
◆ 会议时间:2025年5月14-17日
◆ 会议地点:芬兰 赫尔辛基


◆ 会议简介:



57th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN 2025)

Date: 14-17 May 2025
Venue: Helsinki, Finland






Abstract Regular Submission Deadline

Abstract Extended Submission Deadline

Monday, 11 December 2023; Midnight CET (23:59)

Wednesday, 20 December 2023: Midnight CET (23:59)

Abstract Notifications* Notifications regarding acceptance, presentation type and allocation in the programme, will be sent by the end of February 2024.
Late Breaking Abstract Submission*

Monday, 15 January 2024 –  Wednesday, 13 March 2024: Midnight CET (23:59)

*Late breaking scientific abstracts should contain new, scientifically rigorous information that has not been presented previously. Only work that was not available at the time of regular submission should be submitted during the late breaking submission for consideration.

*Please Note: All efforts are made to send notification by the planned date. Should there be any delays with the selection process, a revised date will be posted here.




Welcome Letter

Dear colleagues, friends, and partners from countries nearby and from places far away, from smaller practices, bigger hospitals, and across the entire spectrum of our field.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the forthcoming 56th Annual Meeting of ESPGHAN, taking place between 15-18 May 2024 in Milan, Italy.

Milan, the city of arts, history, and sports, will give the perfect background to a stimulating meeting of healthcare professionals, scientists, patients, parents, and industry partners in the fields of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.

We expect delegates from across the globe, creating a space to foster meaningful interactions and collaborations. All lecturers and chairs will join our global community onsite to ensure the highest quality of presentations and interactions.

The scientific programme will include a wide range of sessions and symposia, clinical tracks, postgraduate courses, and rapid-fire sessions, as well as the popular hands-on learning zones.

Participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and expertise in an international framework, meet colleagues from all over the world, and listen to lectures delivered by prominent leaders in their fields.

We are truly looking forward to welcoming you to ESPGHAN 2024 in stunning Milan so that together, we can continue advancing our collective pursuit of excellence in Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition!


Ulrich Baumann

President of the ESPGHAN Society

Carlo Agostoni

ESPGHAN 2024 Annual Meeting Chair

Lissy de Ridder

ESPGHAN Scientific Committee Chair




Registration Fees (in EUR)

Participation Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines.

Category Early Deadline
Until 6 March 2024
Regular Deadline
From 7 March, until 24 April 2024
Late/Onsite Rate
From 25 April 2024
ESPGHAN Member (1) € 360 € 545 € 650
Non-Member € 795 € 915 € 1045
Allied Health Professionals - ESPGHAN Member (1)(2) € 240 € 295 € 425
Trainee ESPGHAN Member (1) € 240 € 295 € 425
Allied Health Professionals - Non Member(2) € 360 € 475 € 545
Young Investigator (3) € 350
€ 475 € 495
Student (4) € 220 € 330 € 385
Low & Lower-middle income countries (5) € 300 € 425 € 475
Emeritus Member fee € 240
Day rate Trainee, AHP - ESPGHAN Member (1)(8) € 195
Day rate AHP, Students, Young Investigator - Non-Member (2)(4)(8) € 220
Day rate ESPGHAN member (1)(8) € 330
Day rate Non member(8) € 395
Ticket for Virtual congress - High income € 750
Ticket for Virtual congress - Upper middle income € 375
Ticket for Virtual congress - Lower middle income € 200
Ticket for Virtual congress - Low income € 50
Optional functions
Run with the council Ticket € 25
ESPGHAN Members' Evening (ONSITE only) €55
Clinical Course in PGHaN (ONSITE only) (6) €165 €195 €225
IBD Course (ONSITE only) (6) €165 €195 €225
AHP Course (ONSITE only) (6) €110 €155 €200
Endoscopy Learning Zone (ONSITE only) (6)(7) €100
IUS – Ultrasound workshop (ONSITE only) (6) €100


1. ESPGHAN Member – To be entitled to register at a reduced member rate, you need to have a paid active membership in the ESPGHAN Society before starting the registration process. Membership must be valid at the time of the ESPGHAN 56th Annual Meeting. We reserve the right to change your registration category to Non-Member if the status of your membership is not up to date. Join or renewal your membership, please click here.

2. Allied Health Professionals – Allied Health Professionals include Nurses and Dieticians and must provide proof of their AHP certification in order to qualify at the stated rate. Click here to download the AHP certification template. Please use this template and upload the proof during the online registration.

3. Young Investigator – A Young Investigator is defined as someone working in Paediatric GI, Hepatology or Nutrition for less than 10 years. They should ensure that they have a confirming letter from a sponsoring member of ESPGHAN to be uploaded during online registration.

4. Student – To receive a student discount a copy of a valid student ID must be uploaded during online registration.

5. Low & Lower-middle income countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification; click here to see the Country Classification data.

6. For all the courses (in blue) – Please note that registration for the Learning zones and Courses is only possible in combination with an onsite congress registration. They are an onsite exclusive. Please note that some of them take place in parallel.

7. Endoscopy Learning Zone – Please note that a registration for the Endoscopy Learning zone is only possible in combination with an onsite congress registration. Each ticket you buy will give you access to one of the Endoscopy workshops (Beginners or Advanced) that you will be required to choose later in the Registration process. You can buy more than one ticket and attend more than one workshop. They are an onsite exclusive.

8. Day Rate– One day pass ticket is only for onsite attendance.

*The schedule may be subject to change, check the website for regular updates. 


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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