◆ 会议时间:2025年10月20-23日
◆ 会议地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
◆ 会议简介:
SIOP 2025 - 57th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology
October 20-23, 2025
Venue: RAI Amsterdam (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Abstract Submission Opens: December 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (midnight CET)
Abstract Notification: end of June, 2025
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Period: July 15 – Aug 19, 2025 *
*Late Breaking Abstract Submission is NOT a deadline extension of the general abstract submission deadline. The late breaking abstracts are reserved for highly relevant, impactful research whereby the data became available in the last three months.
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
- Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only.
- Presentation Type: Abstracts may be submitted for Oral or Poster. (Late breaking submission will be submitted ONLY for Oral pretension.)
- All Oral\Poster presenters must be IN PERSON in Amsterdam. Only E-Poster viewing category will be possible for Virtual participants. SIOP 2025 will NOT offer any pre-recorded\ virtual Oral presentations.
- Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
- Previous Publications of an Abstract – the work must not have been previously accepted by, or published in a peer reviewed journal at the time of abstract submission
- Previous Presentation of an Abstract – the work must not have been previously presented at a meeting of any other scientific organization with more than 500 attendees prior to the SIOP congress
- Prospective multicenter trials as well as presentation of large translational works are considered as major quality criteria. Inter-diseases sessions (such as target, pathway or immunology oriented) will be planned.
- Case reports and small institutional series of limited added scientific value are not encouraged.
- Clinical Trials in Progress Abstracts cannot be submitted
- Shell Abstracts (abstracts that provide no data) cannot be submitted
A shell abstract is one that intends to have data but the data are either not collected yet or analyzed yet. Qualitative data are appropriate to submit.
- The same person may submit up to 5 abstracts regardless of presenting author.
- The same person may serve as presenting author on up to 5 abstracts.
- Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees by the date indicated in the notification email will be scheduled for presentation and included for publication.
- Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the official Congress publications.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission, before submitting the abstract.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. Authors who would like assistance with the English writing of their abstract, should contact us at siop_abstracts@kenes.com at least 2 weeks prior the deadline.
- Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Abstract submitters will be required to disclose any conflict of interests in the submission form.
- Instructions for preparation of presentations will be made available on the congress website.
- All accepted abstracts that their presenting author has registered by the deadline indicated in the notification email will be published in the Pediatric Blood and Cancer (PBC) online supplement.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author’s contact details:
– Full first and family name(s)
– Email address
– Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city state (if relevant), Country
– Phone number
- Author and co-authors’ details
- Preferred Presentation type: Oral Presentation/Poster
- Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words. Please submit symbols as words.
- Abstract text – limited to 300 words including acknowledgements.
- Abstract topic– select the abstract topic per the list of topics.
- Text only is to be submitted. Tables, figures and bulleted text are not permitted.
- Abstracts should clearly state:
Background and aims
- Use only standard abbreviations. Abbreviations must be consistent with instructions to authors of the Pediatric Blood & Cancer Journal and be defined on 1st usage, then use of abbreviation alone is OK, i.e. Wilms Tumor (WT), then referred to as “WT” in subsequent mention. Please use as few abbreviations as possible and only commonly used abbreviations.
- Disease names should be written without apostrophes, for example: Wilms tumour, Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, etc. Please do not refer to patients by their diseases, e.g. ‘Wilms tumour patients’ or ALL patients’. Instead identify them as ‘patients with Wilms tumour; and ‘patients with ALL’.
- Use generic names of drugs. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content.
- Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers or other identifying information.
- Numbers over 999 must include a comma, e.g., 2,000.
- Decimal points must be displayed as periods (4.89) not commas (4,89).
- Numbers beginning with a decimal point should be preceded by a zero.
- Periods should be used in numbers for decimal points, not commas, i.e. P=0.015
- All measurements must be in metric units.
- Do not begin sentences with a number – type the number in full, for example, it should be ‘Three patients….’ Instead of ‘3 patients….’.
- Do not use expressions such as ‘On the other hand……’; ‘This is the first study….’; ‘To our knowledge…..’; ‘This is the largest….’.
- Abstracts stating “data will be discussed in the presentation” will NOT be accepted.
- Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to save your abstract. You may log in to the system later to make changes to your abstract, up to the submission deadline. After the deadline, changes will not be possible.
- You will receive an abstract reference number via email after you have submitted your abstract. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- Please contact us at siop_abstracts@kenes.com if you have not received confirmation that your abstract has been submitted.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
During abstract submission you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the following:
- I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published as submitted.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. Congress website, programs, other promotions, etc.)
- The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that no part of the information and content provided by him/her (Hereafter: the “Content“) to SIOP 2025 and Kenes International (Hereafter: the “Organizers“), nor the publication of any such Content by the Organizers, on the internet or otherwise infringes any third party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
- The Abstract Submitter grants the Organizers a copyright license to reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the text of the Content on a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive basis.
- I herewith confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the presenting author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The presenting author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract. The submitting author may request to be copied on abstract correspondence.
- I understand that the presenting author must be a registered participant.
- The Organizers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation an abstract which does not comply with the above.
- I understand that I must select a specific Theme, Topic and/or Sub-Topic for my abstract allocation. Although the Committee will work hard to honor this selection, this cannot be guaranteed. The Committee reserves the right to change the Theme, Topic or Sub-Topic under which the abstract was originally submitted.
All abstracts will be evaluated anonymously and scored by the appropriate Scientific Programme Advisory Working Group members. The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
The Scientific Committee will determine If accepted as:
- an oral presentation;
- a poster presentation, possibly with a poster session participation or special Scientific Committee mention;
- a journal publication
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Period: July 15 – Aug 19, 2025 *
*Late Breaking Abstract Submission is NOT a deadline extension of the general abstract submission deadline. The late breaking abstracts are reserved for highly relevant, impactful research whereby the data became available in the last three months.
Recognizing that the results of some high impact research may not be available by the general abstract submission deadline, SIOP offers an option for late breaking abstracts.
Please read the submission rules before submitting a late breaking abstract.
- The late breaking abstracts are reserved for highly relevant, impactful research whereby the data became available in the last three months.
- Only three Oral abstracts will be selected.
- Retrospective or single center studies are typically not competitive.
- This is NOT a deadline extension of the general abstract submission deadline.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we invite you to join us for the 57th Annual SIOP Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 20-23 October 2025. As we gather in this vibrant and historic city, we look forward to an enriching congress experience that celebrates our shared mission to advance childhood cancer care globally.
The Local Organising Committee, under the guidance of Dr Rob Pieters and Dr Gertjan Kaspers has worked tirelessly to prepare a congress that showcases the best of Amsterdam’s charm alongside an inspiring programme that will challenge and stimulate our thinking. From our opening to our closing session, the 2025 Congress will present exceptional opportunities for networking, collaboration, and professional growth.
The Scientific Committee has once again curated an outstanding programme, featuring internationally renowned speakers and a diverse array of symposia addressing the most pressing issues in paediatric oncology today. Whether you are new to our congress or a returning delegate, you will find the programme to be both intellectually rewarding and practically valuable, reflecting the latest advances and global trends in childhood cancer research and care.
Amsterdam’s accessibility and central location in Europe make it an ideal setting for a truly global gathering. We are thrilled to welcome experts and practitioners from across the world, and we anticipate robust participation from all regions. This year’s congress will include more biological, translational and clinical research and will feature specific tracks and sessions designed to foster cross-regional collaboration and knowledge-sharing, especially as we continue our commitment to the WHO Global Initiative on Childhood Cancer and the PARC programme.
As part of our dedication to inclusivity and supporting the next generation of paediatric oncology leaders, we are excited to offer scholarships for Young SIOP members from low- and middle-income countries. We encourage all eligible applicants to apply, and we will be sharing further details soon on how you can be part of this enriching congress experience.
The 2025 congress will prioritise meaningful in-person interactions to spark ideas and collaborations, while offering recorded content for those unable to attend.
As the SIOP Congress continues to grow in scope and impact, we are confident that this year’s gathering in Amsterdam will set a new standard for excellence, inclusion, and discovery. Join us in making the 2025 Congress an unforgettable chapter in our shared journey towards a world where every child with cancer has the chance to thrive.
Your presence, insights, and enthusiasm make each congress an event to remember, and together, we will ensure the 2025 Congress in Amsterdam is nothing short of historic.
With warm regards,
Dr Guillermo Luis Chantada
SIOP President
Dr Rob Pieters
Local Organising
Committee Chair
Dr Gertjan Kaspers
Local Organising
Committee Chair
Dr Asim Belgaumi
Scientific Committee Chair
Registration fees (in EUR):
Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines.
Until July 23, 2025 |
From July 24 till Sept 29, 2024 |
From Sept 30, 2024 |
Members* Physicians (SIOP, IPSO, PROS) High-income countries |
€ 625 |
€ 875 |
€ 1050 |
Non-Members Physicians High-income countries |
€ 925 |
€ 1050 |
€ 1250 |
Members*- Nurses, Young SIOP/ IPSO Young Surgeons***, CCI, Allied Health and other Professional Members***** |
€ 325 |
€ 475 |
€ 625 |
Non Members - Nurses, Trainee/Students, Parents/Survivors Allied Health and other Professionals***** |
€ 425 |
€ 575 |
€ 750 |
Members* Physicians (SIOP, IPSO, PROS) - LIC/LMIC/UMIC** |
€ 325 |
€ 475 |
€ 625 |
Non-Members Physicians - LIC/LMIC/UMIC** |
€ 475 |
€ 625 |
€ 775 |
Members* - Nurses, Young SIOP/IPSO Young Surgeons CCI***, Allied Health and other Professionals*****, - LIC/LMIC/UMIC** |
€ 225 |
€ 325 |
€ 425 |
Non Members - Nurses, Trainee/Students, Parents/Survivors, Allied Health and other Professionals*****, LIC/LMIC/UMIC** |
€ 275 |
€ 375 |
€ 475 |
Registration Categories - Virtual ONLINE |
Early Bird (EUR) |
Late Fees (EUR) |
Onsite Fees (EUR) |
Members* (HIC) |
€ 300 |
€ 350 |
N/A |
Non Members (HIC) |
€ 400 |
€ 450 |
N/A |
Members* (UMIC/LIC**), Young SIOP, CCI, Nurses, Allied Health and other Professionals*****, Students**** |
€150 |
€ 200 |
N/A |
Non Members (UMIC/LIC**), Young SIOP, CCI, Nurses, Allied Health and other Professionals*****, Students**** |
€ 250 |
€ 300 |
N/A |
* SIOP, IPSO and PROS Members: in order to apply for this category, please ensure your membership is approved and fees are paid for 2025 before you start the registration process. Registration will not be confirmed otherwise. Join or renew your SIOP Membership – click here
Important! In order to benefit from SIOP Membership reduced rate – please apply for membership at least 5 working days prior to registration deadline.
** LIC/LMIC/UMIC – Low-Income Countries registration fee refers to Low income, Lower-middle-income and Upper-middle-income economies as listed here and defined according to the World Bank Country Classification. Click here to see the list of countries
*** Young SIOP Member / IPSO Young Surgeons– Young Investigators/ Surgeons aged 39 or less.
****Students/Residents/Fellows-In order to benefit from the special fee, a submission of your status confirmation (approval letter signed by the Head of Department or copy of your status ID) must be uploaded during the online registration.
***** Psycho-social workers and Health care professionals
What does the registration fee include:
What the registration fees include (In-person participation):
- Access to all Sessions
- Invitation to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
- Access to the Exhibition and Poster Area
- Refreshments according to the congress timetable
- All sessions will be available on demand in the virtual platform for up to 3 months after the meeting
What the registration fees include (On-demand recording/Online participation):
- Open access to all presentations and session recordings.
- Earn CME credits. Be eligible to receive the number of CME credits attributed to the virtual meeting.
- Access all the e-posters. Browse research on the hottest topics published in the congress digital abstract book and connect with the abstract authors and other colleagues from around the world through the e-poster virtual consultations.
Please note that as a SIOP member, you can access all videos for free from SIOP CONNECT as of Jan 2026 (part of your SIOP membership benefits). However, if you choose to access the recordings via SIOP CONNECT in Jan 2025, you will not be able to get CME credits.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。