◆ 会议时间:2024年10月23-25日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 热那亚
◆ 会议简介:
2024年第27届世界哮喘病学大会(WCA 2024)将于2024年10月23-25日在意大利热那亚举行。世界哮喘病大会(WCA)由全球哮喘病学协会(GAA-INTERASMA)主办。
WCA 2024 - 27th World Congress of Asthma
Date: October 23-25, 2024
Venue:Genoa, Italy
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our privilege and honor to welcome you to participate in the 27th World Congress of Asthma – WCA-2024 GAA-Interasma, Hotel NH Marina, Genova, Italy.
The World Congress of Asthma brings together specialists, physicians, and healthcare professionals from all over the world to share valuable scientific knowledge on asthma and related conditions.
WCA has been a unique opportunity to exchange on current issues on asthma, offering and outstanding scientific program, including presentations by world-renowned speakers. The 27th World Congress of Asthma – WCA-2024 GAA-Interasma, Hotel NH Marina, Genova, Italy, will continue its tradition of excellence and you are welcome to take part to this unique world event.
GAA-INTERASMA presence after 65 years of uninterrupted education in the field of asthma, making it the most important international asthma and related diseases organization in the world, as well as a reference organization particularly for primary care physicians, specialists, healthcare providers and medical students.
◆ 参会对象:呼吸科医生,外科医生,重症监护医生,护士,医院管理者、呼吸科主任、副主任、医生及从事该领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。