◆ 会议时间:2025年9月25-27日
◆ 会议地点:日本 石川县-金泽市
◆ 会议简介:
The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA2024)
Believe in the Power of Cancer Research!
大島正伸(金沢大学がん進展制御研究所 腫瘍遺伝学研究分野)
区分 |
募集期間 |
- 特別シンポジウムの一部
- シンポジウムの一部
- 臓器別シンポジウムの一部
- International Sessionsの一部
詳細は公募主題一覧をご覧ください。 |
2025年3月11日(火)~4月8日(火) |
一般演題(口演・ポスター)*2 |
2025年3月11日(火)~4月8日(火) |
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Welcome Message
The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association will take place from September 25th to 27th, 2025, in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The Japanese Cancer Association is committed to conquering cancer through cancer research. To this end, we are dedicated to promoting innovative basic research to expand our understanding of cancer biology and facilitate the development of novel therapeutic strategies. To achieve this goal, the theme of the 84th Annual Meeting has been set as "Believe in the power of cancer research."
The program will include the Young Plenary Session, the Women's Researcher Symposium, and the AMED Symposium. Moreover, it is worth noting that approximately 20 symposia will be held, each focusing on a specific, cutting-edge research topic. To ensure accessibility for participants from a range of specialties, educational lectures will be scheduled in advance of the symposia. Furthermore, a number of symposia were open to public proposals, enabling us to showcase symposia devised from novel perspectives by young researchers. We encourage you to attend these symposia and gain insight into the latest developments in cancer research alongside the researchers who have planned them.
Another key objective of the annual meeting is to promote internationalization. In addition to the JCA-AACR Joint Symposium and International Sessions (IS), we plan to host special thematic international symposia. Additionally, special lectures will be presented by world-leading cancer researchers, including Dr. Lillian Siu from the Princess Margaret Cancer Center and Dr. Joseph Schlessinger from Yale University. It is our hope that these events will provide participants with the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge international research.
Finally, this Annual Meeting will be held in Kanazawa City for the second time after half a century since the 28th Annual Meeting in 1969, chaired by Professor Hajime Okamoto (then Professor of the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University). Through these new programs, we aim to disseminate the latest achievements in cancer research from Kanazawa, contribute to the revitalization of the region, and support the recovery of the Noto Peninsula. We look forward to welcoming you to the 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association.
The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association
President Masanobu Oshima
Professor, Division of Genetics,
Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University)
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。