◆ 会议时间:2022年3月19-23日
◆ 会议地点:捷克 布拉格/Prague, Czech Republic + 线上会议
◆ 会议简介:
EBMT 2022 - 48th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Date: 19-23 March 2022
Venue: Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, Hybird
The EBMT is happy to announce the upcoming Hybrid 48th EBMT Annual Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic. This meeting is planned as a hybrid meeting, with both face-to-face and virtual components. Combining in-person and digital elements, we expect a higher attendance than ever before, and the ability to benefit from the best of what both worlds have to offer.
Each year the Annual Meeting of the EBMT brings together scientists, physicians, nurses, data managers, patients, quality managers, statisticians, pharmacists, biologists, psychologists, transplant coordinators, lab technicians and trainees from Europe and all over the world. It is our largest event of the year where healthcare experts present unique guides and the latest research on our challenging scientific world.
The EBMT 2022 Hybrid Annual Meeting will take place in the Central European Time (CET) zone.
All EBMT sessions that take place onsite will be live-streamed through our congress platform and will be available on-demand after they are aired live, to be viewed at any time from any time zone.
3 November, 2021 |
Nurses’ abstract submission deadline
护士摘要提交截止 |
19 December, 2021 |
Physicians, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Data Management, Statistics, Quality Management’s abstract submission
医师,药剂师,心理学家和精神科医生,数据管理,统计,质量管理的摘要提交截止 |
11 January, 2022 |
Early bird onsite registration deadline |
17 February, 2022 |
Standard onsite registration deadline + Early bird virtual registration deadline |
19 March, 2022 |
First day of the Annual Meeting (virtual day only) |
20 March, 2022 |
First day of the onsite Annual Meeting |
23 March, 2022 |
Last day of the Annual Meeting |
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Notification letter sent to Nurses abstract authors on acceptance status: November 29, 2021
Notification letter sent to Physicians, Psychologists, Pharmacologists, Data Management, Quality Management and Statisticians' abstract authors on acceptance status: February 4, 2022
Oral Schedule sent to abstract authors: February 4, 2022
Poster Schedule sent to abstract authors: February 8, 2022
Physicians Abstract submission fee (ONLY FOR PHYSICIANS)
There is a 45 Euro nonrefundable submission fee per abstract submitted.
Payment must be made by credit card: Visa or MasterCard; American Express is not accepted.
Bank transfers and checks will not be accepted.
The abstract submission fee does not include registration for the EBMT Annual Meeting. In order to attend the meeting all authors must register through the EBMT Registration page.
Abstract submitters that do not complete the payment of the fee by December 19, 2021 will not have their abstract reviewed by the committee.
Abstract preparation expenses
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Delegates who would like to present their work at the EBMT Annual Meeting, either orally or as a poster, are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Programme Committee.
Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract. Nurses Group submitters are invited to read the Nurses Group Abstract Guidance Document at the bottom of this page for additional information.
How to Submit an Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted online through the official online abstract submission system.
Submission by fax, e-mail or courier will not be accepted.
Abstracts must describe original, previously unpublished work.
Please create a user account in order to submit an abstract. The account only needs to be created once and can be re-used for additional abstract submissions.
The submitter is asked to select the most appropriate topic for the abstract on the submission form.
Total length of abstract must not exceed 500 words (included in this count: background, methods, results, conclusions and graph and/or table).
The body of the abstract will be structured as follows with the following subtitles:
Image/Graph and/or Table (optional)
1 Image may be included with the following criteria:
Maximum file size 500 kilobytes and a maximum of 600 x 800 pixels. Allowed file types: .gif, .jpg, .png. If your file size or pixel size is too large, you have to resize your graph accordingly.
1 Table may be included with the following criteria:
Maximum number of rows: 10, Maximum number of columns: 10
Placing a table counts against the word limit for your abstract.
The table tag or graph tag must be in editable format and placed into the abstract text to include the table or graph into your publication.
Please note that tables included as images will be deleted in the journal publication.
Clinical Trial Registry (if applicable)
Conflict of interest
If none of the authors have something to declare - please type "Nothing to declare". If there is a need to declare, kindly list each author's name (First, Last) and the disclosure.
It is preferable that the Background is stated in one sentence, the Methods kept to a brief description, that the Results are summarized and presented in sufficient detail to support the Conclusions. Note that it is not recommended to postulate that “the results will be discussed during the oral presentation” or that “other data will be presented later”.
Use standard abbreviations where appropriate. Include any other abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.
Authors: All author full names should be included in the order they will appear in publication. Ensure that the correct spelling is confirmed for all contributing authors, no amendment will be permitted after the submission deadline.
Affiliations: Each affiliation should be specified. Affiliations should include the primary employer or institution name, and location (city, state or province, country). No department or faculty names.
Trademarks: If brand names and trademarks are included, it is required that the appropriate corresponding symbols are used consistently, as well as, any potential conflicts of interests clearly stated.
You must complete all the on-line stages of abstract submission. Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.
After completing your abstract submission you will receive a confirmation email. Please save this email for your personal record.
Abstract Form
Abstracts can only be submitted in English. EBMT will not translate an abstract.
EBMT is not responsible for errors in the abstract submission. It is important that you read your text to ensure accuracy with no spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.
We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.
Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed by the committee.
Abstract modification
Abstracts can be saved in “Draft status” to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline (Physicians, Psychology and Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Data Management, Statistics and Quality Management December 19, 2021, Nurses November 03, 2021).
Withdrawal of an abstract
Request for withdrawal should be sent to abstracts@ebmt.org before February 15, 2022. The submitter must clearly explain the reason for withdrawal.
Failure to present an abstract at the congress may lead to systematic rejection of your submission for future Annual Meetings.
Abstract Review process
Abstracts will be subjected to a single blind review process by a panel of international experts in the field.
Mean scores will be calculated for each abstract and based on this they will be allocated to oral or poster presentations, or they may be rejected.
Each abstract will be scored based on the following criteria: scientific merit, suitable sample size, proper statistical analysis, adherence to instructions and originality of the work.
Acceptance/ rejection notification
Only submitting authors will be notified by e-mail by February 4, 2022 if their abstract has been accepted. Date, time and type of their presentation will be confirmed.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to notify the other co-authors of the outcome decision.
EBMT and the Scientific Programme Committee do not correspond on the reasons of acceptance/rejection of an abstract. Instructions for oral presentation and poster preparation will be e-mailed in due course to the submitting authors.
Welcome message
The Czech Republic is a small country, but nevertheless an important and long-term active member of the EBMT. The number of transplantation centres and their transplantation activity in relation to the total population even ranks among the top European countries.
Prague is an ancient cultural city right in the heart of the continent. It is both traditional and modern, and holds the title of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It ranks among the most beautiful cities in the world and its historical center is a lively encyclopaedia of historical cultures from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance, Baroque, Art Nouveau to the modern present. Home to F. Kafka, W.A. Mozart, V. Havel and many other famous persons, Prague offers visitors hundreds of theatres, museums and galleries.
The Prague Congress Centre Palace is located next to a metro station, with the city centre just 2 stops away by metro. It already hosted the EBMT Meeting in 2005, which was one of the most valued in history.
We hope that EBMT 2022 will build on the best of the previous congresses and will enrich you not only professionally but also personally. This hybrid meeting will take place in Prague and will also be offered virtually, allowing both on-site and remote attendees and speakers to take part, and full access to on-demand content after the congress for all participants. In addition to the cutting-edge scientific programme and networking exchange, those onsite will be able to enjoy the spectacular city of Prague.
We look forward to welcoming you all to Prague in 2022!
Pavel Jindra – Congress Co-President
Petr Sedláček – Congress Co-President
Edgar Faber – Congress Scientific Chair
Klára Kabátová Maxová – Local Nurses Chair
Anna Sureda – EBMT Society President Elect
Nicolaus Kröger – EBMT Society President

** Proof of your status as a Postgraduate student, Low-to-Middle Income Country (LMIC) residence, or Student status will be requested and is required during the registration process.
*** One free Nurse registration is available per EBMT Member transplant centre in the Czech Republic. In order to register for this, please contact registration@ebmt.org. Please note that proof of your employment will be requested.
- Full registration for the Annual Meeting (either face-to-face or virtual) includes access to all Meeting sessions and Day Cards.
- Registration for the Saturday Virtual Day Card includes online access to the Psychologists Day, Transplant and Search Coordinators Day, Pharmacists Day, Trainees Day, and Data Management Programme. The Patient, Family and Donor Day is also accessible with registration via this Day Card (however please note that if you are interested in attending only the virtual Patient, Family and Donor Day - you can register separately for free).
- Registration for the Quality Management Day Card includes access to Quality Management programme activities on Tuesday only, 22 March. This Day Card is available for purchase for the face-to-face event as well as virtual.
Registration for the Face-to-face event in Prague includes:
Participation in scientific sessions and satellite symposiums, invitation to the Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception, access to the exhibition, e-Posters and onsite Poster Area viewing, congress bag, all congress printed material, and refreshments during coffee and lunch breaks, as per the official programme, as well as access to all recorded content online for two months after the meeting.
Registration for the virtual event includes/虚拟注册包括:
Participation in scientific sessions and satellite symposiums during the live event days, access to the virtual exhibition, access to e-Posters, access to online networking opportunities, access to all recorded content for two months after the meeting live dates.
Cancellation Policy (for individual booking only)-取消政策
All cancellations must be electronically mailed. Refund of registration fees will be as follows:
- Postmarked before January 11, 2022 - 100% refund (minus €50 handling and transaction fees).
- Postmarked from January 12, 2022 - 50% refundable minus transaction fees.
- No refund on cancellations sent after February 17, 2022.
- Refunds will be processed in April 2022 following the completion of the EBMT Annual Meeting.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。