
◆ 会议时间:2025年6月11日至14日
◆ 会议地点:荷兰 马斯特里赫特


◆ 会议简介:


欧洲神经病理学学会联合会 (Euro-CNS) 成立于1994年,其宗旨是促进和保持整个欧洲神经病理学培训和临床实践的协调统一,并促进神经病理学和神经病理学研究的科学发展。Euro-CNS现拥有1000多名成员,包括21个国家组织的个人会员。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容(国际医学会议网lingyuint.com)

13th European Congress of Neuropathology

时间/Date: 11-14 June 2025
会场/Venue: Maastricht, the Netherlands




The ECNP2025 Program Committee invites prospective authors to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the ECNP2025.

Submission deadline: Sunday 17 January 2025

Please read all information below before you proceed to our 点此提交摘要>>>online abstract submission form! To enter the online abstract submission system you will have to create a user account. Once you have created this user account you can use it for your online registration and/or online abstract submission.

Abstract Categories:
Vascular dementia
Prion diseases
Movement disorders
Animal models-neurodegeneration
Tumors – gliomas
Tumors – others
Target therapy in neuro-oncology
Storage disorders
Neuromuscular disorders
Prion diseases
Movement disorders
Animal models-neurodegeneration
Tumors – gliomas
Tumors – others
Target therapy in neuro-oncology
Storage disorders
Neuromuscular disorders


1. Oral abstract presentations
Authors from selected abstracts who attend in-person are invited to present their work (live) in several symposia, workshops or in the free communication sessions.

2. Poster board presentations
All authors from accepted abstracts will be asked to bring a printed poster and mount this to a poster board. Poster viewing will occur during the coffee and lunch breaks. Poster presenters will be asked to be available at their poster board for questions as much as possible.

3. ePoster platform
In-person and virtual attendants will be asked to upload their ePoster to our ePoster platform. ePoster viewing will open shortly before the congress, and at all time during the event. You can upload the poster of your accepted abstract to an advanced poster platform where you can add audio and video to your presentation. You can see a few examples of this in the Showcase. Please also take 3 minutes to watch the video presentation on the highlights of a Learning Toolbox ePoster (watch video).

There will be no moderated (e-)poster sessions for virtual participants.


Abstract Submission Details and Guidelines
Authors are welcome to submit up to 3 abstracts as presenting author for an oral or a poster presentation. Authors can be co-authors on multiple abstracts.

  • Abstracts must be typed in English (USA spelling).
  • Abstracts must be typed into the submission form.
  • Word Limit: maximum 250 words in the body of the abstract. Abstracts over this limit will be asked to be revised to the word limit.
  • Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for correct spelling and grammar before finalising the submission.
  • References, credits or the authors’ academic degrees or grant support are not to be included in the abstract. Standard abbreviations may be employed in the text. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full wording at the first time it appears in the body of the text. Company names and logos are not allowed in the title but can be named in the authors’ affiliation.
  • Please provide keywords that describe the content of your abstract. Six keywords at maximum. List most relevant keywords first, do not use any special characters, separate keywords with a comma
  • Abstracts must be submitted by 23:59 (CEST) Friday 17 January 2025 to be considered
  • After this date we will still accept late- breaking abstracts until shortly before the congress, but cannot guarantee oral presentation time.
  • The presenting author must be a registered participant.
  • The program committee of the ECNP2025 reserves the right to remove from any publication any abstract that does not comply with the above.

Structure of the abstract
Please adhere to this structure in order to be admitted for reviewing: 
“Patients & methods” or “Materials & methods” 

For a case report abstract, include 1) Introduction or background, 2) Clinical and 3) Conclusion(s)

Review and Notification
The Program Committee members will review the abstracts and make the selection for poster and oral presentations. First you will receive the notification about abstract acceptance. The notification about the definitive method of presentation will follow a bit later, well before the early registration deadline. Abstracts of unregistered (unpaid) authors cannot be presented at the abstract and will not be included in our Abstract Book (an issue of the Euro-CNS Journal Clinical Neuropathology).

Publication of abstracts
The accepted abstracts of registered presenters will be published in an online supplement issue of the Euro-CNS journal “Clinical Neuropathology“. This issue will be published as a free open access article. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be assigned to it in order to facilitate access to the URL, where the complete issue can be downloaded.




The European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (Euro-CNS) invites you to the 13th European Congress of Neuropathology in enchanting Maastricht, the Netherlands, from 11-14 June 2025.

Under the motto ‘Knowing the Past, looking to the Future’ the congress organization will be a combined effort of the Benelux countries (the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) in cooperation with European colleagues. Just as the Benelux was at the cradle of the European Union, the organizers hope to attract and inspire participants from all the European countries and beyond. The congress venue, the ancient city of Maastricht, played an important role throughout the history, from the Roman times to modern Europe.

The scientific program will feature state-of-the-art plenary lectures, symposia and workshops. Abstract authors will be invited to present their work in several symposia, workshops or in the free communication sessions. A few novel fields shall be added to the program as a surprise. Those who cannot attend in-person will be able to register for virtual participation and can submit an abstract as well.

You can see the tentative program-at-a-glance here (pdf).

Accreditation by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) will be requested.

We look forward to welcoming you to Maastricht!

Congress President: Bela Kubat (Maastricht, the Netherlands)
Program Chairs: Wilfred den Dunnen (Groningen, the Netherlands), Martin Lammens (Antwerp, Belgium)


◆ 参会对象:神经学家、病理学家、相关科室主任、副主任、医生及对该领域研感兴趣的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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