
◆ 会议时间:2025年5月12-16日
◆ 会议地点:美国 亚特兰大


◆ 会议简介:



ISSLS 2025 - 51st Annual Meeting of International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine

Date: May 12-16, 2025
Venue: The Westin Buckhead hotel, Atlanta, GA, USA




点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Presentation Types

  • Oral Presentation

  • Poster Presentation

The highest scored poster presentations will be offered a special poster presentation opportunity.


Presentation Categories

Submissions are encouraged for one of the following categories:

  • Non-Surgery

  • Surgery

  • Biomechanics, muscle, and motor control 

  • Basic Science 

  • Imaging

  • Epidemiology


Before You Start

  • Ensure you use one of the following browsers: EDGE, CHROME, MOZILLA FIREFOX (v44 or newer) or SAFARI (v5 or newer)

  • Mac Users: if you have trouble submitting your abstract, try submitting from a PC. If you are still having issues, please contact ASN Events.

  • Mozilla Users: the security policy in Mozilla often prevents pasting from your clipboard without using the menu commands. You can still cut and paste your abstract into the submission, but you may have to use the menu command rather than ‘control v’ shortcut.

    * Ensure your abstract text is less than 500 words as the system will not accept submissions over this limit. The word count does NOT include your title, authoring, cited references or images.

    * Have your abstract open on your computer to enable you to cut and paste it into the submission system.

    * Do not use the word "Disease", in regard to the process of disc degeneration, in your abstract title or content.

    Structured abstracts are mandatory. The following subtitles should be used:





    IMAGES can be added by clicking on the Image symbol in the text editing area. make sure that you add the image on the very bottom of your abstract

  • saved and uploaded as PNG or JPG

  • not wider than 1000 pixels

  • not larger than 500kb


  1. Select the presentation type and category.

  2. Provide some keywords to assist in the categorisation of your abstract.

  3. Enter the title of your abstract. Please enter in sentence case (first letter is capital, the rest in lowercase), with no punctuation. For example, ‘Title of my presentation for the symposium’.

  4. Enter the name of all authors and their organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the relevant box.

  5. Type or paste your abstract/synopsis (Max 500 words - does not include title, authoring, cited references or images).

  6. Disclosure form - The presenting authors are requested to state that they are aware of and have disclosed any potential conflicts of interests or support that might cause a bias in this abstract.

  7. Preview your abstract, make any changes required, finalise your submission and return to your dashboard.

  8. You will receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been successfully submitted. This may appear in your Junk folder.

    Submission Changes:

    Before the Submission Deadline: log onto your online registration dashboard. Click on “View Submission” then “Preview/edit abstract”.

    After the Submission Deadline: Send your update(s) directly to ASN Events for application and program committee notification.

    Do not submit an additional abstract. Duplicate submissions will be removed from the system as erroneous.

Committee Review & Notification

After the submission deadline the review process will begin and a preliminary program will be ready at the end of January. Information about acceptance to the scientific program will be sent out no later than February 1.

Specific presentation instructions will be included in the notification to those accepted into the program.




President’s Invitation ISSLS 2025, Atlanta GA, USA

It is a tremendous pleasure to invite both members and non-members to the 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of ISSLS. This meeting is the highlight of the year for lumbar spine research and will encompass basic and clinical science across the full range of professions investigating and caring for those suffering from low back pain and related disorders.

Each year our Program Committee builds a scientific program that informs, challenges, and guides development for understanding and care for low back disorders. This year’s meeting will advance our knowledge with free papers, invited speakers, symposia, extensive poster presentations and plenty of time for discussion optimising the educational experience.

In parallel with an exceptional scientific program our local hosts have organised a social program of events that will deliver a fantastic ‘Atlanta Experience’!

I invite you to join us for what will be an outstanding educational and social experience!

Welcome to ISSLS in Atlanta!

Peter Robertson
President, ISSLS 2024-5







◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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