2026年第29届世界癌症大会- World Cancer Congress(WCC)

◆ 会议时间:2026年9月24-26日
◆ 会议地点:中国 香港(Hong Kong)


◆ 会议简介:


国际抗癌联盟(UICC)成立于1933年,总部位于日内瓦,是世界上最具影响力的肿瘤防治学术组织,在全球160多个国家拥有1000多家会员组织,UICC代表了世界主要的癌症协会、卫生部门和患者组织,包括有影响力的政策制定者、癌症预防和控制研究人员和专家, UICC还拥有超过50个战略合作伙伴。UICC每两年组织一届世界癌症大会。

UICC 2026 World Cancer Congress (WCC)

时间/ Dates:
24 - 26 September 2024

Hong Kong, China

Organized by:
Union for International Cancer Control(UICC)
Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society




The call for abstracts will run from Wednesday, 31 January, until Thursday, 4 April 2024.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


  1. Present your work at an award-winning conference and contribute to accelerating progress in the global fight against cancer
  2. Shine a light on your work and showcase your expertise to a global multi-sectoral audience
  3. Profile your experience, your organisation and your impactful achievements on a powerful platform
  4. Receive valuable feedback and return home with some new perspectives
  5. Share best practices with your peers from around the world and make useful connections



Three types of submission are welcomed at the Congress:

  1. Abstracts on scientific studies describing the collection, analysis and interpretation of cancer-relevant data (clinical, behavioural, epidemiological, etc) NB: Clinical studies must be currently relevant to cancer control. In vitro and animal studies are out of scope for this Congress and should not be submitted. 
  2. Summaries of practice, policy and advocacy reports with impact describing innovative cancer and NCD programmes in detection, care, support, prevention, organisation.
  3. Summaries of fundraising campaign reports describing programmes to build public support to fund or donate to cancer and NCD control causes.


  1. All submissions should be made in English and only through the online submission platform. Abstracts submitted in another language than English will be automatically rejected.
  2. The abstract must contain at least 1,500 characters and cannot contain more than 3,000 characters (blank spaces, punctuation as well as authors’ affiliation and titles included). 
  3. A prescribed format has been identified for each type of submission format:
    • Scientific studies. Background, aim, methods, results, conclusions.
    • Practice, policy and advocacy reports. Background and context, aim, strategy/tactics, programme/policy process, outcomes, what was learned (develop any replicability potential)
    • Fundraising campaign reports. Amount raised, background and context, aim, strategy/tactics, programme process, stakeholders involved, costs and returns, innovative methods, what was learned. Mention any replicability potential.
  4. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections are possible after the submission. The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Please ensure that the abstract is complete. No proofreading will be done.
  5. Work reported in abstracts should meet international ethical standards.
  6. Abbreviations should be defined.
  7. All graphics and supporting visuals need to be commented upon and have an explanatory title.
  8. The submitting author accepts must declare all of the authors’ conflicts of interest for the last 5 years. An abstract or summary report cannot be accepted if the conflict-of-interest disclosure has not been ticked on the submission form. If the project or one of the co-authors has a conflict of interest, this must be clearly stated within the submission form and then, later, upon acceptance of the abstract, disclosed within the presentation.
  9. Each author needs to have authorized the submitter to submit the abstract, and then, later, upon acceptance of the abstract, approve its presentation at the Congress. The submission system will require co-authors' details to notify them of the abstract submission.
  10. Please ensure that all sources of information and references are included.
  11. Once you have successfully submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email with an abstract ID number to use in any communication you might have with the organisers.
  12. Abstracts can be re-edited and modified until you click “submit” for final submission. Once submitted, abstracts cannot be edited.
  13. All abstracts should be finalised and submitted by 4 April 2024 at 23:59 CET.
  14. As a result of the abstract review phase 1, all submitters will receive a notification of acceptance or rejection of their abstract by 10 April 2024.
  15. As a result of the abstract review phase 2, by 24 May 2024, all submitters will receive a notification of their presentation format.
  16. By 5 July 2024, all accepted abstract will have to either:
    • fully register, if selected for an in-person presentation at the World Cancer Congress in Geneva. A full registration also includes the accepted abstract to be published in the eLibrary on the online platform.


    • purchase a digital pass for the online platform if the accepted abstract is to feature in the abstract eLibrary only

      A presenter that has not registered or purchased a digital pass by 6 July will have their abstract withdrawn from the programme and the abstract eLibrary.


All accepted abstracts will be available in the abstract eLibrary hosted on the dedicated Congress online platform.

By 24 May, all submitters will be notified of the format of the presentation of their accepted abstract. The selection is based on the average score received. As a result, some abstracts and summary reports will be presented in person at the World Cancer Congress under one of the following presentation formats:

  1. Abstract oral: 8-minute in-person presentation (incl. 2 minutes of Questions and Answers from the in-person audience). Abstract oral presentations are part of a larger session and will be scheduled for presentation in front of an audience of up to 80 people.
    Before 5 July:
    Abstract presenters from this category must purchase a registration to attend the Congress in person in Geneva.
  2. Rapid Fire: 3-minute presentation in front of an audience of up to 80 people.
    Before 5 July:
    Abstract presenters from this category must purchase a registration to present at the Congress in person in Geneva. In addition to the on-site presentation, the accepted abstract will be part of the abstract eLibrary available on the online platform, and for self-consultation in the Theme Pavillions of the Global Village.
  3. Inclusion in the abstract eLibrary + meeting facility: The abstract eLibrary will be hosted on the online platform.
    Before 5 July, submitters and authors who wish to have their accepted abstracts appear in the abstract eLibrary will need to either purchase a registration if they wish to attend the Congress in-person in Geneva, or a digital access if they cannot travel to Geneva and only wish to only have their abstract available in the abstract eLibrary. 

    Connect pro-actively: UICC would like to encourage useful connections and new collaborations amongst participants. All submitters are invited to use the online platform to set-up meetings with other participants to present their work to them. Meetings can be set-up and conducted virtually either directly through the online platform or in-person in Geneva, in one of the lounge areas of the Congress. 


The review process is based on an independent two-tier review process from the Congress Abstract Committee and an international panel of health experts.

  • 31 January – 4 April 2024: Call for Abstracts & Ongoing Abstract Review Phase 1

The Abstract Committee screens submissions, and all submitters are notified if the abstract is accepted or rejected.

  • 10 April – 10 May 2024: Abstract Review Phase 2

The Abstract Committee, supported by a selected panel of 130+ experts, scores accepted abstracts.

  • 24 May 2024: Notification of presentation format and time slot to all accepted abstract submitters
  • 5 July 2024: All abstract presenters confirmed with a full registration or digital pass for inclusion in the abstract eLibrary.




UICC 2024 注册费:

Registration prices


First 300 registrations

Next 500 registrations


17 - 19 Sept. 2024

Onsite registrations

Digital access only

Standard rate

CHF 640

CHF 860

CHF 1'060 CHF 1'260 CHF 280

UICC members & UN agencies

CHF 570

CHF 730

CHF 900 CHF 1'110 CHF 230

UICC members from low-income​ or lower-middle income countries*

CHF 480

CHF 580

CHF 740 CHF 980 CHF 180

Standard rate for low-income​ or lower-middle income countries*

CHF 530

CHF 670

CHF 820 CHF 1'000 CHF 200

Students (universities and medical schools as UICC members and non members from all countries)**

CHF 300

CHF 360

CHF 360 CHF 410 CHF 100

Daily pass



CHF 490 CHF 650


*Low-income​ or lower-middle-income countries - as per World Bank ClassificationUpper-middle-income countries are not included in this price category.  

**Proof of student status (student ID card) will be requested during the registration process. 


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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