◆ 会议时间:2025年10月11-14日
◆ 会议地点:美国 波士顿
◆ 会议简介:
ICRS 2025 - 18th World Congress of the International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society
Date:11 - 14 October 2025
Venue:Boston Park Plaza, Boston, United States of America
The ICRS World Congress is held every 18-month, turning around Europe, Asia and Noth America, and it is the largest gathering of scientists, clinicians, industry and many others who share their common interests and passion about cartilage. The desire to ultimately aid patients with prearthritis who would be otherwise doomed to an arthritic future is what drives us all to seek the holy grail of cartilage repair—true hyaline cartilage.
Abstract submission is open until April 15, 2025
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Scientific Hot Topics (Basic & Clinical Research)
ACL, Artificial Intelligence, Allografts, Animal Models, Biomarkers, Biomaterials & ECM-Derived Scaffolds, Biomechanics, Biophysical Therapies, Cartilage Imaging & Functional Testing, Cartilage / Cell Transplantation, Cell-Derived Biologics, Culture Models, Gene Therapy, Immunology & Cytokines, Implant Fixation, Intervertebral Disc, Innovation and Translation, Joint Preservation, Meniscus Repair / Scaffolds / Transplants, Microbiome & Lifestyle, Microfracture / Bone Marrow Stimulation, Molecular Regulation of Repair, OMICS, Orthobiologics, Osteoarthritis, Osteochondral Grafts, Osteotomies, Rehabilitation & Sports Outcome, Stem Cells & Growth Factors, Synovial Membrane, and more…
If you do not find your exact abstract category, choose the “Others” Box and submit your work for consideration.
Abstract Submission Types:
Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed and may be accepted for either an oral- or a poster presentation. Submitters may indicate their presentation preference during submission, but the Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to define the final presentation type. No podium presentations will be guaranteed to any author.
Presentation Options:
1. Podium Presentations
Free papers related to all joint preservation and cartilage regeneration topics will be presented during >15 free paper sessions.
- Speaking time is 8 minutes plus 2 minutes for discussion. The presenters must strictly observe the speaking time.
- Selected presenters must speak fluent English and be prepared to answer questions from the audience and moderators.
- Presenters are requested to bring their PowerPoint presentation on a USB stick and to check in at the Preview Center 3 hours before their presentation. If you use an Apple Mac, please convert your Key Note or PowerPoint for MAC into a PowerPoint for PC Windows format.
- Abstract submitters have the opportunity to nominate their abstract for the Innovation Tank sessions.
2. Posters
Electronic posters: If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will be asked to submit your electronic version to the ICRS online poster submission system. Information on how to submit will be sent to the authors of the accepted posters.
Printed posters: In addition to the electronic posters, the authors are invited to produce a printed poster for the poster boards. Reserving your poster board in advance through our Office is mandatory.
Information for Authors:
Scientific abstracts must be submitted in scientific English following the structure: Purpose – Materials & Methods – Results – Conclusion. They must be written according to the abstract submission instructions in the ICRS abstract online submission system. Abstract length is limited to 300 words and may contain up to 2 graphs, pictures, or tabs. For experimental clinical studies and animal studies, a copy of the approval received by the local ethical committee must be sent to our Executive Office after the successful submission of your abstract.
Financial Disclosure
Submitting authors must complete a Financial Disclosure Statement on behalf of all
- Declaring any potential conflict of interest by any authors when submitting an abstract.
- Declaring any commercial role in the related research of any Co-author on the first slides for podium presentations or on the posters for poster presentations.
Abstracts may be submitted online from February 15, 2025, through April 15, 2025, at noon CEST (Central European Summer Time) by accessing our online submission system on the ICRS website. No abstract submissions by letter, fax or email will be accepted, and no submission deadline extension will be granted. ICRS will NOT edit abstracts for language issues, typing, spelling, or grammatical mistakes. There is no fee to submit an abstract for ICRS 2025; you may submit as many abstracts as you wish. However, it is highly recommended that you do not leave your submissions until the very last day.
Abstract Acceptance / Rejection Notifications
Acceptance and rejections of scientific contributions will be communicated by email to the submitting author until May 20, 2025. The submitting author must inform the presenter and all co-authors of the notification result. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be requested to reconfirm their presentations, and they are expected to register normally for the congress. They must cover their own travel, lodging, and registration fees.
Abstract Awards
An independent jury will judge the abstracts and posters by an anonymous review of scientific content, educational value, and visual impression. Awards for the best abstract and posters will be given during the ICRS Opening & Awards Ceremony on Saturday, October 11, 2025, from 16:45 to 18.15.
Publication – JCJP Open Access Journal
We encourage abstract submitters to submit full manuscripts to our open-access Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation (JCJP). An Article Publishing Charge, APC is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. ICRS Members in good standing enjoy a 25% discount on the regular non-member APC Fee. More information on https://www.cartilagejournal.org
At the Congress:
Speaker Service / AV Centre / Format
Please note that only digital material will be allowed for oral presentations. The material must be in English and must be provided typically on a USB memory stick in an MS Office 2016 format to be placed on the central server on-site. Presentations cannot include any promotional commercial messages. Using your own laptop or notebook for your presentation in the session rooms will not be possible. The data carriers must be delivered to the Speaker Ready Room at least 3 hours before your session. If you use Keynote, please convert your presentation or your PowerPoint Presentation for MAC into PowerPoint for PC Windows format. Speaker’s presentations should be delivered as a standard in Microsoft Office format to avoid technical problems with the presentation system. If you have videos in your PP presentation, ensure they run in the most commonly used video formats. If you have any doubts, please get in touch with the ICRS Office at least 15 days before the congress. The presenters are responsible for ensuring that videos run on our standardized congress IT / AV system. The Slide Presentation Format is 16:9

*Students, residents, physiotherapists and nurses must provide proof of their training /residency or professional status to receive our highly reduced registration rates. This document must be sent to our office at office@cartilage.org immediately after registration to confirm the specially reduced registration fee.
The registration fees include access to all sessions and industry exhibitions, a welcome reception, refreshments, registration material, a programme overview, an app & a certificate of attendance.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。