
◆ 会议时间:2025年8月20-22日
◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 黄金海岸


◆ 会议简介:


Australasian Diabetes Congress (ADC 2025)

Date: August 20 - 22, 2025
Venue: Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia

Organized by:
Australian Diabetes Society (ADS)
Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA)




Call for ADEA Masterclass/Symposium Submission opens
1 November 2024

Call for ADS and ADEA abstracts opens
31 January 2025

ADEA Masterclass/Symposium Submission closes
24 February 2025

ADS and ADEA abstract Submission closes
19 May 2025

ADC Congress 2025
20 – 22 August 2025


ADEA call for abstracts

Please ensure you read through the submission guidelines below and view the ADEA submission categories before starting your application.

Download the Diabetes Australia language position statement

ADEA abstract submissions will close on 19 May 2025


ADS call for abstracts

Please ensure you read through the submission guidelines below and view the ADS submission categories before starting your application.

Download the Diabetes Australia language position statement

ADS abstract submissions will close on 19 May 2025


Important Information

ADC encourages everyone referring to and about people with diabetes to be mindful of the power of language. When writing your abstract and preparing your presentation, please refer to the Diabetes Australia Language Position Statement, which is also available on the website in the call for papers tab.

Your abstract should provide delegates with an overview of your proposed presentation.

The ADEA abstract template is available to download here. The max word count is 300.

The ADS abstract template is available to download here. The max word count is 300.

Abstract Formatting: Please ensure sentence case is used in your title and throughout your abstract and your spelling is correct. Abstracts should be typed into the relevant template and saved on your computer for later reference. ADEA Abstracts must be submitted with the template provided. The filename of the Word document should be named as the first five words of your abstract title. It should contain alpha/numeric characters only. The abstract should be typed in Arial font, size 11pt.

ADS Abstract title (max. 25 words): The title should be as brief as possible and clearly indicate the nature of the abstract. If you wish to include a subtitle, it must be included in this field and included in the 25-word limit.

Permission to publish: You are required to provide permission on behalf of all authors and affiliations associated with the abstract submission, for the abstract to appear on the ADC 2025 Congress website, Congress app and in printed Congress material if it is accepted for presentation.

Once you are satisfied with your submission, click submit abstract. You will be given an ID number and an abstract number, please use these in any communication when emailing the congress office.

Withdraw an abstract

If you want to withdraw an abstract, please contact the Congress Organisers via adc@theconferencecompany.com. Please note that withdrawals need to be communicated in writing by the author who originally submitted the abstract, and in doing so, the Congress Organisers assumes that all other authors/presenters have been informed of the withdrawal.





We are delighted to host the Australasian Diabetes Congress at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, August 20 - 22, 2025. The content will once again be exceptional.

The program organising committees of both societies have collaboratively developed an integrated program that will cover the latest breakthroughs in research, education and clinical care in diabetes.

We have engaged outstanding speakers with whom you will be able to network to exchange opinions and discuss how to best care for the person living with diabetes.

We are excited to provide you with opportunities to see old colleagues, meet new ones and connect again with our industry partners in the exhibition hall. This year’s Congress will be an in-person only event with no virtual attendance option.

We look forward to seeing you on the Gold Coast in 2025.

Susan and Sof,





Member Rates

Super Earlybird: 31st January - 28th February
Earlybird:1st March - 30th June

Super Earlybird Earlybird Standard
Full 750.00 775.00 895.00
Student 365.00 375.00 465.00
Scientist 595.00 625.00 645.00
One Day 395.00
Student One Day 160.00
Student Two Day 275.00
Non-Member Rates

Super Earlybird: 31st January - 28th February
Earlybird: 1st March - 30th June

Super Earlybird Earlybird Standard
Full 1000.00 1030.00 1115.00
Student 480.00 490.00 590.00
Scientist 840.00 865.00 885.00
One Day 475.00
Congress Dinner Tickets $75
Guest Congress Dinner Tickets $150
Guest Welcome Reception Tickets $85


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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