◆ 会议时间:2025年10月28日至31日
◆ 会议地点:泰国 曼谷
◆ 会议简介:
The 10th Biennial Congress of The Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) 2025
Date: October 28-31, 2025
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Important dates for Abstract submission (Bangkok Time GMT+7)
Open Abstract Submission |
1 January 2025 |
Deadline for Abstract Submission |
1 April 2025 |
Deadline for Early-bird registration |
30 April 2025 |
Acceptance Notification |
30 June 2025 |
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Click to Dowload Abstract Submission Guideline
General Conditions and Information
Abstract submission is free of charge and must be completed online via the A-PHPBA 2025 Abstract Submission platform. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author(s) to present the work in person in Bangkok at A-PHPBA 2025 Congress, if accepted. Failure to upload and register for the Congress by the set deadline (July 30th, 2025) will lead to the withdrawal of the abstract from the scientific program and all Congress publications (including the online congress platform, the abstract supplement).
A-PHPBA Members and Non-Members are invited to submit abstracts. There are no fees to submit an abstract.
Draft status
Your abstract will be saved in Draft Status by click on the Save Draft button. You will then be able to review it and submit it later before the deadline. Abstracts that are in draft status after the deadline cannot be processed and therefore will not be considered for selection.
Changes and corrections
Once submitted, it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content or information (such as authors list and details, topic, conclusion(s) etc...). The A-PHPBA 2025 is not authorized to make changes to a submission. In order to correct your abstract, you must withdraw it and submit a new version prior to the deadline. Note that, such replacement of your abstract is not possible after the deadline. In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction on your presentation. However, changes will not be included in the publications. If accepted, your abstract will be published as submitted.
If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by July 30th ,2025, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program. If you decide to withdrawn an abstract, please notify the A-PHPBA2025 secretariat (abstracts@aphpba2025.com) by July 15th ,2025.
How to Submit an Abstract
1. Create Account: Create a new user account in order to submit an abstract. Once logged in, you will be able to submit your abstract.
2. Contact Information: Complete the information required on the Contact Information tab.
Instructions to Author
1. Presentation Type:
Choose category you wish to submit under from the drop-down menu.
1. Oral Presentation
2. ePoster Presentation
3. Video Presentation (The submitters are required to upload a URL Web link)
2. Abstract Category:
You must select one of the following categories under which your abstract can be best classified.
Liver |
Biliary |
Pancreas |
General HPB |
- infection
- tumors
- transplantation
- surgery
- minimally invasive surgery
- miscellaneous
- gallstones
- infection
- tumors
- surgery
- minimally invasive surgery
- miscellaneous
- acute pancreatitis
- chronic pancreatitis
- tumors
- transplantation
- surgery
- minimally invasive surgery
- miscellaneous
- endoscopy
- imaging
- cost-effectiveness
- evidence-based surgery
- basic sciences
- critical care
- miscellaneous
3. Title:
- Insert the full title of the proposed presentation.
- Do not include authors, institutions, city names, trademarks and abbreviations in the title.
4. Authors & Affiliations:
- Author(s) Affiliation
- Abstract Authors(s)
- The name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors
5. Abstract Content
The body of the text must not exceed 300 words, please make the abstract as an informative as possible, and support your conclusion with data, abstracts texts should be structured to conclude the following sections;
- Background: Indicate the propose of the study.
- Method: Describe pertinent experimental procedures.
- Results: Summarize the result of the research.
- Conclusions: State the main conclusion, please use standard abbreviations, generic drug names, and place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parenthesis after first use. DO NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in the text.
6. Options
You may choose to submit your abstract under one of the following options to get a chance to compete for the A-PHPBA 2025 awards.
- Young Investigator Award (for young investigators (up to 35-year-old) to submit abstracts)
- Cash back travel grant: 100 USD/person
If accepted for mini-oral or short VDO presentation
- Cash back travel grant: 200 USD/person
If accepted for Best oral / VDO presentation
- APHPBA 2025 Presentation Award
- 4 Best ePoster Presentation in 4 categories: Liver, Biliary, Pancreas, Miscellaneous: 300 USD
- Plenary Oral Presentation and Plenary Video Presentation
- 1st Prize: 1,000 USD
- 2nd Prize: 700 USD
- 3rd Prize: 500 USD
- 4th – 7th Prize: 300 USD
7. Publication of abstracts
All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplemental issue of Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences (JHBPS)
8. Scoring:
Selection of the Abstracts for the congress will be scored by A-PHPBA2025 scientific committee.
9. Disclosure Policy/Conflict(s) of interest
The A-PHPBA2025 Scientific Committee requests all presenters to disclose their potential conflict(s) of interest at the time of acceptance of presentation (agreement form submission).It is also the responsibility of the presenter to disclose any potential conflict(s) of interest from co-authors pertaining to the presentation on the presentation itself (as may be required).
This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation.
A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship, etc.
All related potential conflicts of interest must be stated.
This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the article. Such relationships include, but are not limited to, employment by an industrial concern, ownership of stock, membership on a standing advisory council or committee, being on the board of directors, or being publicly associated with the company or its products. Other areas of real or perceived conflict of interest could include receiving honoraria or consulting fees or receiving grants or funds from such corporations or individuals representing such corporations.
2025 Member Registration Fees |
Registration Type |
Early Bird
1 Feb - 30 Apr 2025 |
1 May - 27 Oct 2025 |
Congress Date |
IHPBA/ A-PHPBA Member, |
500 USD |
650 USD |
750 USD |
IHPBA/ A-PHPBA Resident/
Trainee/ Fellow Member |
300 USD |
450 USD |
550 USD |
Allied Health Professional |
300 USD |
400 USD |
500 USD |
Non member(does not included membership)
For those who have never had an IHPBA and A-PHPBA membership previously |
Non-Member |
700 USD |
850 USD |
950 USD |
Non-member Resident/
Trainee/ Fellow |
400 USD |
550 USD |
650 USD |
Accompanying person |
200 USD |
200 USD |
200 USD |
Non-Member Allied Health Professional |
300 USD |
400 USD |
500 USD |
Combined Membership, A-PHPBA/ IHPBA + A-PHPBA 2025 Registration |
Registration + APHPBA + IHPBA Combined membership *Discount membership 55 USD |
650 USD |
800 USD |
900 USD |
Trainee/Student/Allied Health Professional Registration + APHPBA + IHPBA combined trainee membership |
375 USD |
525 USD |
625 USD |
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。