You are welcome to contribute to the congress by submitting an abstract to the Scientific Committee to be considered for an oral or a poster presentation.
The abstract submission deadline is May 1, 2025.
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The accepted abstracts will be published in an online PDF abstract book.
Before submitting your abstract, we kindly ask you to read the abstract information below.
Abstracts must be submitted online via the abstract submission form. Abstracts cannot be submitted by fax, hard copy, or e-mail. We kindly ask you to register your participation at the congress as well by the Early bird registration until 1 July, 2025.
Before submitting, please check carefully that your abstract is in accordance with the guidelines as no further changes are allowed after submission. If the format requirements are not followed, your abstract will be automatically rejected.
Confirmation of a successful submission
When your abstract is successfully submitted, you will receive a PDF confirmation via e-mail, containing the exact details of the submission (including the title, co-authors, and text). If you do not receive an e-mail within a few minutes, please contact the Delegate Services via:
By submitting an abstract in the submission form, the author(s) transfer copyright ownership so it can be published in the congress proceedings.
Format - layout
The abstract can be up to 1,250 characters long (excluding the title and author(s)' data), which is approx. 250 words. The format of the abstract is fixed and must contain information on the background and aims; methods; results; discussion.
A statement that “the results will be discussed” is not acceptable. Tables, graphs and figures are NOT allowed. Do not use subheadings in bold. No advertisements.
Please indicate whether you prefer a poster or an oral presentation.
Abstracts must be written in English. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author if the abstract is accepted.
Firstly, please note that abstracts are not edited after approval. Therefore, please proofread your abstract carefully before submission, since it will be printed exactly as submitted.
Also, once the abstract has been reviewed, changes to the abstract cannot be accepted. If an error is later identified, you are free to withdraw your abstract if you wish. During the abstract’s uploading process, you will need to list all the co-authors of your abstract.
Please note that if your abstract is accepted, at least one author needs to register before the end of early bird (July 1, 2025).
The Nordic Stroke Society is delighted to offer three scholarships (to be selected from abstract submitters) to cover the congress registration fee, one for each group:
• stroke nurse
• physician, specializing physician, or PhD student
• applicant from other professional groups such as physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist, social worker, or study coordinator.
If you want to apply for the scholarship, please send a free-form justification of up to 100 words to the NSS secretary ( after you have submitted your abstract. In your e-mail, please speficy which of the three groups you belong to.