2024年欧洲心脏病学会年会(ESC Congress 2024)

◆ 会议时间:2024年8月30日至9月2日
◆ 会议地点:英国 伦敦


◆ 会议简介:


欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)成立于1950年,是全球首屈一指的非营利专业医学学会,拥有超过95000名会员;ESC目前拥有56个国家心脏病协会会员及43个附属心脏病协会,ESC下设成像、护理、心律、心衰、预防与康复及介入等分会。 ESC每年组织世界上最大和最具影响力的心血管专业科学会议,以及各种各样的亚专业活动。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

ESC Congress 2024 - European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress
Date: 30 August - 2 September 2024
Venue: ExCeL London (West Entrance), London, United Kingdom


Delve into ground-breaking research, learn about practice-chancing science and experience unmissable networking opportunities to drive your career forward and shape the future of cardiovascular medicine. 

The Spotlight of ESC Congress 2024 will be 'Personalising Cardiovascular Care’; a topic devoted to empowering patients through tailored treatments to improve outcomes, reduce risk, and redefine the standard of care. 

Together, the global cardiology community will converge in London with the shared goal of advancing cardiovascular medicine worldwide.

Wherever you are in the world, we hope you join us on the journey to the heart of cardiology, in person or online at ESC Congress 2024. 



Call for Science

Call for abstracts

  • 13 December 2023: Opening of the Call for Abstracts
  • 1 March 2024: Deadline to submit your abstract 
  • Early May 2024: Abstracts results announcement. An email will be sent to each submitter
  • 31 May 2024: Early fee registration deadline - All abstract presenters must register for the congress
  • 30 June 2024: Deadline for the assigned presenters to confirm presentation(s) and submit the related agreement forms
  • 1 August 2024: Deadline for presenters to register and upload presentations. Failure to upload and register for the congress by this deadline will lead to the withdrawal of the abstract from the Scientific Programme and all related publications 

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Call for Clinical Cases

Submission deadline will be on 8 March 2024

Call for Late-Breaking Science

Submission deadline will be on 6 June 2024




ESC 2024 注册费:

Registration Fees

The earlier you register, the more you save!

  ONSITE in London


Until 2 September

  Early fee until 31 May Late fee
until 31 July
Last minute fee
until 2 September
Standard Fee €895 €1,100 €1,180 €310
ESC Professional Members and Fellows of the ESC
Fellow of the ESC (FESC) Complimentary for FESC in good standing.
However, you must register prior to attending.
ESC Professional Member €765 €935 €1,005 €180
ESC Professional Member
Age under 40
€630 €770 €830 €120
ESC Professional Member
Nurse or Allied Professional
€345 €460 €530 €120

ESC Professional Member
Abstract or Case presenter

€345 €460 €530 Not available
Special Fees
Low and lower-middle Income Countries €345 €460 €530 €120
Medical student €120 €175 €230 €120
Day ticket €500 €595 €695 Not available
Day ticket Special Tracks €95 €120 €150 Not available

Fees include 20% VAT


Join us in London for ESC Congress in-person. Your registration includes access to:
  • Full scientific & educational programme 
  • Daily Highlights from ESC cardiac society partners
  • Networking opportunities with peers and faculty
  • Access to the Members Lounge (Member Exclusive – only for ESC Professional Members)
  • Exhibition and industry sessions
  • Complimentary access to ESC Congress online
  • 'On demand' full scientific & educational programme available until 16 September 2024
  • CME accreditation
Unable to travel to London? Register for the digital experience and receive access to:
  • The digital platform with key sessions live from London across 8 channels
  • Full scientific programme on demand (available until 16 September 2024) 
  • Daily Highlights from ESC cardiac society partners
  • The Research Gateway with all abstract and clinical cases
  • Virtual exhibition and industry sessions
  • Opportunities to interact and discuss online 
  • CME accreditation

Cancellation Conditions

At delegate's initiative

Full Cancellation
Cancellation of a registration will be subject to the following conditions:
Until 31 July: refund of fee less an administrative charge of 30% of the original fee paid.
From 1 August: no refund.

Cancellation of registration options
Tickets booked for the Networking Event are not refundable.

Modification from onsite to online
The booker may change their registration from the onsite event to the online event until 19 August and will be refunded the difference of the original fee paid and online fee at time of change.


Should a delegate not attend the congress, for whatever reason, no further claims for reimbursement or waiving of fees can be made.

In case of impossibility to attend the onsite event and to allow registered delegates to continue their experience beyond the event dates, we are pleased to inform you that all scientific content will continue to be available for two weeks after the event, to be viewed at your leisure.



ESC Congress 2024 - European Society of Cardiology (ESC)


◆ 参会对象:

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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