
◆ 会议时间:2024年12月4-6日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 罗马


◆ 会议简介:

2024年第4届闪光放射治疗和粒子治疗大会(FRPT 2024)将于2024年12月4-6日在意大利罗马举行。FRPT 2024汇集了该领域的顶尖研究人员,包括研究人员和学生(来自学术界和企业界)与临床肿瘤学专业人士(临床医生、医学物理学家、剂量师、放射治疗技术人员和护士)。本次会议致力于促进合作、知识交流,并提供一个探讨FLASH RT最新发展成果的绝佳机会。

4th Flash Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2024)

4-6 December, 2024

The Cardo Roma Hotel
Rome, Italy


The FRPT 2024 Conference brings together the latest radiation therapies of today with the research and trials that are shaping the oncology treatment of tomorrow.

For three days the leading researchers and clinicians will fire you into the future of radiotherapy with stimulating discussions, plenary lectures and a range of presentations.





Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is with genuine excitement and great pleasure that we extend our invitation to the 4th Flash Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2024), which will be heldin Rome, Italy on 4-6 December, 2024.

FRPT 2024 brings together leading researchers in the field and provides a multidisciplinary forum which unites researchers and students (from academia and industry) with professionals working in clinical oncology (clinicians, medical physicists, dosimetrists, radiotherapy technologists and nurses). This conference is dedicated to fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments in FLASH RT.

With the invaluable guidance of our distinguished Scientific Committee and International Advisory Board, FRPT 2024 will feature an array of sessions spanning the breadth of FLASH RT advancements – from discovery science research to innovative clinical applications. The conference features plenary sessions and insightful discussions led by prominent experts in the field.  FRPT 2024 is your opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of this rapidly evolving discipline.

Stay tuned for forthcoming announcements regarding abstract submissions. Your contributions stand as the foundation of our collaborative journey.

Beyond the scientific discourse, FRPT 2024 promises not just a scholarly exchange but also an enriching cultural experience amidst the timeless charm of Rome. Engage in the city’s captivating history, diverse cultural tapestry, and delectable cuisines, fostering enduring connections with colleagues and peers.

Join us in Rome, where innovation meets tradition, and discoveries unfold at FRPT 2024. Your presence and expertise will undoubtedly enrich this esteemed gathering, shaping the future of FLASH RT.

We eagerly anticipate meeting each one of you in the vibrant city of Rome, where we can share insights, foster connections, and collectively advance our field.

Warm Regards,

FRPT 2024 Organising Committee



Registration Fees

Registration fees (in EUR) apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines.

Category Early Deadline
Until 4 September 2024
Regular Deadline
From 5 September until 6 November 2024
Onsite Deadline
From 7 November 2024
In-Person Full Participant € 520 € 580 € 620
In-Person Students* € 350 € 390 € 430
Online Participant € 320 - € 350
Pre-Conference Day € 65 € 65 € 65
Networking Event € 65 € 65 € 65

*The special registration rates applicable to Students are only available to those providing valid credentials requested via the registration form. The standard registration fee will apply to anyone unable to prove one of these positions when requested.

Fees for In-Person Participants Include:

  • Participation in all scientific sessions
  • Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
  • Access to the Exhibition Area
  • Coffee breaks and refreshments according to the programme
  • Meet the speakers and experts in-person
  • Dedicated time and place for networking
  • All benefits of the virtual category which includes access to online content and networking opportunities

Fess for Online Participants include:

  • Access to all scientific content: pre-recorded & selected live interactive sessions
  • After the official Conference days: access on-demand to all available content for 3 months
  • Access to abstracts and E-Posters online
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Access to the virtual Exhibition Area
  • Online networking opportunities



◆ 参会对象:医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、临床医生,政府代表以及相关卫生保健专业人士。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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