
◆ 会议时间:2024年5月23日至26日
◆ 会议地点:加拿大 多伦多


◆ 会议简介:



AAPD 2024 - American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Annual Session

Date: May 23-26, 2024
Location: Toronto, Canada



AAPD 2024 Call for Presentations

Do you have a topic area, treatment update, or concept that is beneficial to pediatric dentists? If you want to get more involved with AAPD and be part of the educational program, start by speaking at one of these well-attended sessions at the next Annual Session in Toronto, May 23-26, 2024!

AAPD Presentations Submission Deadline for Learning Labs, MiniClinics, and String of Pearls is September 11, 2023. The deadline to submit for International Oral Presentations is January 15, 2024.

Submit Your Presentation Here>>>点此提交>>>

Learning Labs Lead an hour-long interactive presentation on a topic of interest to pediatric dentists (50-minute presentation with 10 minute Q&A). AV is available for use during Learning Labs, but the session should focus more on discussing the topic with your attendees. One Learning Lab will be held every hour from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Friday, May 24 & Saturday, May 25 and from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Sunday, May 26. (One-hour time commitment per speaker).

MiniClinics MiniClinic sessions consist of eight speakers, each with a 45-minute presentation to a larger audience, based on a clinical topic geared toward pediatric dentistry. Areas of interest include early malocclusion management, clinical techniques using new technologies, legal issues, practice management, and new developments in pediatric dentistry. MiniClinic session occur on Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25.

String of Pearls A 15-minute presentation per speaker, up to nine presentations per session. In this format, each presenter will bring a single idea or concept and will share it with the group. These little “pearls” provide members with a wealth of information that often can be utilized immediately. Keep your presentation focused on the topic and allow for a question or two from the audience! String of Pearls session takes place on Sunday, May 26.

International Oral Presentations A 15-minute opportunity with a 10-minute oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the audience. In this format, each presenter will bring a single idea or concept and will share it with the audience. You must be an international pediatric dentist to present during this session. Keep your presentation focused on the topic and be sure to allow time for questions. International Oral Presentations will take place on Saturday, May 25. The deadline to submit for International Oral Presentations is January 15, 2024.

Application Requirements You must be a member of AAPD in good standing in order to present at the Annual Session (with the exception of International Oral Presenters). The AAPD will strictly adhere to these guidelines. Only online submissions will be reviewed; incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Disclosures If you are accepted as a presenter, you will be asked to identify any financial interest related to your presentation by completing a Conflict of Interest Form.

Handouts AAPD must approve any handout materials for participants, which must be submitted electronically to AAPD Headquarters via the Conference Harvester by April 12, 2024.

Presentations All presentations must be submitted by April 12, 2024. All presentations will be downloaded onto one laptop for all sessions. Please note, AAPD has the right to update the submission timeline if necessary. Compensation and Registration All of the above-listed speaking roles are unpaid and as a member, you are responsible for your own registration costs, travel expenses, and arrangements, including air travel and hotel accommodations. This is considered a contribution to your professional industry. These session types are the perfect pathway to achieving a paid Scientific Program speaking role where hotel accommodations, flights, registration, etc. are covered. The submission/application style programs are unpaid. If your program is well received by the audience, the Scientific Program will typically invite the speaker to return for our main stages. Thank you for your contribution to AAPD 2024.




Early Pricing

Until April 1, 2024

Regular Pricing

Rate increases April 2, 2024




Member (Year 1&2)






Non-Member Dentist



International Dentist






Office Staff






Child 0-18






◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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