
◆ 会议时间:2025年6月28日至7月1日
◆ 会议地点:芬兰 赫尔辛基


◆ 会议简介:



EACTP 2025 - 17th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT)

Date: 28 June – 1 July, 2025
Venue: Helsinki, Finland,

Theme: Embracing Innovations for Optimized Patient Care




EACTP 2024 - 16th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT)

Date: 8-11 June 2024
Venue: De Doelen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Theme: Precision Clinical Pharmacology



Important dates

  • Abstract submission opens: 1 December 2023
  • Registration opens: 1 December 2023
  • Abstract submission deadline : 1 February 2024
  • Early fee deadline : 15 March 2024
  • Late Breaking abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2024
  • Regular fee deadline : 1 May 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract submission guidelines

Regular abstracts 

You should only submit an abstract if you intend to attend the congress. If your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation you must register for the congress.


Posters will be presented in print, and you have to be physical presence. There will be an area for poster mounting and discussion with physical presence during the poster sessions. There will be prizes for the 3 best posters.

The organizers reserve the right to remove from publication any abstract whose author does not register within two weeks of receipt of the acceptance letter.

Acceptance notification

All abstracts received by the indicated deadline will be evaluated by a panel of experts. The submitting author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral presentation, poster presentation, or a notice of rejection, by email by end of February 2024.

Notification regarding session details, timing and guidelines will be sent to presenters around May 2024.

Abstract structure and content

  • Language:
    Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Abstract title:
    The title (including spaces) should not exceed 20 words and should be written in sentence case. Please do not type a full stop (.) at the end of the title.
  • Topics:
    When asked to select an abstract topic from the list provided, select at least one topic matching the content of your abstract best.
  • Keywords:
    You may enter a maximum of 6 keywords, describing the content of your abstract for scheduling and indexing purposes. Avoid general terms.
  • Abstract text:
    Your abstract should consist of no more than 500 words and is divided with headings: background, method, results, and conclusion.The abstract title is included in the overall character count.  A table can be inserted for inclusion in the abstract.
  • Registration of authors:
    Names, titles, institutional affiliations, cities, countries and email addresses of all contributing authors should be provided. The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be identified.
  • Only abstracts not previously published will be accepted.

Abstract topics

Guideline for submission of Abstracts to EACPT 2024 Rotterdam ‘Precision Clinical Pharmacology’. Why changing classification abstracts submitted for EACPT? Current classification of abstracts developed organically and is a hybrid form of a disease-oriented classification, resulting in grouping of abstracts around organ/tract-specific medical specialties, and pharmacology-oriented classification (PK, PD, pharmacovigilance, education in pharmacology). 
For us, as clinical pharmacologists, this classification system has several disadvantages: 

  1. It does not emphasize the specific identity of (clinical) pharmacology as a scientific and clinical drug-oriented discipline, independent of and complimentary to the disease/tract based medical specialties. 
  2. Traditional disease-based classifications thwart interactions between scientists working on similar drug-oriented approaches for different organs/tracts and diseases. ‘Disease agnostic’ innovations in pharmacology increasingly benefit the development of treatments for different medical indications. 
  3. Disease-oriented classification artificially separate the main work fields of clinical pharmacologists: care, research, teaching and drug-regulation. Pharmacology-based organization can promote cross fertilization and discussions between experts who primarily work in different areas, but share an interest in medicines. 

We will therefore apply a new classification of abstracts for the 2024 Rotterdam meeting, which is based on the WHO-six-step of rational prescribing. Recently, EACPT published a position paper that used this approach as a framework for a research agenda for the Association. To help you classify your own contribution to the EACPT meeting, we provide you with some reference for classification, realizing that there will always be some contributions that do not fit in one of these descriptions, but are nevertheless valuable for our meeting.





◆ 参会对象:

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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