
◆ 会议时间:2025年7月27-31日
◆ 会议地点:美国 芝加哥(Chicago, IL)


◆ 会议简介:

2025年诊断与检验医学协会(ADLM)年会暨临床实验室设备博览会(原美国临床化学协会AACC年会)将于2025年7月27-31日在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行。ADLM年会(原AACC年会)是全球最大的体外诊断行业会议,自1950年开始举办至今,已成为世界范围内临床检验领域最重要的国际学术会议之一,具有重要的国际影响力,每届AACC年会暨临床实验室博览会(Clinical Lab Expo)都会吸引来自全球100多个国家的超过20000名实验医学专业人员和医疗保健领导者参加,AACC年会主要致力于提高全球临床实验室工作者的技术水平和推进临床实验室科学发展,会议将展示在诊断研究和技术方面所取得的突破性进展,并将解决广泛的具有挑战性的患者健康问题。领域国际医学会议网。通过AACC年会,与会者可以:与临床化学、分子诊断、质谱、转化医学、实验室管理以及其他实验医学科学领域的全球领导者建立联系;了解前沿的技术(AACC临床实验室博览会每年推出200多种新产品);可以听取重要的研究成果并了解该领域的重大变化;AACC年会通过讲座、全体会议、科学会议和圆桌会议等形式提供近300个教育机会,可以让您一直在该领域保持领先地位。

诊断与检验医学协会(ADLM)-原美国临床化学协会(AACC),是致力于临床检验科学及其在医疗保健中应用的全球性科学和医学专业组织。ADLM(原AACC)成立于1948年,是世界最大的国际性体外诊断学术组织,在全球拥有超过11000名会员,由临床实验室专家、医师、医学研究者宣以及从事临床化学和临床检验相关研究的专业人员组成,ACCC通过完善的教育、宣传和协作等形式为实验室专业人员提供培训和指导。2023年7月23日,在AACC年度科学会议和临床实验室博览会上,AACC正式更名为诊断与检验医学协会(ADLM-Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine)。未经本站许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

ADLM 2025 - Annual Meeting of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)
(formerly the AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo)

Date: July 27-31, 2025
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Organized by:
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)
原(formerly AACC)American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)

Each year ADLM (formerly AACC) hosts our premier conference in an exciting city to provide a backdrop for the premier meeting in the field of diagnostics and laboratory medicine. Participants not only benefit from a stunning lineup of expert speakers and scientific sessions, but they can also see a vast array of emerging technologies and products at the world's largest exhibition for in vitro diagnostics.




Call for Poster Abstracts

Deadline: February 20, 2025

  • November 2024: Submission site opens
  • February 20, 2025: Submission deadline
  • April 2025: Decision notifications emailed to presenting authors
  • Late April 2025: Deadline for presenting authors to confirm presentation
  • July 2025: Deadline for uploading ePosters
  • Tuesday, July 29 or Wednesday, July 30, 2025: Posters presented in person in Chicago during ADLM 2025
  • July 29 - August 29, 2025: ePosters available for All Access registrants.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Submission process

  • All abstracts must be submitted using ADLM’s online submission system. Email submissions will be deleted. Use the abstract template to prepare your submission before the deadline.
  • Edits and new submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.
  • All abstracts that are submitted and complete at the time of the deadline will be peer reviewed by content experts.
  • Review notices will be sent in mid-April. Final review determinations are made by AMOC and cannot be appealed.

Submitter requirements and eligibility

  • The submitter is automatically the first/presenting author and will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract.
  • ADLM membership is not required, but the first author must have a free ADLM account to submit. New accounts take one to two hours to sync to the submission platform.
  • There is a limit of five abstracts for each first author. There is no limit on co-authorship.
  • There is no fee to submit an abstract.
  • Any award eligibility must be included in the abstract submission and is based on the first/presenting author’s status at the time of the submission deadline. See more details about particular awards.

Co-author requirements

  • The first author is responsible for obtaining approval from all contributing authors and verifying the accuracy of their name and affiliation before submitting. No edits to the author list, including additions, subtractions, re-ordering, or corrections, can be made after the submission deadline.
  • Abstracts can have a maximum of 25 authors, including the first author.
  • ADLM accounts are not required for co-authors and there is no limit on co-authorship.

Registration and presentation requirements

  • The first author must submit with the intention to attend ADLM 2025, present their printed poster in-person, and upload an ePoster. No virtual presentations are permitted.
  • The first author must register with either an All Access or Daily registration for the day of their presentation. Expo only and Exhibitor registrations are not eligible for poster presentation.
  • Posters are presented on Tuesday and Wednesday during the meeting and requests for specific dates cannot be guaranteed. Days are assigned in May 2025.

Content requirements

  • Abstracts cannot be previously published in a peer-reviewed journal by the submission deadline.
  • Abstract bodies must include the 4 required section headings or they may be withdrawn:
    • Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion
  • Abstract titles and bodies may only include symbols from the following list: µ, ß, °, ™, ©, ®. Contact ADLM if you need assistance determining how to present something with a different symbol.
  • Abstracts must be presented in English and have a maximum of 500 words.
  • Abstracts must meet approved standards for scientific validity, quality, and consistency.
  • Abstracts must be educational in nature. Promotional abstracts will be declined.
  • Abstract content must be original and cannot have substantial duplication or similarity to abstracts presented in prior years or submitted during the same year. Reference the content similarity policy below for additional information.
  • As part of their presentation, the first author must reveal the essential information for abstract reviewers and audiences to reasonably be able to understand design and outcomes. This may include details on platforms used, equipment, materials, analytes, patient population, and other information related to experiential design and outcomes. Abstracts that leave out details of this nature due to proprietary protection will be declined.
  • Abstracts must be submitted with the intention that the research described in the abstract will be the work that is presented. If the abstract is accepted for presentation, the work described in the abstract must be presented with the same title and content. Additional data may be included in the poster if it matches the accepted abstract.
  • Abstracts may not contain links to outside websites.
  • Abstract content cannot be edited after the submission deadline.

Publication in Clinical Chemistry Journal

  • Abstracts will be published in Clinical Chemistry Journal supplemental issue if they are accepted and presented in accordance with ADLM’s policies. See recent examples.
  • Accepted abstracts are eligible for publication when the first author registers with an appropriate registration, presents a physical poster in person, and uploads an ePoster.

Image policy

  • Abstracts may include one image or figure directly related to the key findings or main points of the research.
  • The only allowable formats are .jpg, .jpeg, and .png.
  • The abstract must include all required information to assess it without referencing the image or figure.
  • Images must be of high quality, clear, and legible.
  • Images should not be overloaded with details or data, numerous panels, or oversized.
  • Any uploaded image will not be included in any publication of the abstracts.
  • ADLM reserves the right to remove any image that violates the abstract policies.

Content similarity policy

Content that shares a high degree of similarity with an existing work may be flagged for review. Determinations of content similarity are made by the Annual Meeting Organizing Committee (AMOC) and may be grounds for declination. Abstracts may be deemed too similar if:

  • their title or body follow the same written pattern with a few words changed, or
  • the same first author or group of authors is presenting highly related content in multiple abstract submissions while reaching the same essential conclusion.

Examples of content that may be deemed too similar include multiple abstracts reporting:

  • performance characteristics of multiple analytes on the same analyzer,
  • reference ranges for multiple analytes determined with the same population and instrument,
  • a technique that characterize multiple disease states using substantially similar methodologies, or
  • multiple techniques used to characterize a single disease state.

Submitters are advised to collect such highly related work together in one abstract so it is presented cohesively.

Acceptable types of abstracts

The following types of abstracts in all fields of laboratory medicine will be considered:

  • Original research abstracts involving the collection and analysis of new, primary data to answer a specific research question or test a hypothesis. This type of research contributes new knowledge or insights in laboratory medicine.
  • Case studies that describe non-standard cases and provide insight into how clinical laboratorians can apply the results or discuss the clinical gaps that led to the difficulties diagnosing the patient.
  • Software applications, AI, or other algorithm development abstracts that describe compelling use case studies, key development steps, and integration into clinical practice.
  • Meta-analyses, literature reviews, or systematic reviews will be considered if the abstract reports results from secondary analysis using generally accepted statistical methods to test a hypothesis and includes new conclusions that add value to the field.

Abstracts that focus on reviews, opinion pieces, or policy discussions rather than presenting original scientific data or findings will not be accepted.

Copyright and ownership

  • First authors are responsible for verifying copyright over all submitted and presented materials, or that they have obtained appropriate permissions.
  • First authors retain ownership and copyright unless expressly transferred to ADLM.

Funding acknowledgement

  • Funding may be acknowledged during the poster presentation, including any financial support or grants received for the research.
  • If funding is included as a footnote in the abstract body, it will count in the 500-word limit.

Withdrawal policy

  • The first author must notify ADLM, in writing at annualmeeting@myadlm.org, that they wish to withdraw their abstract. Requests from co-authors will be denied.
  • Abstracts withdrawn before accepted abstracts are posted online or in the mobile app will be removed before the abstracts are posted. Abstracts withdrawn after abstracts are posted will be removed within 2 business days, but may still show up in cached searches.
  • Withdrawn abstracts cannot be reinstated.





◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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