
◆ 会议时间:2024年8月25日至29日
◆ 会议地点:马来西亚 吉隆坡/Kuala Lumpur


◆ 会议简介:



International Surgical Week (ISW 2024)
The World's Congress of Surgery
50th World Congress of the International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC)

Jointly organized with the 51st Annual Scientific Congress of the College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (CSAMM)

Date: 25 - 29 August, 2024
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Learn from world-changing thinkers and innovators in the global surgical community

Engaging and insightful, the International Surgical Week (ISW) 2024 provides a platform for scientific and clinical working groups where they can collaborate to establish the foundations for future diagnostic and surgical challenges, and discuss novel approaches and standards, facilitating progress towards real-time, patient-oriented solutions.




Deadline for the submission is strictly January 17, 2024.

All Abstracts to be considered for presentation at ISW 2024 have to be submitted through the official Abstract Center by following the Guidelines for Submission.

Abstracts are to be submitted in text format only (max. 300 words), tables and pictures may not be included.

Presenting Authors of Abstracts will be notified by March 31, 2024 of acceptance for presentation. Full acceptance and inclusion in the program will only be possible when the Presenting Author has fully registered and paid for ISW 2024 participation by April 30, 2024.

Presentation of the accepted abstract will only be possible in person at the congress, online presentation will not be considered.

Make sure that your submission complies exactly with the guidelines, especially in view of qualification for Free Paper or Poster Prizes.


Submission Guidelines






Video Presentations

International Society for Digestive Surgery ISDS

ISDS encourages submission of Video presentations. Abstracts for Video presentations are to be submitted through the regular abstract system. In addition, the Video file must be submitted through https://wetransfer.com/ and be sent to surgery@iss-sic.com by January 17, 2024.

  1. Videos must be less than 7 minutes long and include voice narration
  2. Videos must be in one of the following formats: mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, wmv
  3. Background music is allowed
  4. 500 MB maximum file size
  5. Video files must be named “Family Name of Presenter_AbstractTitle”

Breast Surgery International BSI - Video Competition

Video Presentations of Interesting and Challenging Cases of - How I Do It.

BSI wants your participation and welcomes video submissions of breast cases which illustrate new surgical techniques and management of challenging or interesting cases with learning points or tips and tricks on how you perform a procedure.


General Surgeons, Breast Surgeons, Breast Fellows, Surgeons in training, Medical Officers, and Medical Students.

Prize:  First prize USD 200.00 / Runner up USD 100.00


  1. Abstracts for Video presentations are to be submitted through the regular abstract system.
  2. Video files must be submitted through https://wetransfer.com/ and be sent to surgery@iss-sic.com by January 17, 2024.
  3. Submitted video files must be named “Family Name of Presenter_AbstractTitle”
    (sample: Smith_BREAST CONSERVATION)
  4. Videos may not exceed 5 minutes length
  5. Standard videos format must be used, MP4 file not larger than 600 MB
  6. Videos are to be narrated in English
  7. Please ensure appropriate consent from the surgeon and patients was taken
  8. Any disclosure must be declared at the beginning of the video
  9. The designated presenter of a shortlisted video must register for the meeting and attend the video presentation and the 2 minutes Q&A which follows
  10. Only the top 5 videos will be shortlisted. The presenter will be notified via email
  11. The panelists will judge the video for originality, relevance, and interest to the attendees of ISW 2024. The audience will be able to vote for their favorite video. The video with the highest combined score will receive the best video award



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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