
◆ 会议时间:2025年6月24-26日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 维琴察(Vicenza)


◆ 会议简介:


43rd Vicenza Course AKI-CRRT-EBPT and Critical Care Nephrology

Date: June 24-26, 2025
Venue: ViCC - Vicenza Convention Centre, Vicenza, Italy


Send an Acute Kidney Injury or a Critical Care Nephrology abstract to info@irriv.com by May 31st, 2025.

Check carefully the abstract guidelines. Download here the abstract guidelines and the abstract sample file.

MEDICI SPECIALIZZANDI. Il congresso è lieto di mettere a disposizione un numero limitato di iscrizioni gratuite per Medici Italiani iscritti a Scuole di Specialità in Nefrologia, Cardiologia, Cardio-Chirurgia, Terapia Intensiva e Medicina D'Emergenza-Urgenza che presenteranno un abstract in occasione del congresso. Per candidarsi sarà necessario inviare abstract (riferirsi alle linee guida sopra riportate) unitamente al certificato di iscrizione alla Scuola di Specialità a info@irriv.comSolo il primo nome avrà diritto all’iscrizione gratuita.

Verranno accettate le richieste inviate entro e non oltre il 31 maggio p.v. e complete della documentazione necessaria.

Le richieste sottomesse con documentazione incompleta o ricevute dopo tale data NON verranno accettate.


RESIDENTS. The congress is happy to provide free registration for residents who present an abstract for the congress. To be eligible for a free registration, send your abstract (refer to the above-mentioned guidelines) with your Enrollment Certificate in a Residency Program to info@irriv.com. (only first name on the abstract is eligible for a free registration).

The request with all the material should arrive no later than May 31st.

Incomplete requests will not be considered


43rd Vicenza Course AKI-CRRT-EBPT and Critical Care Nephrology

The 43rd edition of the Vicenza course will focus on new developments in the areas of technology, pharmacology, clinical trials and consensus definitions in critical care nephrology. The scope of the course will be to offer the most updated information on scientific advances and breakthrough technologies, together with basic concepts and practical hands-on instructions for beginners and advanced users. The final intent is to improve knowledge and skills in the area of Acute Kidney Injury and related diagnostic procedures and therapeutic strategies including new pharmacological options and new extracorporeal therapies. Special focus will be placed on pharmacological approaches to manage AKI and the transition from AKI to AKD and CKD. Avoiding or slowing progression to CKD is one of the main objectives of new pharmacological therapies and the course will highlight the important contribution of drugs. This is a true course and not a simple congress or meeting. We will maintain the structure that over the years has demonstrated to be useful for the audience and excellent in facilitating contacts among specialists and experts of the field. The structure of the program will consist in a series of sessions designed to enable the attendees to explore in depth the topics where new evidence exists.  The scientific program will be integrated by industry sponsored symposia including new technologies and new pharmacological trends in AKI-AKD-CKD, meet the expert sessions and short presentations in the traditional space dedicated to the industry-academic alliance. The course will take place in the Fiera (VICC) Convention Center in Vicenza.  Topics related to the multidisciplinary field of critical care nephrology will represent the main content of the course: AKI in different pathological conditions, diagnosis, pathophysiology, prevention and therapeutic strategies; biomarkers and other diagnostic techniques;  Sepsis and related mechanisms including viral, bacterial and other infections; indications and timing for RRT, modalities of RRT, dose and prescription, membranes and sorbents, outcome measures, information communication technology related to healthcare and critical care nephrology, results of the nomenclature and other consensus conferences proposed by ADQI and many other topics. In particular, we will focus on end points for new clinical trials with particular attention to pharmacological interventions in the post AKI phase and the AKD to CKD progression. Last but not least, we will focus this year on healthcare disparities, gender-related issues and green medicine with special attention to sustainable and environment-friendly therapies. The participation to this event will be, as in the past, an unforgettable experience and an exceptional occasion to meet your favourite opinion leaders in the field of critical care nephrology.



EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (until April 15, 2025): The registration fee is €450! 

The registration includes: entry to all scientific sessions and Exhibition/Poster area, congress kit, refreshment breaks in the catering area, invitation to the Opening Ceremony on Tuesday June 24, 2025.

STANDARD REGISTRATION (from April 16, 2025): The registration fee is €600 and includes: entry to all scientific sessions and Exhibition/Poster area, congress kit, refreshment breaks in the catering area, invitation to the Opening Ceremony on Tuesday June 24, 2025.

STUDENT/RESIDENT REGISTRATION: registration fee is €200, please select the “STUDENT/RESIDENT REGISTRATION” category and upload your Enrollment Certificate in a Residency Program.

UNDER 35 REGISTRATION: registration fee is €200, please select “UNDER 35 REGISTRATION” category and upload your ID card.



until May 31, 2025: €200 refund
From June 1, 2025: no refunds
Student/Resident and Under 35 Registration fees: no refunds

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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