendance - Registration fees Early Registration
Until 19 July 2022
Late Registration
From 20 July 2022
Paid-up EASD Members Student €95 €250
Post Doc/Fellow/Nurse €180 €490
Standard €485 €635
Non-Members   €600 €750

In person participation in Stockholm is limited to a maximum of 10,000 delegates.

In person delegates receive

  • Name Badge / Bag / Congress Material
  • Access to the Scientific Programme
  • Access to the Exhibition
  • Public transportation ticket valid for 5 days
  • Access to the Virtual Meeting platform (incl. live and on demand sessions, Industry content)
  • Certification based on the in person and / or virtual attendance)


虚拟参会注册费/Registration fees for virtual attendance

Registration fees for the virtual meeting are as follows:

Virtual Attendance - Registration fees Early Registration
Until 19 July 2022
Late Registration
From 20 July 2022
Paid-up EASD Members Student €95 €250
Post Doc/Fellow/Nurse €100 €250
Standard €220 €335
Non-Members   €335 €450

Virtual delegates receive

  • Access to the Virtual Meeting platform (incl. live and on demand sessions, Industry content)
  • Certification based on the delegates watch time via their personal MyEASD account



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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