IAAP 2025 - 23rd International Congress for Analytical Psychology - International Association for Analytical Psychology
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a great joy for us to present to you the program of the XXIII International Congress of Analytical Psychology, 24 – 29 August, 2025, in Zurich.
This Congress celebrates the 150th Anniversary of C.G. Jung. We are still drawn to the genius and pioneering work of Carl Gustav Jung and continue to develop his model of the psyche. By organising our meeting in Zurich, we wish that everybody can experience and share the spirit of the region where analytical psychology was born and many of the basics were founded. The expansive excursions program offers the opportunity to see all the places that are relevant to the origins of Analytical Psychology, and we wish you all great joy in visiting them.
When in January 2023, members of the Congress Program Committee defined the theme for this Congress,
Experiences of the non-understandable:
Jungian explorations and contributions
One hundred fifty years have passed since Jung’s birth.
Where are we today? Who are we today?
Reflections on theory, clinical practice, values,
ethics, research, training and cultural awareness
there was no doubt that this Congress would become a truly remarkable event – not only looking forward but also honouring and reflecting on the roots, history and diversity of Analytical Psychology. At the same time, the awareness that we live in very turbulent, disturbing, threatening, and challenging times created the wish to have space in this Congress to address and discuss current themes from the viewpoint of Analytical Psychology. Also exploring the positive contribution our work can offer and where we can make a difference.
There is no doubt that Analytical Psychology is a very alive and diverse field of psychology. This is demonstrated by the almost 500 proposals which were submitted after the call for papers in 2023. The Program Committee was overwhelmed by the richness, creativity and range of subjects that were offered. In February 2024, the Committee had to make the difficult choice of accepting papers and rejecting many excellent papers due to space and time limitations.
We are sorry – many had to be disappointed.
On Sunday, before the Congress there will by the regular Pre-Congress with workshops and masterclasses , the Council of Societies Meeting and other gatherings.
On Sunday early evening, we will all meet at the Congress Center to share the welcome apéro, reconnect with old friends and colleagues, meet new ones, and start to participate in the spirit of this Congress.
On Monday, the Congress will start with a presentation of a new book by the Jung Family: Dedicated to the Soul: Emma Jung’s Life and Work. The presentation will include new insights into the life and thinking of Emma Jung. The Writings and Drawings of Emma Jung will, for the first time, to document Emma Jung’s early contributions to the development of the field of Analytical Psychology and major steps in her own path to individuation.
The Congress program will offer a vast spectrum of subjects, ideas and perspectives. You will be able to choose from 9 plenaries, 10 big-break-out sessions in the main hall and 110 regular break-out sessions offering 32 joint presentations and 120 single presentations. In the early morning, you can start your day by attending the Dream Matrix or a new format, “Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible”. During the lunch break, there will be book receptions, some workshops, and an exchange on current themes.
An extensive evening program will offer films, plays, and music. There will be two daily options to attend, which are also included in the Congress fee.
Simultaneously, we will also have the traditional Members Gala on Thursday evening, organized by Mark Winborn in a beautiful location in the Old Part of Zurich, only minutes from the Congress Center.
Many of you will come to Zurich wishing to see the places relevant to Analytical Psychology. With the registration, you can select from a vast range of 45 tours organized by our Local Organizing Committee. They have done a marvellous job and managed to open doors for you that are normally closed to the public. There will be guided tours to the Tower of Bollingen with a shuttle bus directly from the Congress Center. There will also be tours to the ETH Archives, the Burghölzli Psychological Club, Jung-Museum in Goldingen and Basel. The tours in Basel allow you the see the places where Jung grew up, went to school and studied in his early years.
You will be able to visit Küsnacht by yourself taking the “Self -walking Tour to Küsnacht”. There you can visit the Jung House and Museum (booking your entry directly with the Jung House). During that visit you can also visit the nearby C.G. Jung Institute Zurich, Küsnacht, which will host a special exhibit and show treasures from its famous Picture Archive. The Institute is located close to the Cemetery where you can visit resting places of Emma and C.G. Jung, and Marie-Luise von Franz and Barbara Hannah. The Self-Walking Tour can be conveniently covered with a Public Transportation Ticket, also bookable with Congress registration. This ticket allows the use of trains, buses or ships to Küsnacht and it is valid in the City of Zurich plus the Kusnacht Zone. The ticket is offered at a significant discount compared to regular ticket prices.
On Friday afternoon, there will be the closing ceremony, during which the new Honorary Members of IAAP will be presented and the new Individual Members will be celebrated. At the end of the ceremony, IAAP President, Misser Berg, will give her farewell address ending the three years of her administration.This will be followed by the speech by Pilar Amezaga, who will become the new President after this Congress.
The Congress ends with the Gala Dinner at the Congress Center. This time, we chose a more open and less formal format to allow participants to come together and enjoy the location, the food, and the music. The location will offer the right atmosphere to end a remarkable and enriching week for all attendees.
With best wishes, and looking forward to seeing you in Zurich,
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。