
◆ 会议时间:2023年8月25日至28日
◆ 会议地点:中国 香港


◆ 会议简介:




18th Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation
Date: 25-28 August 2023
Venue: Hong Kong, China



Abstract submission is free and registration payment is not required at the time of submission.

Abstract submission deadline: 20 Feb 2023
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2023


Presenters of accepted abstracts must be registered and have paid the registration fee by 15 June 2023; otherwise the abstract will be removed from the program.

It is the submitter responsibility to ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, and potential presentation at CAST 2023.

We are pleased to announce that Transplantation Proceedings will publish our Congress proceedings.

Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Congress management system.
  • Abstracts should be submitted only in English and there is no fee for submission.
  • By submitting an abstract to CAST 2023, the submitter consent to having the abstract, if accepted, published in the Congress website as well as the Congress Apps.
  • Only registered presenters will have their accepted abstracts published.
  • Presenters from employees of commercial interests, selected for an oral or a poster presentation, may be required to submit additional information, including the presentation slides. Presenting content featuring clinical recommendations aligned to the business interests and/or products of the employer is strictly prohibited.


Abstract Submission Process

Choosing a Track Category
During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

  1. Anesthesia management and Critical Care
  2. Basic and Translational Research
  3. Cellular and Regenerative Therapies
  4. Complications
  5. Donation and Procurement
  6. Ethic and Education
  7. Heart & Lung
  8. Kidney
  9. Liver
  10. Pancreas, Islet & Intestine
  11. Pediatrics
  12. Sex and Gender in Transplantation
  13. Transplant Immunology
  14. Transplant Oncology
  15. Transplant Pathology & Imaging
  16. Xenotransplantation & Tissue histocompatibility
  17. Others (bone marrow, cornea, uterus ect)
Abstract Structure
The abstract text body is limited to 3,000 characters including spaces.

Abstracts must be comprised of four distinct sections:
  • Introduction: Describes previous research and the rationale for the current study
  • Method: Describes how the study was conducted
  • Results: Describes the results of the study
  • Conclusion: Summarize the study and discusses its implications
Please do not insert tables into the body of the abstracts. They will need to be uploaded into jpg, png or gif as a figure. A maximum of two figures (in JPG, GIF or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) can be included.

Abstract Review
  • All submitted abstracts will go through blind peer-review carried out by international reviewers selected by the Scientific Program Committee
  • Abstracts which do not meet the focus of the topic selected by the authors will be reassigned at the discretion of the Review Committee
  • Abstracts will be assessed based the following criteria:
    • Interest: Is the content original/important/relevant to our field?
    • Novelty: How and to what extent are the findings likely to influence clinical or research practice, education or policy?
    • Robustness and quality of the data: Are the methods/methodological approach clearly described? How confident is the reviewer in the strength/trustworthiness of the data and/or conclusions/discussion presented?
    • Presentation and Clarity: The basic purpose of the research/project is clear
Format of Presentation
  • Abstracts may be submitted for oral, or poster presentation.
  • Authors may submit an unlimited number of abstracts; however, should he or she have more than two abstracts accepted for oral presentations, a co-author must be designated to present the additional accepted abstracts. All presenting authors must pre-register and attend the Congress.

Copyright policy
Abstracts should not include libelous or defamatory content. Material presented in abstracts should not violate any copyright laws. If figures/graphics/images have been taken from sources not copyrighted by the author, it is the author’s sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder in writing to reproduce those figures/graphics/images for both worldwide print and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author.

CAST 2023 regard plagiarism as serious professional misconduct. All abstracts are screened for plagiarism and when identified, the abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author will be rejected. In addition, the submitting author’s profile and scholarship application, in the case one has been submitted, will also be cancelled.



Welcome message from the Organising Committee Chairman

It gives me great pleasure and honour to welcome you all to the 18th Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation, which we believe will be the first face-to-face regional transplant meeting after the COVID pandemic.

We have brought together renowned experts in the region in our Scientific Committee, with the aim to develop a broad program, covering from cutting edge science to ethical issues in transplant. As the biannual transplant congress of Asian Society of Transplantation, issues related to challenges in developing transplant program and promoting organ donation in Asia will also be a highlight of this meeting. Transplant related infection is an important topic and we are delighted to have the co-badge symposium with TTS-TID for the first time in CAST meeting. This congress will offer you an excellent opportunity for networking, reconnecting with old acquaintance and making new friends, after a long period of social distancing and isolation.

Hong Kong is an exciting destination, a perfect meeting place, reflecting the cultural mix of old and new, East and West. We plan to hold the congress at Convention and Exhibition Centre, which is located on the magnificent and renowned Victoria Harbor. There is no attraction in Hong Kong that is more iconic than the skyline of Victoria Harbour! Hong Kong is a vibrant, dynamic city. In a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, there’s always something new happening. There’s never a dull day in Hong Kong!

Together with our entire organizing committee, we look forward to welcoming you to Hong Kong in 2023!

Dr. Maggie Ma
President, Hong Kong Society of Transplantation



  Standard / Post-event (Video on demand)
Non Member
Other Healthcare Professionals


Cancellation Policy-取消政策

  • All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to the Secretariat at secretariat@cast2021.my
  • All refunds will be made after the Congress.
  • All bank services charges/ convenience fee/ administration fees/ taxes will be deducted from all Congress registration refunds.


◆ 参会对象:医生、药剂师、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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