
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月19-22日
◆ 会议地点:土耳其 伊斯坦布尔


◆ 会议简介:



ESGE 2025 - 34th Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy

October 19-22, 2025

Istanbul, Turkey





Abstract Submission Deadline: 13th May 2024 [23:59 CET]

Notifications regarding abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent out on 24th June 2024.

提交-Regular Abstract Submission (oral, video and ePoster)

提交-PhD Thesis Abstract

  • Abstracts must be submitted exclusively online via the submission system.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English only.
  • Previously published or presented material may be submitted and presented at the Congress but will not be published in the Abstract Book. The authors are required to complete a statement to confirm whether the submitted material has been published before.
  • A statement of patient consent to publish should be included when abstracts include patient videos/photos and/or 3 or more pieces of identifiable information about individual patients (age, gender, diagnosis)
  • In the case of more than one submission, only one oral presentation meeting the criteria will be selected.
  • Maximum number of authors is 6.
  • Video abstract should include the video (final version) with abstract submission.
  • Please read carefully the instructions about the topics, content and format and submission procedure before submitting your abstract


General Information Format and Content
  • Abstracts should be submitted in English only
    The total number of words for Oral and Poster presentations cannot exceed 450 words and the abstract should use the following structure:
    - Objectives
    - Methods
    - Results
    - Conclusions
  • Abbreviations can be used after defining them first.
  • The use of graphs, tables and images is strongly discouraged.
  • Abstract body: Do not use capital letters.
  • Abstract title: Do not use capital letters. The title should reflect the content.
  • Authors: list them with family name first, followed by first name (i.e. Jones, Brian; Smith, John; and Simpson, Ann).
    The name of the first author is also the presenting author. Do not include professional titles or degrees. A maximum of six names will be allowed - first/presenting author and five co-authors.
  • Keywords: Authors are requested to mention a minimum of two and a maximum of three keywords.
Images and Tables
  • Images should be high-resolution, ideally over 300 dpi
  • Tables should be formatted using the “Table function” in a word processing programme, to ensure that columns of data are kept aligned
  • Tables should not be created with tabs or submitted as images
  • Figures and tables have to be numbered (e.g. Table 1) with a short, descriptive title

Consent and Ethics

A statement that patient consent to present and publish has been obtained should be included when:

  • Abstracts include patient videos/photos
  • 3 or more pieces of identifiable information about individual patients (age, gender, diagnosis)

Research involving human subjects must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee.

Video Guidelines

Video upload: Authors of abstracts for videos should upload their video file at time of submission.

  • Only videos uploaded to the online abstract submission platform will be considered for presentation and awards. All video presentations must be edited.
  • Productions must not be longer than 5 minutes including titles and a spoken narrative explaining the objectives of the procedure and the methods used during the procedure. Conclude with the results or outcome of the procedure.
  • Abstract should describe the video presentation in brief. Refer to the major and important points that viewers should pay attention to. Follow an abstract style, written in no more than 300 words.
  • The video format must be .mp4 or .mwv or .mov
  • The video should be preferably in 16:9 and HD (High Definition 1280x720px | 50Hz or 1920x1080px | 50Hz)
  • The audio should be of high quality: make sure there is no background noise in the sound track, record the audio at the right level so that the voice over is intelligible
  • Silent videos (without narration) are not accepted


  1. All PhDs that their title and aim/s are related to Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery
  2. Status: The PhD Thesis has to be at its last completed stage with conclusive results and submitted to the University or PhD studies have been granted within the last 2 years form the annual ESGE congress
  • Abstracts should be submitted in English only.
  • The PhD Thesis abstract cannot exceed 450 words and the abstract should use the following structure:
    • Aim
    • Background
    • Materials / Patients
    • Method’s, Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Impact to patients’ health




Dear Colleagues and Friends

We are pleased to announce that the 34th Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy will take place in Istanbul from 19 to 22 October 2025. As a global organisation in gynaecological surgery, the ESGE continues to bring together clinicians, researchers, innovators and manufacturers from all over the world and provide a platform for the exchange of experience, ideas and debate. With our ever-growing membership and attendance at the ESGE Congresses, the next Annual Congress promises to be another lively and exciting event.

The Congress is taking place in the most beautiful city of Istanbul, a vibrant location with a wealth of history and culture at the crossroads of three main continents and bridging over Europe and Asia. It has one of the best travel links from all parts of the world making it an easy destination to reach. We have no doubt that the Congress will be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, view or demonstrate new technologies and techniques and make new friends. We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul in October 2025.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Ertan Saridogan
ESGE President




Registration Fees

Congress Ticket Early
[ - 23rd July]
[24th July - 11th Oct]
[12th Oct - 30th Oct]
ESGE Member1 600,00€ 720,00€ 900,00€
Non-Member 750,00€ 900,00€ 1.125,00€
Lower-middle-income economies2 350,00€ 420,00€ 525,00€
Low-income economies3 250,00€ 300,00€ 375,00€
Industry Representatives (non-exhibitors/sponsors) 1.200,00€ 1.200,00€ 1.200,00€

Not an ESGE Member yet?

Congress Ticket - Young Endoscopists 4 Early
[ - 23rd July]
[24th July - 11th Oct]
[12th Oct - 30th Oct]
Young Endoscopists (Monday - Wednesday) 250,00€ 340,00€ 400,00€
Young Endoscopists (Sunday - Wednesday)5 300,00€ 420,00€ 480,00€
Every additional PC Course or
Anatomy Masterclass
50,00€ 50,00€ 50,00€

Sunday Programme, 27th October 2024

Sunday Programme Early
[ - 23rd July]
[24th July - 11th Oct]
[12th Oct - 30th Oct]
Young Endoscopist: Sunday only 5 150,00€ 200,00€ 300,00€
Nurses/midwives: Sunday only 5 100,00€ 120,00€ 150,00€
Every additional PC Course or
Anatomy Masterclass
50,00€ 50,00€ 50,00€
SCGP Day: Sunday only 150,00€ 150,00€ 150,00€
SCGP Day in combination with a congress ticket 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€
PC Courses (all half day) - Descriptions 150,00€ 150,00€ 150,00€
Anatomy Masterclass - Dual Discovery: Unraveling pelvic anatomy and Neuroanatomy from the Lab to the OR 150,00€ 150,00€ 150,00€
Anatomy Masterclass + PC Course 1 200,00€ 200,00€ 200,00€
Anatomy Masterclass + PC Course 2 200,00€ 200,00€ 200,00€



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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