◆ 会议时间:2026年10月11-15日
◆ 会议地点:韩国 釜山
◆ 会议简介:
WFITN 2026 -
18th Congress of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology
October 11-15, 2026
Busan, Korea
Abstract submission opens:
10 January 2024
Deadline for submission of abstracts :
10 May 2024
Confirmation for Abstract Acceptance:
12 June 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Please carefully follow the instructions for the abstract layout and submission:
- After you create your account in the on-line registration system you can submit your abstract
- The title must begin with a capital letter and be followed by lower case letters. Use capital and lower-case letters as appropriate for abbreviations in title (e.g.: CSP)
The title is limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
- Please provide the data of the co-authors (name, affiliations). Ensure that all author information is included and entered correctly.
- Please provide the abstract body text. The body text is limited to a maximum of 3000 characters.
The body must be divided into four sections.
- Purpose - a brief statement of the report's purpose
- Materials and Methods - numbers of subjects, procedures performed, analysis, methods
- Results - major findings (for case reports these last two sections are replaced by summary of cases(s)
- Conclusion - one or two sentences statement resulted from the report
- Please save your work before logging off
You can save your work by clicking on the "Save abstract and submit later" button. If you do not submit the abstract, it can be edited and revised online as many times as needed before 10 May 2024.
Presenting authors are required to register for the congress. No funding is provided for submitters. Any presenter not registered by 27 June 2024 will not have his abstract included in the program. The decision of accepting or not the abstracts is at the Scientific Program Committee discretion Accepted abstracts will be published in a Supplement of Interventional Neuroradiology. English is the official meeting language.
Dear Colleagues,
It is an honor and a pleasure for me to welcome you to the 17th World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology Congress which will be held in the vibrant city of New York, 6-10 October 2024.
You will have the unique opportunity to engage with leaders in the field of neuroradiology, attend cutting-edge, thought-provoking presentations, and participate in interactive discussions with your peers from around the world. Our scientific program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and engaging experience, and we are confident that you will leave the congress with a wealth of new knowledge and inspiration.
Expect that special mix of clinical diagnostic knowledge and technical skills that characterize our meetings, we will have plenary sessions and morning and lunch seminars; again we will focus to give young researchers the opportunity for dedicated sessions to foster worldwide talent. And of course, you can look forward to an area of labs and hands-on courses to experience the latest developments, devices and materials.
There will be the possibility of benefit from educational grants provided by MedTech member companies to support medical education.
We are excited to offer the scientific and cultural feast of a lifetime to one of the most refined crowds in the profession, in one the most welcoming, intimately exciting venues of the world. Come to New York in October 2024 and join us in forging this unforgettable experience.
Let’s meet in New York City in October 2024!
Cordial Regards,
Prof. Seon-Kyu Lee
President WFITN 2024 Congress
Professor of Radiology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery
Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, NY, USA
Type of Registration |
Early Bird
until 27 June 2024 |
28 June - 28 August 2024 |
On and after 29 August 2024 |
Federation Member |
750 USD |
850 USD |
950 USD |
Students*, Nurses |
150 USD |
250 USD |
350 USD |
Non Member, Industries |
850 USD |
950 USD |
1050 USD |
- Registration will be confirmed after receiving full payment. Those who do not receive a confirmation notice before the conference, are requested to contact the registration secretariat at registration@wfitn2024.org. Only participants who complete their registration will be included in the program.
- The date of payment is decisive for the registration fee. Even if the registration form is received before the early bird or regular deadline, it will not be considered as early or regular registration if the payment has not been received before the deadlines.
- WFITN 2024 plans to take photographs and video material at the 17th Congress of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology in New York, USA and reproduce them in WFITN 2024 educational, news or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the WFITN 2024 website. By participating at the 17th Congress of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology in New York, USA, you grant WFITN 2024 the right to use your name, photograph and biography for such purposes. All postings become the property of WFITN 2024. Postings may be displayed, distributed, or used by WFITN 2024 for any purpose.
* To be eligible for the students are required to produce documentary evidence of their status. Without this documentation, delegate fees will be applied. |
Registration Fees include:
- Congress Materials
- Welcome cocktail
- Coffee breaks
- Certificate of attendance
Please note that we do NOT propose day pass or «visitor pass» nor «exhibition pass only».
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。