
◆ 会议时间:2023年4月26日-29日
◆ 会议地点:法国 南特


◆ 会议简介:



EFI 2023 - 36th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference
Date: April 26-29, 2023
Location: Nantes, France

Theme: Big Data In Immunogenetics At The Crossroad Of Care, Tools, And Research




Key dates

  • Event Dates: April 26-29, 2023
  • Abstract submission open: November 11th, 2022
  • Abstract submission deadline: December 7th, 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Instructions for abstract submission Here.



Dear scientists, Dear EFI members,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we are happy to welcome you to Nantes on April 26-29, 2023 for the 36th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference. Nearly 15 years after the last EFI meeting was held in the south of France in Toulouse in 2008.

A generation of immunogeneticist has relayed its mentors, but our field remains more than ever at the crossroad of clinical applications in transplantation, technological tools that have evolved with the capacity to crunch a large amount of data, and basic science that is changing our understanding of the immune system and its genetic determinants.

Building on the success of the previous EFI conference, the theme for EFI2023 is « Big Data In Immunogenetics At The Crossroad Of Care, Tools, And Research » which highlights new challenges of immunogenetics. For instance, the development of new tools to inform the decision-making process in health will come from the integration of population-based immunogenomics data with modern machine learning applications.

The conference will stimulate scientists, clinicians, students, and industry from around the world to present innovative and significant research and clinical innovations in the field of immunogenetics and histocompatibility. In EFI2023, you will be able to share research experiences and results, discuss challenges encountered and applied solutions, and have the opportunity to establish effective new academic and industrial research collaborations.

We welcome you all to Nantes in April 2023, to contribute to what we hope will be an inspiring conference both scientifically and socially! The atmosphere of the beautiful and historic city of Nantes will complement the pleasure of the conference and offer lasting memories beyond science.

We would like to express our gratitude to EFI for giving us the honor to host this meeting, the EFI Executive Committee, the EFI Scientific Committee, the EFI Education Committee, and Members of the Local Organizing Committee. They have all offered us precious help and support in the preparation of the Scientific Program and teaching sessions.

Without the generous support provided by our sponsors and “Guarant” the professional conference organizer, this conference would not have been possible at this scale.

So has been our community, so it will be Nantes where we will be delighted to see you next year!


Prof. Pierre-Antoine Gourraud,
On behalf of the 36th EFI Conference Local Organizing Committee




Registration Fees



◆ 参会对象:免疫学家,医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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