◆ 会议时间:2025年8月21-23日
◆ 会议地点:马来西亚 槟城
◆ 会议简介:
2025年第9届亚洲-大洋洲物理与康复医学大会(AOCPRM 2025)将于2025年8月21-23日在马来西亚槟城举行。AOCPRM是一个跨学科的会议,预计有超1000名具有广泛专业背景的代表参加,会议将吸引包括医生、外科医生、相关医护人员、言语治疗师、营养师、社会工作者、康复网络管理者与协调者、临床心理学家、研究人员、注册主任、大学讲师、教职员工和学生,一起分享知识,为康复医学做出贡献。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)
AOCPRM 2025 - 9th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
21st - 23rd August 2025
Pre-Conference Workshop: 20th August 2025
Setia SPICE Convention Centre, Penang, Malaysia
Abstract Submission Opens: 15 August, 2024
Abstract Submission Close: 15 February, 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 15 March, 2025
Registration and Payment Deadline for Accepted Abstracts: 31 March, 2025
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Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstract submission is open to both local and international delegates.
- All abstracts submitted must be in English.
- Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the official Conference website Abstract submissions are limited to a maximum of 3 abstracts per presenting author. Abstract sent by post, fax or email WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- The submitter must register and be present onsite.
- The abstract title should not exceed 120 characters.
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- The abstract should not contain graphics or references.
- Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at any other meeting prior to the AOCPRM 2025.
- Abstracts may be offered for oral or poster presentations.
- Your abstract will be published in the e-abstract/e-programme book as submitted. Please ensure you check your spelling, grammar and data carefully before submitting.
Greetings and warm welcome from us here in Malaysia. We look forward to your participation in the 9th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, here in our beautiful island of Penang, Malaysia, in conjunction with the 16th Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference.
Coming out of the global pandemic, rapid changes had been taking place. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates 1.3 billion or 16% of the global population experiences significant disabilities. The pace of aging is more rapid in the developing countries in the Asia and pacific regions, where by 2050, a quarter of population will be aged 60 years or older. We are reminded of WHOs Rehabilitation 2030, a call for action to deal with the unmet rehabilitation needs.
Technology and artificial intelligence is establishing itself as part of mainstream life as well as in all aspects of medicine and especially rehabilitation. Even as the march of technology drums on, it is also pertinent that the human touch and connection especially the bond between healthcare professionals and their patients are equally important lest we forget that we must be adding life to years and not merely adding years to life.
It is thus so that we have themed our conference; Future Proofing Rehabilitation: Building Solid Foundations, Embracing Change; We need to equip and prepare ourselves for evolving and upcoming practices while enforcing our fundamentals to be sound and solid. We have put up a robust scientific programme encompassing hands on preconference workshops, plenaries and symposium on topics from Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, as well as the wide range from Neuro to Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation to Fragility and Peadiatric Rehabilitation. We also invite you to submit your research from oral to posters, to enable us to discuss, share and learn from each other.
While you are here, we also invite you to enjoy Malaysia, truly Asia and soak up the many attractions ranging from the natural beauty of lush green equatorial rainforests to pristine warm sandy beaches, diverse mutli-ethnic cultures and its delicious multi-cultural and fusion food. In Penang, whom is known as the Pearl of the Orient, one can taste the diverse attractions in one island. From the UNESCO Heritage awarded city of Georgetown, to the natural beauty of Penang Hill and beaches at Batu Feringgi, and lastly the great cuisine from amazing street food to fine dining.
We look forward to see you here in AOCPRM 2025, to reunite with old friends and make new ones. We are certain that you will enjoy yourselves in this multi disciplinary conference and experience our warm Malaysian hospitality
Dr. Chung Tze Yang
Organising Chair
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。