
◆ 会议时间:2026年5月30日-6月2日
◆ 会议地点:比利时 布鲁塞尔


◆ 会议简介:


17th EGS Congress - European Glaucoma Society (EGS) Biennial Meeting

Date: May 30, 2026 - 2 June 2026
Venue: Brussels, Belgium





15 January 2024 Deadline for abstracts submission

19 March 2024 Notification of acceptance or rejection for abstracts

Registration for the Congress is mandatory for presenting authors. 

The presenting author of an abstract must be registered by 4 April 2024. 

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract preparation

Experiments and data must be completed at the time of the abstract submission.

The following subdivision of abstract is MANDATORYPurpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Abstracts lacking a description of study methodology and a quantitative description of data will not be accepted. Abstracts without a topic category indicated will not be reviewed.

The Scientific Programme Committee aims for ‘to the point’ informative abstracts.

Extensive presentations overloaded with details should be avoided.

Multiple submissions of the same topic on different abstracts will be rejected.

The Abstract must be written in English.

Rules for abstracts submision
  • Abstracts should be unpublished work at the time of presentation.
  • Abstracts submission is possible on-line through the website only. Abstracts submitted by email, fax or post will not be accepted.
  • The on-line abstract submission is available from 20 October 2023 through 15 January 2024, 11:00 p.m. local time (CET) on the congress website.
  • Abstract length is limited to 350 words (tables and graphics included).
  • The submitting author creates a personal account with email address and password and can submit, edit or delete abstracts until the submission deadline. At no time the Organizing Secretariat Staff can make any changes to abstracts.
  • An individual may be first author (i.e. presenting author) of only one abstract.

The presenting author’s name must be the first name on the author’s list. It is permitted to be a co-author of an unlimited number of abstracts. Presenting authors (first authors) are expected to attend the congress and present their poster. Authors who are unable to attend and give the presentation as scheduled, must notify the Organizing Secretariat OIC and withdraw their abstract at abstractEGS@oic.it

  • All accepted abstracts will be assigned to poster and some of them will be selected for rapid fire presentation at the discretion of the EGS Scientific Committee.

Once programmed, abstract presentation times and locations cannot be changed.

  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The reviewing process is strictly confidential and all reviewers have agreed to the following: “I understand the confidential nature of the abstracts, and I will not discuss their contents with any individual, nor will I make copies of abstracts for my own or others’ use. In addition, I will not review any abstracts where conflict of interest may be perceived, i.e., work on which I have authored or co-authored or work completed in laboratories where I work.”

When selecting an abstract category, please choose carefully. The abstract Category you select will determine which Scientific Section your abstract will be destined.

Topics (abstract categories)


01 Diagnosis – Glaucoma all types

02 Diagnosis – Primary open-angle glaucoma

03 Diagnosis – Angle closure glaucoma

04 Diagnosis – Congenital / Pediatric glaucoma

05 Diagnosis – Secondary glaucomas


06 Genetics – Glaucoma all types

07 Genetics – Primary open-angle glaucoma

08 Genetics – Angle closure glaucoma

Follow up/Progression

09 Follow up – Glaucoma all types

10 Follow up – Primary open-angle glaucoma

11 Follow up – Angle closure glaucoma

12 Follow up – Congenital/Pediatric glaucoma

13 Follow up – Secondary glaucomas

Treatment – Medical

14 Treatment – Glaucoma all types

15 Treatment – Primary open-angle glaucoma

16 Treatment – Angle closure glaucoma

17 Treatment – Congenital / Pediatric glaucoma

18 Treatment – Secondary glaucomas

19 Treatment – Neuroprotection

Treatment – Surgery/Laser

20 Treatment – Glaucoma all types

21 Treatment – Primary open-angle glaucoma

22 Treatment – Angle closure glaucoma

23 Treatment – Congenital / Pediatric glaucoma

24 Treatment – Secondary glaucomas

Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability,

25 Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability, QoL – Glaucoma all types

26 Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability, QoL – Primary open-angle glaucoma

27 Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability, QoL – Angle closure glaucoma

28 Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability, QoL – Congenital / Pediatric glaucoma

29 Epidemiology, health economics, visual disability, QoL – Secondary glaucomas


30 Pathogenesis – Glaucoma all types

31 Pathogenesis – Primary open-angle glaucoma

32 Pathogenesis – Angle closure glaucoma

33 Pathogenesis – Congenital /Pediatric glaucoma

34 Pathogenesis – Secondary glaucomas

35 Machine learning/AI


The official language of the congress is English.




Congress Registration Fees (VAT included) Early - Within 4th of April 2024 Regular - From 5th of April to 20th of May 2024 Late and Onsite - From 21st of May 2024
EGS Members
€ 500
€ 650
€ 850
Delegates Non-Members
€ 600
€ 750
€ 850
Resident in training (*)
€ 245
€ 365
€ 455
COT (Certified Ophthalmic Technician), orthoptist, certified nurse
€ 300
€ 405
€ 535
Exhibitor badge
€ 500
€ 650
€ 850
 *Application for the resident fee should be certified by a letter from the head of department to be uploaded in the online platform directly (pdf format is required), stating that the applicant is an ophthalmology resident at the time of registration. 


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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