◆ 会议时间:2025年6月1-5日
◆ 会议地点:美国 巴尔的摩
◆ 会议简介:
73rd Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) 2025
June 1-5, 2025
Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Important Dates & Deadlines
- Abstract Submission Opens
- Conference and Short Course Registration Opens
FEBRUARY 7, 2025
- Abstract Submission Deadline
Word Limits and Instructions for Submission
Before entering your abstract, assemble the following:
- Step 1: Abstract
- Title – Limit 20 words
- Introduction – Limit 120 words
- Methods – Limit 120 words
- Preliminary data – Limit 300 words
- Novel aspect – Limit 20 words
- Conflict of Interest - List your conflicts of interest or indicate there are no conflicts.
- Step 2: Authors - Enter ALL of the co-author names, affiliations (institute/company) and their email address. The submitter's name automatically appears as an author. It is possible to delete once additional authors are added. Be sure to designate only ONE of the authors as the Presenter (green checkmark). IMPORTANT: Help recognize your co-authors correctly by carefully entering their name as it commonly appears on their publications.
- Step 3: Session selection - If you wish to be considered for an Oral you will be prompted for a 1st and 2nd choice. There is no oral-only option, you must be willing to present a poster if you opt for oral consideration. For poster-only, simply skip the oral session preferences.
- Step 4: Questions - these relate to the designated PRESENTER of this abstract. The information is collected to help ASMS arrange oral sessions that remain diverse, balanced, and appropriately reflect the composition of the membership. Presenters will not be penalized or overlooked for any given response, or for the selection of the “Do Not Wish to Provide” option. The answers to all questions will be visible to reviewers only in the context described above.
The answers to these questions will NOT be included in the abstract submission receipt. To change an answer or revisit the answers selected, the person submitting this abstract may sign-in and select 'View my drafts and submissions'.
- Step 5: Review and Submit - Your abstract will not be submitted until you click "Submit Abstract" at the end. You and your co-authors will receive an email receipt to confirm your submission. Please note that the questions and answers (step 4) will NOT be included in the submission email receipt. Abstract entry sessions will time out after 10 minutes of inactivity. If you leave your computer and come back to it after the auto-timeout you will need to log back in.
Conference Registration Fees 2025
Fees increase by $50 after April 30 (advance registration deadline).
ASMS Members*:
$250 regular ($300 after April 30), $115 students† ($165 after April 30), $0 emeritus
$500 regular ($550 after April 30), $200 students† ($250 after April 30)
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。