◆ 会议时间:2023年11月1-5日
◆ 会议地点:美国 费城(Philadelphia)
◆ 会议简介:
2023年美国肾脏病学会年会—美国肾脏周(ASN Kidney Week 2023)将于2023年11月1-5日在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城举行,会议由美国肾脏病学会(ASN)主办。美国肾脏病年会ASN肾脏周是国际上规模最大、学术水平最高的肾脏病学术盛会,预计有来自世界各地的13000余名专业人士参加本次会议。
ASN Kidney Week 2023 - American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting
Date: November 1-5, 2023
Venue: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia,PA, USA
Join ASN and more than 13,000 other kidney professionals from across the globe at Kidney Week 2023. The world's premier nephrology meeting, Kidney Week provides participants exciting and challenging opportunities to exchange knowledge, learn the latest scientific and medical advances, and listen to engaging and provocative discussions with leading experts in the field.
Kidney Week 2023 : Important Dates
Date |
Kidney Week Event |
Wednesday, April 12 |
Abstract Submission Site Opens 摘要征文投稿开始 |
Wednesday, May 24 |
Abstract Submission Site Closes (2:00 p.m. EDT)
摘要征文投稿截止 |
Wednesday, May 31 |
Trainee Support Application Opens |
Wednesday, June 7 |
Program Posted |
Wednesday, June 21 |
Ancillary Event Application Opens |
Wednesday, June 28 |
Trainee Support Application Closes (2:00 p.m. EDT) |
Wednesday, July 12 |
Registration and Housing Open (10:00 a.m. EDT) |
Wednesday, July 19 |
Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Submission Site Opens |
Wednesday, August 2 |
Exhibitor and Group Registration Open |
Wednesday, September 6 |
Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Submission Site Closes (2:00 p.m. EDT) |
Wednesday, September 13 |
Early Registration Rate Ends (11:59 p.m. EDT) |
Thursday, September 14 |
Standard Registration Rate Begins |
Friday, September 29 |
Housing Closes |
Friday, October 13 |
Abstracts Posted |
Wednesday, October 25 |
Standard Registration Rate Ends (11:59 p.m. EDT) |
Thursday, October 26 |
Onsite Registration Rate Begins |
Tuesday, October 31 |
Onsite Registration Opens in Philadelphia |
Wednesday, November 1 |
Early Programs in Philadelphia |
Thursday, November 2 –
Sunday, November 5 |
Annual Meeting |
Saturday, November 4 |
Registration Closes |
Mid-November |
Kidney Week On-Demand Opens |
Sunday, December 31 |
CE/MOC Deadline |
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
摘要提交教程>>>Abstract submission tutorial>>>
The $75 processing fee per research abstract, clinical case report, or informational poster submission is nonrefundable. The processing fee must be paid at the time of submission by credit card (American Express, MasterCard, or VISA).
This Year's Updates
- New category: Augmented Intelligence, Digital Health, and Data Science - Artificial intelligence (AI), digital health research and interventions, electronic medical records (EMRs) analysis, multi-modal data science, end-to-end system development and usability studies. Clinical trials or observational studies, quality control studies or initiatives, or diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and disparities research or initiatives in these topic areas.
- The Kidney Week 2023 Annual Meeting will take place in-person on November 2-5, 2023, in Philadelphia, PA. Oral abstracts and posters must be presented in-person in Philadelphia.
- All research abstracts, clinical case reports, informational posters, and late-breaking clinical trials must be submitted electronically through the ASN abstract submission site by their respective deadlines for consideration. Please refer to the Important Deadlines below.
- ASN requires abstract Submitters to have an ASN User Login, and ALL abstract authors to have an ASN User Login AND 24 months of FULL disclosures on file with ASN. Authors must submit their own disclosures. (Click here for the ASN Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy.) Please allow adequate time to gather this information by May 24, 2023.
- ASN membership is not required to create a User Login. There is no fee to create a User Login.
- Click here if the Submitter/author needs to create a User Login.
- Click here if the Submitter/author has a User Login but forgot his/her password.
- ALL authors must provide FULL disclosures BEFORE they can be added to an abstract.
- Authors must submit their OWN disclosures.
- ASN membership is not required to submit, be an author on, or present an abstract.
- The Presenting (First) Author of an accepted oral or poster abstract must register for the Annual Meeting .
- Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more of the abstracts.
- Abstracts are NOT eligible for consideration if the research will have been presented at another meeting or press conference prior to Kidney Week.
- Abstracts are NOT eligible for consideration if the research has been published or accepted for publication by May 24, 2023.
- Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community preprint server by authors will not be considered prior publication, provided that the following conditions are met:
- During submission, authors must acknowledge preprint server deposition.
- Versions of a manuscript that have been altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited.
- The preprint version cannot be indexed (e.g., in MEDLINE or PubMed).
- Upon ASN publication, authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint version with a link to the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF.
- The preprint server should meet NIH standards for interim research product repositories.
- All research and studies in submitted abstracts must comply with the WMA Declaration of Helsinki, the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism, and the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
Submission Types
- All types of nephrology-related research are eligible for submission and should address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain preliminary original scientific data.
- There is no limit to the number of research abstracts that an individual may submit, but only one abstract per study should be submitted. Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more of the abstracts.
- Accepted research abstracts may be assigned for oral presentation, assigned for poster presentation, and/or published in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF.
- Important! If your research data are available by May 24, 2023, ASN strongly recommends that you submit your abstract during the regular call for abstracts, rather than holding it for the call for late-breaking clinical trials. The regular call for abstracts has more opportunities for oral presentations and posters than the call for late-breaking clinical trials.
- Case reports must include uniqueness of the case, clinical findings presented, outcomes documented, and "take-away" lessons (teaching points).
- There is a limit of 2 case report submissions per Presenting (First) Author.
- Accepted case reports may be assigned for poster presentation and/or published in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF (generally not assigned for oral presentation).
- Informational Poster submissions will be accepted June 14 - July 12, 2023, 2:00 p.m. EDT.
- Submissions must include research services in core facilities at academic or nonprofit institutions as well as ongoing clinical trials open to enrollment. The purpose is to stimulate utilization of research core facilities and enrollment in clinical trials.
- Abstracts describing clinical trial results are NOT eligible for consideration.
- Accepted informational posters will be assigned for poster presentation but will not be published in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF.
- Late-Breaking Clinical Trial submissions will be accepted July 19 - September 6, 2023, 2:00 p.m. EDT. Guidelines and instructions specific to late-breaking submissions will be posted in June.
- Accepted late-breaking clinical trials may be assigned for oral presentation, assigned for poster presentation, and/or published in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF.
Submission Details
- All research abstracts, clinical case reports, informational posters, and late-breaking clinical trials must be submitted electronically through the ASN abstract submission site during their respective submission deadlines.
- The abstract submission may be completed on the first visit to the submission site or may be saved and completed at a later time. An abstract may be submitted and paid for, then returned to draft, edited, and resubmitted for no additional fee by May 24, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. EDT.
- The $75 processing fee per research abstract, clinical case report, or informational poster submission is nonrefundable. The processing fee must be paid at the time of submission by credit card (American Express, MasterCard, or VISA).
- Upon abstract submission, the Presenting (First) Author and co-authors agree to all copyright transfer terms and the ASN embargo policy.
- Authors: With regard to authorship credit, ASN has adopted the criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: "authorship be based on...1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved."
- Access to Data: ASN requires that ALL authors have full access to all study data and statistical analyses of the data. If that is not the case, the abstract may be rejected or retracted.
- ALL authors must have an ASN User Login and provide 24 months of FULL disclosures BEFORE they can be added to an abstract. Authors must submit their own disclosures. (Click here for the ASN Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy.) Please see Eligibility above for additional details.
- Submitter/Submitting Author: This individual serves as the secondary point of contact with ASN regarding the submission. The Submitter is not required to be a contributing author (e.g., administrative assistant or student working with the authors) but must have an ASN User Login with current contact information for submission.
- Presenting (First) Author: This individual is the first author listed in the submission and has the primary responsibility for communications with ASN. The Presenting Author is responsible for ensuring that ALL co-authors approve the submission, publication, and potential presentation. The Presenting Author is responsible for ensuring that ALL co-authors who participated in the study and meet the criteria for authorship are listed on the abstract when it is submitted to ASN. The Presenting Author will give the oral or poster presentation, if the submission is accepted, and should feel comfortable presenting and answering questions in English. Please note that the submission system recognizes the first author as the Presenting Author; these roles cannot be differentiated in the system or in the Kidney Week program. The Presenting Author must be the first author listed.
- Co-Authors: The co-authors will be listed in the order provided during submission.
- Character Limit: An abstract submission may contain a maximum of 2,500 characters. The total character count includes characters and spaces in the following fields:
- Title
- Body
- Figure(s)
- Up to 2 figures can be included in a submission
- Figure count is determined by image height but will not exceed 560 characters
- Because image height cannot be calculated manually, we recommend uploading, editing, and replacing figures in the submission until an acceptable quality : character ratio is reached
- Table
- Up to 1 table can be included in a submission
- Table count is 50 characters per row
- For complex tables and in situations where control over formatting is desired, we recommend uploading the table as a figure
- Author names (as they appear once added on Step 4 of the submission process)
- Author institutions do not count towards the total characters
- Submission Fields
- Research Abstracts:
- Clinical Case Reports:
- Informational Posters:
Assignment, Notification, and Presentation
All abstract submissions are peer reviewed, and authors' names and institutions are blinded to reviewers. Accepted abstracts will be assigned to one of the following:
- "High-Impact Clinical Studies" Oral Session(s): One to two sessions for late-breaking clinical trials will be held in-person in Philadelphia, PA; one on Friday, November 4, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT, and one on Saturday, November 5, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT. These sessions will be recorded for later viewing.
- Oral Abstract Sessions: These sessions will be held in-person in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, November 2, Friday, November 3, and Saturday, November 4, 4:30-6:00 p.m. EDT. These sessions will be recorded for later viewing.
- Posters: Posters will be presented in-person in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, November 2, Friday, November 3, and Saturday, November 4, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT, in the exhibit hall. If accepted for poster presentation, the Presenting (First) Author or a co-author must be available at the poster board at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EDT for presentation and discussion. Poster presenters are encouraged to submit an ePoster to complement their printed poster. ePosters will be available for viewing online starting Thursday, November 2, 10:00 a.m. EDT.
- Publication Only: Some abstracts will be included in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF but not presented during Kidney Week. To request removal from the Abstract Supplement, the Presenting (First) Author must check the box during the submission process that states: "Please do not include my abstract in the ASN Abstract Supplement if my abstract is not selected for an oral or poster presentation."
Abstracts accepted for oral presentations, posters, and publication will be included in the ASN Abstract Supplement PDF, which will be posted online on October 13, 2023.
It is the responsibility of the Presenting (First) Author to share the notification with their co-authors. If you are a Presenting Author and have not received your notification by August 12, 2023, please email kidneyweek@asn-online.org and note the abstract number in the email subject line and the Presenting Author's name in the email body.
The Presenting Authors of abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentations must register for the Annual Meeting and travel to Philadelphia, PA to present in-person.
Kidney Week 2023 includes: seven in-person Early Programs, and the in-persson Annual Meeting. Each Early Program and the Annual Meeting have separate registration fees and offer continuing education credits. For information on registration rates, programs, and inclusions please see below.
- Seven Early Programs in Philadelphia, PA (November 1): Advances in Research Conference: Multi-Omic Analyses of Tissue Microenvironments in the Kidneys, Fundamentals of Renal Pathology, Genetics in Clinical Nephrology (NEW), Glomerular Diseases: 2023 Update, Kidney Transplantation: 2023 Update, Maintenance Dialysis: 2023 Update, Nephrocardiology: An Emerging Filed in Medicine (NEW). You may only register for one Early Program.
All but the Advances in Research Conference includes on-demand content available on October 25 and an in-person session in Philadelphia on November 1, as well as access to all recorded presentations for up to three years. The Advances in Research Conference has an in-person session in Philadelphia on November 1; the in-person content will be recorded and available for up to three years. Each has a separate registration fee and offers continuing education credits. You must participate in-person in Philadelphia on November 1 for continuing education credits.
- Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (November 2-5): All plenaries, sessions, posters, and the scientific exposition will take place in-person in Philadelphia. There is no virtual or hybrid event in 2023. Educational content will be recorded and posted to view on-demand in late November in the ASN eLearning Center. This on-demand content will be available for up to three years and continue to be complimentary to meeting participants who obtain an access code. Access code information will be available in late October 2023.
In-Person Early Programs (Must participate In-Person in Philadelphia, PA)
Registration Type |
Early |
Standard |
Onsite |
ASN Member |
$575 |
$675 |
$775 |
ASN Fellow-in-Training Member (PhD/Post Doctorate Trainee) |
$400 |
$500 |
$600 |
ASN Student Member (Undergraduate, Graduate, Medical, PhD, Resident) |
$400 |
$500 |
$600 |
Non-member |
$875 |
$975 |
$1,075 |
Exhibitor Personnel |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
In-Person Annual Meeting
Registration Type |
Early |
Standard |
Onsite |
ASN Member |
$550 |
$650 |
$750 |
ASN Fellow-in-Training Member (PhD/Post Doctorate Trainee) |
$250 |
$375 |
$475 |
ASN Student Member (Undergraduate, Graduate, Medical, PhD, Resident) |
$0 |
$0 |
N/A |
Non-member |
$975 |
$1,075 |
$1,275 |
Exhibitor Personnel |
$150 |
$150 |
$150 |
Registration Deadlines
Registration will open on Wednesday, July 12 at 10:00 AM EDT.
- Early Registration Rate Deadline: September 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT
- Standard Registration Rate Deadline: October 25, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT
- Onsite Registration closes November 4, 2023 at 2:30 PM EDT
Cancellation Policy
Refunds, less a $150 fee, will be granted for requests received in writing prior to Wednesday, September 13 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. After September 13 no refunds will be given. Badges are non-transferrable. Once printed, badge swapping, or sharing is not permitted.
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing and sent to asnregistration@spargoinc.com. Cancellations will not be accepted by phone. Cancellations will be acknowledged by email. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within one week, please contact Customer Service at +1 (866) 849-8868 Domestic or +1 (571) 549-4543 International or by email at asnregistration@spargoinc.com. Refunds will NOT be given for no shows.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。