
◆ 会议时间:2025年11月5-8日
◆ 会议地点:加拿大 蒙特利尔


◆ 会议简介:



ISPAD 2025 - 51st Annual Conference of the International Society for Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Diabetes (ISPAD)

Date: November 5-8, 2025
Location: Montreal, Canada



The abstract submission for the ISPAD 2025 Conference is now open! Presenting your research at ISPAD’s Annual Conference is a powerful way to make useful connections, gain international recognition for your work and receive valuable feedback. Accepted abstracts will be submitted onsite as an oral presentation or a poster and benefit from high visibility during and after the Annual Conference.

We offer travel grants for abstract submitters, applications can be submitted along with the abstract in the submission system. See all details here.

The Best Poster and Best Oral Presentation will be awarded by the Prize Committee and recognized at the Closing Ceremony. Both awardees will win a free 3-year membership. Good luck to all!

The abstract submission will close on Tuesday, April 22 at 23:59 CET.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract Guidelines


Abstract Categories

  1. Technology in Diabetes Care
    • Pumps and CGM
    • Automated Insulin Delivery, Closed loop
    • Telemedicine, Digital Health, Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence Applications
  2. Diabetes Pathogenesis, Epidemiology and Etiology
    • Pathogenesis & Etiology
    • Epidemiology
  3. Diabetes Care
    • Outcomes and Care Models
    • Diabetes at School
    • Economics and Value Addition/Access to Care
    • Ethics of Care
    • General Diabetes Care
  4. Diabetes Therapy and Prevention
    • New Insulins
    • Adjunctive Therapies
    • Other Pharmacologic Agents
    • Novel Advances and Interventions
  5. Diabetes Education
  6. Diabetes Complications
    • Acute Complications
    • Chronic Complications
  7. Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
  8. Diabetes in Developing Countries and Migrant Populations
  9. Diabetes-Associated Diseases
  10. Lifestyle, Nutrition and Exercise
  11. Genetics, Immunology and the Environment
  12. Monogenic and other forms of Diabetes
  13. Psychological and Psychosocial Aspects of Diabetes
  14. Screening/disease modification




Dear Colleagues and friends

Dear colleagues, diabetes community members, and friends,

On behalf of the International Society for Pediatric and Adole­scent Diabetes (ISPAD), we are excited to invite you to attend the 51st Annual ISPAD Conference to be held in Montreal, Canada, from November 5-8, 2025.

Canada is a land of First Nations and home to individuals from a multitude of cultures, beliefs and traditions. We acknowledge with deep respect the Kanien’keha:ka as the traditional stewards of the land and the waters of Tio’tia:ke (Montreal, where the ISPAD will be hosted). Tio’tia:ke is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations, including the Haude­nosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy), Anishnabeg, and Algonquin peoples. We recognize and thank the diverse Indigenous peoples whose presence marks this territory.

Hosting the ISPAD Conference in Montreal, where 120 distinct ethnic communities are represented, provides a unique oppor­tunity to highlight the perspectives of Minority populations living with pediatric diabetes. Our motto “Unity in Diversity” calls for innovative ways to unite the many different needs in the field of pediatric diabetes.

Since the discovery of insulin in Canada over 100 years ago, preventative, diagnostic and treatment innovations have been ever so rapidly evolving, with precision medicine approaches in all areas of diabetes care seemingly within reach. We hope that ISPAD 2025 provides an opportunity to ensure that the perspectives and lived experiences of minority population youth with diabetes and their families further shape these innovations.

The city of Montreal, set on an island in the Saint Lawrence river with the triple-peaked Mount Royal at its heart, is the world’s second largest francophone city after Paris and one of the few truly bilingual cities in the world. Seeped in history, this mosaic of cultures and traditions embraces innovation, being a world leader in such industries as aeronautics, information technology and biotechnology. Named a UNESCO City of Design in 2006, Montreal enchants with its vibrant arts scene, buzzing nightlife and rich gastronomic pleasures. Home to four univer­sities, Montreal has a bustling student life, and two University Children’s Hospitals (one francophone, one anglophone!) that serve the majority of youth with diabetes across the province.

ISPAD 2025 will be a unique opportunity for the international pediatric diabetes community to meet, share ideas, exchange knowledge and research, in order to further advance diabetes care and research and improve the lives of children and families living with diabetes.

Mélanie Henderson MD, PhD            Julia E. von Oettingen, MD/PhD, MMSc




◆ 参会对象:医生、护士、营养师、心理学家、社会工作者、执业护士、医师助理、运动生理学家、药剂师、儿童生活专家以及其他相关专业人士代表等等。

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