2025年澳大利亚和新西兰血液学年会(BLOOD 2025)

◆ 会议时间:2025年10月26-29日
◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 珀斯


◆ 会议简介:

2025年澳大利亚和新西兰血液学年会(BLOOD2025)将于2025年10月26-29日在澳大利亚珀斯举行,BLOOD 2025是澳大利亚和新西兰血液学会(HSANZ)、澳大利亚和新西兰输血协会(ANZSBT)、澳大利亚和新西兰血栓与止血学会(THANZ)三家机构的联合年会。


澳大利亚和新西兰输血协会(ANZSBT) 前身为澳大利亚输血学会(ASBT),2002年底更为现名。ANZSBT由来自不同科学、技术和医学背景的成员组成,他们在澳大利亚和新西兰的输血和输血医学领域工作。ANZSBT的宗旨是在输血医学中提供和传播独立的专业知识;定义和促进临床和实验室输血医学的最佳实践;通过沟通、代表和宣传,与所有领域的利益相关者进行联系;促进和支持教育和研究工作。

澳大利亚和新西兰血栓与止血学会(THANZ)是一个汇集各种与出血、血栓形成和同源领域有关学科的论坛,代表了近300名临床医生和科学家。THANZ的宗旨是为凝血和出血障碍患者的提供卓越的临床护理; 领导科学家和临床医生在该领域的教育和培训;通过研究、发现和临床试验促进创新;倡导和制定改善健康结果的政策。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

Blood 2025 - the combined Annual Scientific Meeting of the:

  • Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand
  • Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion
  • Thrombosis and Haemostasis society of Australia and New Zealand

Dates: 26 - 29 October 2025
Venue: Perth, Australia


摘要征集-Call for Abstracts:

20 MARCH 2024

29 MAY 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


You are invited to submit informative and relevant abstracts in a word document using the approved template and following all guidelines below:

  • All abstracts must be original work, submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in the Meeting proceedings and Meeting app.
  • The presenting author must be listed as an author on the abstract during submission. If for any reason the nominated presenting author cannot attend, a replacement author can give the presentation but the replacement presenter must have been listed as an author during the original abstract submission and subject to approval by the Organising Committee. If no named authors are available to give the presentation, the abstract must be withdrawn.
  • The presenting author will be required to register and pay for the Meeting in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Failure to register will result in withdrawal of the oral or poster presentation.
  • You are not required to be a member of any of the Societies to submit an abstract, however membership is required for many of the Awards and Grants offered. Additional information to determine award eligibility, such as age at time of the Meeting and date of your last qualification, is required to be provided during submission if you wish to be considered for an award.
  • If your abstract has been previously presented, please ensure you disclose where / when your material was presented or published during submission.

Abstract Format

Your abstract must be prepared using this template. Please download this now and complete prior to starting your submission process. Please save the file using the first 5 words of your title as the file name, do not include any presenter or author's names in the file name or abstract document. You will upload this document as part of your abstract submission.

  • Tables and figures can be included but the abstract must be laid out as specified and must not exceed one page.
  • Please only use standard abbreviations or define them in full.
  • Please use Arial font, size 11pt.
  • Please limit your abstract to 300 words (excluding titles and references)
  • Paragraphs should be separated by an empty line, please do not indent the first line of a paragraph
Please note:
  • Accuracy is the responsibility of the author, please ensure you have proof read your document carefully.
  • Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the reproduction of symbols, accuracy of symbols cannot be guaranteed in the reproduction.

Abstract Title

Please write the title in sentence case (capitalising only the first word and proper nouns), do not use quotation marks.

Authors and Affiliations

Do not include the author's names in the body of the abstracts as the abstracts are subject to a blind review process. The names of all participating authors (including yourself) will be entered into the abstract submission form. Please do not include degrees or professional titles.

Abstract Text

The Committee suggests that where applicable* the abstract should follow the format outlined below:

  • AimState concisely why the study was conducted.  
  • Method: Indicate the locale, sample number, principal test(s) performed, and the types of statistical analysis employed. 
  • Result: Confirm or refute the hypothesis, supported by statistics if appropriate Conclusion.
  • Conclusion: State the effect of the study on future patient management or the understanding of basic processes.

* Abstracts such as case studies, reviews or reports are welcomed and do not need to follow the heading as outlined above.

Abstract Theme

During submission, you will nominate a theme most relevant for your submission. Your abstract will be reviewed in your nominated category, however the Organisers reserve the right to move abstracts to different themes to best suit the program. 

The themes are:

  • ANZSBT: Haemovigilance
  • ANZSBT: Patient Blood/Management
  • ANZSBT: General
  • Nursing
  • HSANZ: Acute leukaemia
  • HSANZ: Lymphoma
  • HSANZ: Myeloma
  • HSANZ: Non-malignant
  • HSANZ: Supportive Care

Conflict of Interest Statement

If the research described in the abstract was supported by a commercial company you must indicate the company's role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract. You will be asked to supply the following statement during the submission process:

"No conflict of interest to disclose".

"This research was supported by __________. The company had no role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract."

"This research was supported by __________. The company insert free text describing company role in data analysis or abstract preparation."

This conflict of interest statement is mandatory for all abstracts submitted and where there is a conflict, this will appear wherever the abstracts are published. For abstracts accepted as an oral presentation, please ensure you include a slide disclosing the conflict of interest within your presentation.




Registration Fees

Full Registration

Early Fee
(payment before 8 August 2024)

Standard Fee
(payment after 8 August 2024)

Member * (Physician)
Non-member (Physician)
$1260 $1365
Member * (Nurse / Scientist)
$725 $850
Non-Member (Nurse / Scientist)
$875 $975
$350 $350
Student **
$375 $500

Corporate/Industry Registration ***
Coming Soon

Two Day Registration

Early Fee
(payment before 8 August 2024)

Standard Fee
(payment after 8 August 2024)

Member * (Physician)
Non-member (Physician)
$750 $830
Member * (Nurse / Scientist)
$425 $515
Non-Member (Nurse / Scientist)
$485 $555

One Day Registration

Early Fee (payment before 8 August 2024)

Standard Fee (payment after 8 August 2024)

Member * (Physician)
$325 $375
Non-member (Physician)
$430 $485
Member * (Nurse / Scientist)
$275 $325
Non-Member (Nurse / Scientist)
$325 $375

Function Tickets

Additional Welcome Reception ticket 
(one ticket is included per full registration, additional tickets can be purchased for two day/one day registrations or guests)
Gala Dinner ticket
(one ticket is included per full registration, additional tickets can be purchased for two day/one day registrations or guests)

Full Registration Fee includes:

  • Access to all conference sessions Sunday 27 - Wednesday 30 October
  • Morning tea, lunches and afternoon teas as indicated in the program
  • Ticket to the Welcome Function, Sunday 27 October
  • Access to the Poster session on Monday 28 October
  • Ticket to the Gala Dinner, Tuesday 29 October
  • Access to exhibition
  • Name badge and conference materials

Two Day Registration Fee includes:

  • Access to all conference sessions on the two days selected during registration
  • Morning tea, lunches and afternoon teas for the two days selected during registration
  • Access to exhibition
  • Name badge and conference materials

One Day Registration Fee includes:

  • Access to all conference sessions  on the day selected during registration
  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the day selected as indicated in the program
  • Access to exhibition
  • Name badge and conference materials 

* Society Membership 
In order to register at the member rates offered, you must be a current financial member of HSANZANZSBT or THANZ. If you are not currently a member but would like to join to take advantage of the reduced registration fees as well as Society benefits, please contact the Societies for more information on the membership criteria and cost. 

** Student Registration
To qualify for the student rate, you must provide evidence that you are a full time student at the time of the Meeting. Accepted forms of evidence include a letter from the university registrar’s office confirming your enrolment status or an official transcript of the classes you are undertaking.

*** Corporate / Industry Registration
Corporate and Industry registrations are available on a limited basis and at the discretion of the Organisers. If you are a Corporate or Pharmaceutical representative interested in having a presence at Blood 2024, please consult the Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus. If you are an Industry representative and wish to register, the Industry registration form will be available soon.

How to Register



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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