第26届国际临床化学与检验医学大会(IFCC WORLDLAB)

◆ 会议时间:2024年5月26日至30日
◆ 会议地点:阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜


◆ 会议简介:

2024年第26届国际临床化学与检验医学大会(IFCC WORLDLAB 2024)暨第17届阿拉伯临床生物学联合会大会、第10届沙特临床化学学会年会将于2024年5月26日至30日在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜举行,会议由国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC)主办。IFCC WORLDLAB大会将为与会者提供一个绝佳的机会,与来自世界各地的同行一起讨论当前涉及实验室医学科学和技术方面的重要议题。 自1954年召开第一次IFCC大会以来,大会的主要目标是通过一个结构良好的继续教育体系,使临床化学和检验医学相关的医学知识全球化。


26th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (WorldLab)
17th Congress of Arab Federation of Clinical Biology
10th Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting

Date: May 26-30, 2024
Venue: Dubai, United Arab Emirates



15 January 2024: Deadline Abstract Submission

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Congress delegates are cordially invited to submit abstracts of their scientific work for presentation as a free communication at the IFCC Worldlab Dubai 2024 Congress.

An unlimited number of abstracts may be submitted provided the presenting author applies for “full registration” or “young registration”.

Abstracts are welcome in all fields of clinical chemistry, hematology, clinical molecular biology and laboratory medicine, in the broader sense. Free communications are primarily presented via poster. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation during congress symposia. Authors wishing to compete for these oral communication slots should mark the appropriate field on the online abstract submission form.



The text must be clear, concise, and written in proper English. The content must not have been previously published in academic journals or subject to peer review. Significant technical information must not be withheld. Abstracts must absolutely contain results. Statements such as “results will be discussed” are not acceptable and will lead to rejection.



  • Deadline for receipt

Abstracts should be submitted by 15th January 2024, 18:30 CET.

  • Confirmation of receipt

Receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail immediately after submission.

  • Notification of acceptance or rejection

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection before 28th February 2024.

  • Registration

The presenting author of each abstract must register for the congress with “Full Registration” or “Young Registration”.


It is important to carefully follow the instructions below. Incorrectly prepared abstracts will be rejected.

  • Abstracts should be prepared off-line in advance;
  • Prepare your abstract on a word processor (such as Microsoft Word);
  • Do not include title, authors’ names and affiliations in the abstract file
  • Tables and figures are not allowed;
  • References are not allowed;
  • When abbreviations are used, spell out the full word at first mention in the text followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, use the abbreviation throughout.

When the on-line system requires the abstract to be entered, copy and paste your text.

Abstracts are limited to 2300 characters, spaces included (title, authors’ names and affiliations excluded). The system will automatically notify you if the abstract exceeds this number of characters.

Title, author(s) and affiliation(s) must be added separately at the appropriate step.



IFCC President message

It is my great pleasure to welcome all attendees of the XXVI IFCC WorldLab Congress, jointly hosted by the IFCC, Arab Federation of Clinical Biochemistry, Saudi Society of Clinical Chemistry, and the UAE Genetics Association. This is the first time the WorldLab is being held in the Middle East, bringing experts from around the world together in the opulent city of Dubai, now one of the most vibrant and technologically advanced cities in the world. The Dubai 2024 WorldLab Congress will bring together laboratory professionals and scientists from the UAE and countries across the Arab Federation, as well as all other regional federations within IFCC including Africa, Europe, North America, Central/South America, and Asia-Pacific. It promises to be the most successful IFCC WorldLab ever held outside Europe.
This is a fast-evolving time for the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, as we face many scientific and technological advancements that allow for a much greater role for our professionals as partners at the centre of healthcare. This timely congress is an excellent opportunity to gather in an international forum to discuss these advancements and foster collaboration with other colleagues. Without a doubt, the biannual WorldLab congress has proven to be one of the leading forums to bring together scientists, laboratory specialists, clinicians, and industry colleagues in the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. Bringing all of us together in forums like this enables scientific exchange and ensures that our organization and the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine remain at the cutting edge.
During the congress, attendees will experience an outstanding scientific program, featuring innovative and diverse educational opportunities that incorporate the best of clinical laboratory medicine and in vitro diagnostics, including lectures, symposia, recent advancements in clinical practice and science, poster presentations, and much more. Special emphasis will be placed on technological advancements, as this meeting aims to connect the latest technological breakthroughs in diagnostic laboratory technology with the best minds in laboratory medicine to help attendees learn and implement the latest and greatest in clinical laboratory science, technology, and medicine. In addition to the scientific program, the cosmopolitan metropolis of Dubai has something to offer for every visitor, and excellent social opportunities have been organized for attendees to enjoy its many attractions.
I hope you all enjoy the excellent scientific and social programs curated by the congress organizing and scientific committees, and I wish you all a productive conference and a pleasant stay in Dubai.

Prof Khosrow Adeli
IFCC President




Registration fees

All delegates must register for the congress. Registration fees are as follows:

Until 15 March 2024

Full Registration  €500,00

Young Registration (≤35 years) €250,00

Day Registration  €175,00


After 15 March 2024

Full Registration  €650,00

Young Registration (≤35 years)  €325,00

Day Registration  €225,00


On-site registration

Full Registration  €750,00

Young Registration (≤35 years)  €375,00

Day Registration  €250,00

The full registration and young registration fees include:

  • entrance to plenary lectures, symposia, lunch & educational workshops, poster sessions and exhibition
  • possibility to submit abstracts
  • certificate of attendance
  • coffee and tea service during intermissions
  • Opening Ceremony (Sunday, 26 May 2024)
  • Closing Ceremony (Thursday, 30 May 2024)


The day registration fee includes, for the day of registration only:

  • entrance to plenary lectures, symposia, lunch & educational workshops, poster sessions and exhibition
  • certificate of attendance
  • coffee and tea service during intermissions


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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