
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月21-24日
◆ 会议地点:新加坡(Singapore)


◆ 会议简介:


国际治疗药物监测与临床毒理学会(IATDMCT)成立于1990年,是全球唯一的致力于推动全球治疗药物监测和临床毒理学相关学科发展的国际组织,由来自全球 70多个国家的科学家和临床医生组成,在促进治疗药物监测和临床毒理学研究与实践方面,IATDMCT在国际上具有独一无二的地位。IATDMCT的目标是促进和提升治疗药物监测和临床毒理学的教育和研究;提高药物和毒性物质分析的实践和临床判读标准,并通过临床药代动力学和毒代动力学促进判读的传递,以加强患者护理;促进与治疗药物监测和临床毒理学有关的所有专业人士间宣的合作;促进有效应用治疗药物监测,优化临床用药,最大限度地提高临床效果和经济效益;支持将在临床毒理学方面取得的进展,作为治疗药物过量、滥用药物和接触环境毒物的诊断工具和治疗辅助手段。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

23rd International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology 2024

Dates: September 21-24, 2025
Venue: Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore



  • Submission deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025 
  • Notification of acceptance: Monday, April 14, 2025 
  • Registration deadline for presenters: Friday, June 20, 2025

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


  1. Oral Presentation: 8 – 10 minutes, with 2 – 5 minutes for questions.
  2. Poster Presentation
    • Format: A0 size (841mm x 1189mm or 33.1 × 46.8 inches), portrait orientation
    • Display: Hard copy, printed (may be laminated or on fabric)
    • Authors must be present at their poster during the specified time
  1. Language: English only 
  2. Title: Maximum 12 words 
  3. Abstract length: 250 words or less (excluding title, author names, affiliations) 
  4. Text format 
    • Use sentence case (not ALL CAPS) 
    • Check spelling and grammar carefully 
  5. Content restrictions 
    • No figures, graphs, images, or diagrams 
    • Describe unpublished work only 
  6. Structure: Use these subheaders:  
    • Background 
    • Aims
    • Methods 
    • Results 
    • Conclusions 
    • Keywords (up to 6, separated by commas)

    Leave a blank line after each section. 

Abstracts must include sufficient data so that the reader can understand the experimental design, methods, results, and any conclusions that might be drawn from the study. The text should be as informative as possible. Statements such as “The results will be discussed” are not acceptable and will likely result in rejection.

Please submit your abstract under one of the following categories: 

  • Alternative Sampling Strategies 
  • Anti-Infective Drugs 
  • Clinical Toxicology/Drugs of Misuse 
  • Immunosuppressive Drugs & Biomarkers 
  • Pharmacometrics 
  • Pharmacogenetics 
  • TDM of Biologics 
  • TDM in Oncology 
  • Toxicology & Environmental Health 
  • Other

These categories reflect the core IATDMCT Scientific Committees, however submissions from all areas of TDM and Clinical Toxicology are welcome.  




Selamat datang! 欢迎 (Huānyíng)! வரவேற்கிறோம் (Varavēṟkiṟēṉ)!
ようこそ (Yōkoso)! स्वागत/স্বাগত (Swagat)! 환영합니다 (Hwan-yeong-ham-ni-da)!
Chào mừng! أهلاً وسهلاً (Ahlan wa sahlan)! Nau mai!

It is with warm hearts and open arms that we welcome you to the 23rd Congress of the International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT 2025) to be held from Sunday 21 September to Wednesday 24 September 2025 in Singapore. The congress venue, the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, is ideally located in the heart of Singapore, within walking distance of a range of fantastic restaurants, tourist attractions and hotels.

IATDMCT 2025 will bring together leading international scientists and healthcare professionals who are actively working in the fields of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology. The theme of the congress is Creative solutions for global challenges. The congress will consist of world class plenary speakers, innovative symposia and practical workshops across all the major areas of therapeutics and toxicology with a unique Asia Pacific flavour. The congress will provide the opportunity for researchers and clinicians from around the world to come together and share their research and experiences in basic, clinical and translational pharmacology and clinical toxicology.

Singapore is a major international hub with over 100 airlines offering direct flights from all over the world. It hosts world class universities, internationally recognised hospitals and research institutes, as well as being an ideal venue with a warm climate and a fantastic base for exploring some of the great attractions that Asia has to offer. Several top tourist attractions are accessible by public transport including the excitement of Sentosa Island, the enchanting Gardens by the Bay, the famous shopping on Orchard Road, experience a Singapore Sling at the Raffles Hotel or visit one of the many Hawker Centres to taste the incredible local cuisine.

Plan your presentation and please join us to expand your knowledge and network within the Asia Pacific region and make new friends.

See you in Singapore in 2025!

Yours sincerely

Dr Sophie Stocker

Singapore Congress

Dr Jana Stojanova

Singapore Congress

Prof Jan-Willem Alffenaar






Registration types

Registration types Early bird (up to 20 June 2025) Standard (from 21 June 2025)
IATDMCT member / ASCEPT member $950 $1,150
Non-member $1,100 $1,300
Young Scientist / ASCEPT Student member* $500 $650
Non-member student* $650 $800
Low and middle income country member** $500 $650
Low and middle income country non-member** $650 $800
Day registrations $500 $650

*Student registration is available for those studying and who hold a current Student Identification Card. To be eligible you will need to upload a copy of your student ID card or a written statement from your supervisor verifying your student status during the registration process.

**Low and middle income country registration is available for attendees from these developing countries.



◆ 参会对象:药物分析专家、临床药理学家、临床毒理学家、医生、药剂师、实验室化学家以及其他对该领域感兴趣的相关专业人士代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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